PrestaShop News Blocks Addon
posted byFME ModulesinMiscellaneous
PrestaShop News Blocks Addon is used to display news, content, video, images and tables in the header and footer of the web-store.These entities are added by the use of static blocks which used standard HTML Coding to add videos, images, tables etc.
PriceUSD 54.05
PrestaShop Custom Fields Addon
posted byFME ModulesinMiscellaneous
PrestaShop Custom Fields Addon is used to create additional fields on the sign-up page of web-store.One of the purpose of these fields is to keep follow up with the customers after the purchase of a product. This addon bypass the default PrestaShop sign-up form and allow the admin to add custom fields there.
PriceEUR 39.00
PrestaShop Hide Prices from Competitor Addon
posted byFME ModulesinMiscellaneous
PrestaShop Hide Prices from Competitor Addon is used to hide the prices for products. In place of price, admin can display his contact number so that the customers visiting the product page will consult with the web-merchant for price inquiry.
PriceUSD 39.20
PrestaShop Additional Fields Addon
posted byFME ModulesinMiscellaneous
PrestaShop Additional Fields Addon is used to create multiple type of fields on the checkout page.This information is necessary to hold follow up between the customers and clients. This plugin automatically bypass the settings of default PrestaShop form and let allow the admin to create many fields on the checkout.
PriceUSD 59.47
Remove URLs ID Module
posted byFME ModulesinMiscellaneous
This Remove URLs ID Module is used to remove auto generated IDs, tags and numbers from the URLs.According to Google Web-master guidelines, clean URLs are recommended by the Google that means Google ranks those sites better which have clean URLs. This plug-in helps to implement this Google guideline.
PriceUSD 39.20
Google Snippets PrestaShop for Your Web-store
posted byFME ModulesinMiscellaneous
This Google Snippets PrestaShop for Your Web-store is used to show rich snippets in the product listing in the search results of Google.This plug-in helps to show additional information of the product in the snippets such as rating, reviews, product stock status, bread crumbs etc. It is basically a tool to increase the CRT(Click Through Rate) of the web-store.
PriceUSD 47.30
Presta Products Seller Page Tabs Maker Module
posted byFME ModulesinMiscellaneous
This Presta Products Seller Page Tabs Maker Module helps the web-store to make extra tabs on product pages of their e-store. Admin can include all type of date in these tabs such as product videos, images, links, text, tutorials etc. More info at FMEModules website.
PriceUSD 39.20
Cpanel Plugin - File & DB Changes Monitoring
posted byeVuln.cominMiscellaneous
Cpanel module with 20% partner revenue.
- changes in files
- changes in DB
- antivirus and antispam scanning
- external security monitoring (blacklists checking, JS malware detection, suspicious redirects, iframes, defaces
PrestaShop Product Labels Inserter Plugin
posted byFME ModulesinMiscellaneous
This PrestaShop Product Labels Inserter Plugin is used to insert different type of labels on the product images,So that customers get updated about latest updates,offers and incentives about these products. Such banners includes : Buy one get one offer, 10% offer, Coupon Code Offers etc. Visit the developers website for more details.
PriceUSD 54.05
posted byBitSHOKinMiscellaneous
Give your PrestaShop store a new professional look with RainDrop theme. RainDrop Theme Options Module can easily configure your store, change colors and layout in a few clicks of a button without the need of a developer. The theme is easy to install and well documented.
Two themes in one, RainDrop comes prebuilt with two layouts: one for Fashion Store and one for Electronics Store. Choose what fits you best and with the power of Theme Options make your store unique.
With RainDrop you don't need to spend extra money on other expensive modules, it comes with a highly customizable Slider Module and an easy to use Advertising Manager Module saving you $33.
We're happy to help you out if you get stuck, so don't hesitate to contact us with your questions.
PriceUSD 65.00
Free PrestaShop News & Event Slider Module
posted byFME ModulesinMiscellaneous
This free PrestaShop news & event slider module allows you to add news and events on you website. This slider block shows short title and description which links to the news or event page. Get this PrestaShop slider module here.
FMM's Frequently Asked Question Addon for PrestaShop
posted byFME ModulesinMiscellaneous
This FME's Frequently asked question addon for PrestaShop allows you to add FAQ on your product page instead of a separate FAQ page. This extension has advance features like rating, comments and threads view and FAQ search. Download this FME's frequently asked question extension here:
PriceUSD 107.00
Social Media Share
posted bygoodkodinginMiscellaneous
Ever wanted to share your products on your Facebook page as soon as they are added or edited? This module does exactly that.
Whenever a new product is added or edited, a post along with your product image is published to Facebook page using this module.
Supported Open Cart versions: 1.5.4.x - 1.5.6.x
* Post your products to Facebook page automatically.
* Instant Facebook page publishing.
* Share using your own Facebook application. No link back to third party app.
* No need to log into Facebook and post the product info manually.
* Posts your product image to Facebook.
* Minimal core file edit.
URL: http://demowarehouse.net/opencart/admin/
User: demo
Password: demotest
PriceUSD 10.00
FraudLabs Pro WHMCS Module
posted bychrislim2888inMiscellaneous
FraudLabs Pro provides merchant a sophisticated fraud prevention solution for business of all sizes. Our solution help merchants to uncover fraud orders and therefore reduce the losses.
FraudLabs Pro provides a comprehensive library for developers who wish to leverage our fraud prevention solution into their projects. The library comes in form of REST API that developer can easily integrated it into any programming languages of their like. Various examples have been provided on http://www.fraudlabspro.com/developer for reference.
Prestashop Product Rating + Google Snippets, Breadcrumb, Rich Pins
posted bystoreprestamodulesinMiscellaneous
Prestashop Module include: Product Rating + Google Rich Snippets, Google Breadcrumbs, Pinterest Rich Pins
PriceEUR 29.90
Prestashop Login Block + Facebook, Twitter, Google, LinkedIn, Microsoft Connects (5 in 1)
posted bystoreprestamodulesinMiscellaneous
Facebook, Twitter, Google, LinkedIn, Microsoft Connect module for Prestashop ecommerce is a highly effective module for auto login in Prestashop with profile credentials.
PriceEUR 29.90
Prestashop Pinterest, Facebook, Twitter, Google +1, LinkedIn, AddThis
posted bystoreprestamodulesinMiscellaneous
Prestashop Module contains the most popular and desired features to share site and make it much more better: Pinterest button, Facebook like button, Tweet button, Google + 1, LinkedIn, AddThis
PriceEUR 29.90
Prestashop Content Pack (10 in 1)
posted bystoreprestamodulesinMiscellaneous
Prestashop module Content Pack (10 in 1) combines almost all necessary modules for your shop: Blog, Product reviews, Google Rich Snippets, Google Breadcrumbs, Pinterest Rich Pins, TestImonials, Frequently asked questions - FAQ, Guestbook, Product questions, News
PriceEUR 69.90
Prestashop Pro Pack (37 in 1)
posted bystoreprestamodulesinMiscellaneous
Multilingual & Multishop prestashop module Pro Pack (37 in 1) combines almost all necessary modules for your shop
PriceEUR 99.90
Prestashop Guestbook
posted bystoreprestamodulesinMiscellaneous
Guestbook is a logging system that allows visitors of a website to leave a public comment.
It is possible in some guestbooks for visitors to express their thoughts about the website or its subject.
With the Guestbook module you give visitors the ability to leave a message, for example how they like the website.
PriceEUR 29.90