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Top Rated Scripts | PHP

Results 21-40 of 1000
AdiInviter Pro - Contacts Importer And Tell A Friend System
The ultimate contacts importer and tell-a-friend system for your website. Allow your website visitors to import and invite their contacts to your website from various webmail and social network services around the world. With the help of AdiInviter Pro, your website visitors can import and invite their contacts to your website from Google, Facebook, Twitter, Yahoo, Outlook, Linkedin, AOL, iCloud, Viadeo, MailChimp, GMX, T-online, Web.de and many other services. Ready-made integration for Wordpress, Joomla, JomSocial, Drupal, Boonex, phpFox, BuddyPress, bbPress, Community Builder, IPB, vBulletin, XenForo, CodeIgniter, Expression Engine, Laravel, CakePHP, Zend Framework, Yii Framework and lot more. Standalone Version For Any PHP Website : Standalone version of AdiInviter Pro can be installed and integrated with any kind of website or platform coded in PHP.
(5 ratings)
PriceUSD 49.99
CryptoWall - Bitcoin Offerwall - Cover Image
CryptoWall - Bitcoin Offerwall
I'm happy introduce to you CryptoWall, a new system which let you create your own Offerwall system using Bitcoin as currency. Using this system, you can start earning money by selling web traffic or youtube views, at the moment this being a niche with much potential and doesn't require too much investments or time.
(5 ratings)
PriceUSD 299.00
posted byAzDGinMatch Making
AzDGDatingPlatinum is the most powerful Dating script working on PHP and MySQL. 100% Templates Based, Search engine optimized, Messaging System, Multilanguage, MultiTemplate, Ban Users, Blogs, Articles, Testimonials, Moderators, News, Matchmaker, Polls, Featured Profiles (Top Men and Women), upload up to 64 photos and unlimited number of private photos, Birthdays, Recommend Us, Powerful Admin Maillist, Quick/Simple/Advanced search, thumbnails, friend`s links, profiles subscription, messages control, privilegied users by IP, ban users by IP, decrease photos when upload, show photos on Favorites, Feedback, FAQ, PayPal/2CheckOut/Webmoney /MoneyBookers/NOCHEX/E-GO LD/WorldPay integration, Affiliates, BadWords Checking, E-cards, Chat, Access Management, Forum, Cache System, Banner Ads, Who seen my profile, Hidden profiles, MultiTemplate, Database Backup, Comments, Hot or Not, Google and Youtube Videos, Flash template and more...
(4 ratings)
PriceUSD 295.00
Subrion Web Directory Software
Subrion is an advanced web directory script with full set of useful features. Its functionality is so wide that allows to create any kind of directory from small subject directories to huge portals in Yahoo and DMOZ style. No matter if you plan to create free or paid directory, or combine free and paid listings Subrion online directory script can easily organize it for you. To enhance this ability, Subrion has build-in invoicing, payment gateway (PayPal, 2checkout, Alertpay), and discount coupons. SEO friendly structure guarantees that your site will be quickly and actively indexed by all known search engines. Unlimited level of categories structure; multi crossed listings and categories, deeplinks, featured, sponsored and partner listings; easy customizable templates; reciprocal listings; easy integration with 3rd party scripts and much more in one script. Great support community. Free installation and lifetime upgrades!
(4 ratings)
PriceUSD 99.00
Php Flash Video Gallery
PHP Script for creating a FLV video gallery in your web page with multiple configurations: image autocapture, autoplay, design colors, video titles, video images items, video align, .... Select your FLV VIDEOS FOLDER AND READY¡¡¡. The download includes a program for edit flv videos and convert file videos(AVI, MPG, ...) in flv format.
(4 ratings)
PriceEUR 11.00
Free Web Counter Service Script
posted byetiinImage Based
Free Web Counter Service Script, Create own webcounter service, Free WebCounter like Own Service ... Free Stuff from www.ETI.pw
(4 ratings)
xTraffic - Traffic Exchange System
xTraffic is a very complex script used to create an amazing traffic exchange system, which besides his main goal (generating web traffic) can be turned into a "Paid to Visit" system, where your users can convert generated coins into real money.
(4 ratings)
PriceUSD 99.00
Paid4Short - Crypto PTC Shortlink - Cover Image
Paid4Short - Crypto PTC Shortlink
I’m happy introduce to you Paid4Short, a new system which let you create your own Crypto Shortlink PTC website. Using this system, you can start earning money by rewarding your users for visiting paid shortlinks, at the moment this being a niche with much potential and doesn’t require too much investments or time.
(4 ratings)
PriceUSD 59.99
PaidOffers - Ultimate GPT System - Cover Image
PaidOffers - Ultimate GPT System
PaidOffers Script is a new Get Paid To system which brings most desired features togheter into a complete system. This system was designed to be attractive and easy to use. With plenty of different features this system was designed to bring revenue and promote itself in a short time. Some of main features of this system are listed bellow, but to see this system working, we invite you to check the demo.
(4 ratings)
PriceUSD 124.99
PaidOffers Lite - Notik Version
This script is a LITE version of PaidOffers GPT System distributed for FREE in partnership with Notik Offerwall. If you feel like this script is not enough for you, I invite you to check full version of the script, where you can find many more offerwalls available, plenty of new features like Tasks or Referrals and alot of optimisations and security improvements like Proxy check, waiting period for completed offers to prevent fraudulent activities and many more. Demo: lite.paidoffers.net Username: Admin Password: PaidOffers
(4 ratings)
WorkUpJob Clone Laravel PHP Script - Cover Image
WorkUpJob Clone Laravel PHP Script
posted byabthemeinWeb Sites
Workupjob is a freelancing, outsourcing and crowdsourcing marketplace. We connect clients and freelancers globally from all over the World. Through our marketplace, clients can hire freelancers to do work in areas such as promoting on social networks, writing, testing websites, data entry, downloading, searching, installing and testing mobile apps right through to language learning, sales and marketing, accounting and legal services. #WorkUpJob #Laravel_WorkUpJob #WorkUpJob_script #WorkUpJob_Clone
(4 ratings)
PriceUSD 99.00
Installing PHP 3.x.x for Apache 1.x.x on Windows 9x
This is a step-by-step guide to installing PHP3 for Apache on Windows 9x. These instructions assume that you installed Apache for Windows 9x as outlined here. They should work with any standard Apache installation.
(3 ratings)
Include/insert your gif/jpg image inside your PHP script using base64-encodeing. This enables you to create a good functional website with images, using only one file: Your php-script. The script it self is also a good example of how this works. Enjoy creating better php-scripts and less files. Added download of your generated code and better information. Nice look, upload functionality, and the ability to save and display code. Latest version update: Bug fix in show code on screen.
(3 ratings)
Date class
A full featured class that encapsulates a date and a time. Features: setters and getters like setYear(), getHours(); formatters - toString(), Format(); add and substract methods; Some comparators - compareTo( Date ), daysTo( Date ).
(3 ratings)
phpBuoy is a simple little PHP script which parses the realtime buoy data provided by the National Data Buoy Center and presents it in a nicely formatted HTML table. It's quite easy to use as a PHP or SSI include and the script can get data for any buoy listed on the NDBC site. There are complete customization instructions included within the file, including the ability to display data in metric or English measurements, select from 12 or 24 hour clock, and choose from American MM-DD-YYYY or International DD-MM-YYYY date formats.
(3 ratings)
Dodos Image Sort Script
This script makes sorting images based on their width or height easier. You don't have to specify your images width or height. It automatically detect them and sort according to width or height in an ascending or descending order. Very little php knowledge is required to use this script.
(3 ratings)
Backup DB
Backup DB is a very easy to use MySQL database Backup/Restore utility written in PHP and Perl. The interface is written in PHP to keep things streamlined and the backup/restore processes are written in Perl to avoid PHP's limitations in the areas of safe_mode file ownership and system commands (v1.10 adds the option of using PHP files for the backup/restore process). Backups are compressed to limit storage space, organized by database (for ease of restoring), and saved with the date appended to the filename (to allow multiple backups). You can backup or restore one or more (or all) tables in the selected database at once.
(3 ratings)
Price 11.00
OracleEditor.php is a standalone PHP script which allows you to browse your Oracle database tables/views and insert, update and delete rows in any table. It has two modes for SQL entry - one is wizard-like, the other one allows executing arbitrary SQL statements. It requires no installation and no configuration. It is written for situations where you quickly need to do some small data manipulation and don't have a better tool available. OracleEditor.php is free and Open Source.
(3 ratings)
SilverCounter is based on PHP and MySQL. Shows the number of total visitors, today's visitors and online users. In the Admin Control Panel you can modify: seconds for which a user is shown as online user; IP blockade, without IP blockade or how long an IP will be saved; total visitors and today visitors; HTML code of the counter; the code you need to integrate, the date of install and the actual news from Silver-Scripts.de are shown in the ACP. SilverCounter is very easy to install and handle. It's written in english and in german.
(3 ratings)
PHP Button Generator - A Dynamic Button Engine for Web Site
posted byallaboutwebinPHP
PHP Button Generator - A Dynamic Button Engine for Web Site Using button templates, windows True Type fonts(TTF), small icons to dynamic generate buttons for your web pages. Use it with Cascading Style Sheets(CSS) to let user to choose their web skin, give your web site in a new look.
(3 ratings)
Results 21-40 of 1000