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Form Processors

Collection of commercial and free PHP Form Processors scripts. Form processors allow you to capture content from forms and post it to a database or email it you.
Results 201-220 of 243
GPS::Contact-Us SDK
Provides drop in contact us capability to PHP web site. Basic PHP and HTML coding experience is required.
(12 ratings)
SmartyValidate is a form validation class. Its design goals are to leverage the Smarty templating environment and make form validation as easy and flexible as possible.
(6 ratings)
YACF - Yet Another Contact Form
Yes, there are already dozens of contact forms on the net. Sadly, most of them either lack decent features or have huge security holes. Not this one. This is the one I give my clients. It supports an unlimited number of subjects and can send the email to different addresses based on the subject they choose. Fast, secure, flexible and simple! Combine it with an autoresponder for ultra-powerful results.
(3 ratings)
Parameter Function
I wrote this function after going through the process of changing my get variables to form variables, then back, and then to cookie variables, once too many. This simple yet practical function will read in your scripts' parameters regardless of how they are passed.
(18 ratings)
Form Contact BASIC 1.0
This form processing script will allow you to receive form data from your website. It allows for the use of required fields, and can transfer your visitor to a thank you page when they're done. Very simple to set up and use. We also have a PLUS version available which has the ability to send personalized automated responses to the people who fill out your forms. Includes increased security from spam attacks via header injections.
(15 ratings)
Simple Form Processor that take the POSTed results and sends to a specified email recipient. Can also merge those results with a form letter.
(0 ratings)
Kmita Mail v.4: Easy Form Processor [CAPTCHA]
OOPS based Easy, fastest and Secure form processor. Installs directly from the server pre configured to your server, has inbuilt 3 levels of spam protection and has features like security image (CAPTCHA). The script works in backend, so you have full control over your web design. Supports most basic contact forms, feedback forms, order forms and other feature which you may like to use : Multiple visitor file UPLOADS, Auto responder with attachment, Success Page, Error Page, Validation ,To CC BCC email addresses. Supports calculations and saving to MySQL database and Excel file. Fully-fledged Admin utility to control every function of your form. Change CAPTCHA images , font etc, also has advanced Features like controlling the SMTP communication using tab based utility. Best for novices and experts who want to SAVE precious TIME. Download to try it FREE with no commitments!
(198 ratings)
PriceUSD 19.95
FormMail: secure, anti-spam form processor
Tectite FormMail captures the output from an HTML form and emails it to you. Spambots are now sending spam to website owners via their forms. You need a secure anti-spam form processor to keep out the junk. FormMail has many optional features including CSV database support, logging, pre-processing support (e.g. encryption), HTML templates, file uploads, checkboxes and multiple selection fields, auto-responding, derived fields, complex field validations, multi-page forms, ....... Extensive documentation is available on our website. Join our free Community Support forum. FormMail contains no known bugs or security flaws, and has a long history. Requires PHP 4.0.0 or later. You can download FormMail and use it completely free! Or, use our low-cost Configuration Wizard to get working forms in less than 3 minutes. Our new on-line Form Designer is available in the Configuration Wizard (low-cost, but not free).
(486 ratings)
Evaria Mail Client
The Email Client is a rather advanced contact form script, allowing both text and files to be submitted simultaneously. A variety of functions prevent your visitor from spamming your website and loading malicious programs.
(59 ratings)
LevelTen Formmail
PHP Formmail processor + advanced visitor session reporting. This script is a quick configure form to email gateway that integrates highly detailed one-of-a-kind visitor session reports.
(537 ratings)
EasyFormIt: Web Form Mail
Your Web site requires an easy and quick tool to communicate with your visitors. They need an effective way to contact you, post feedback, submit data or order the product. EasyFormIt is a universal solution for this purpose. It lets you design any kind of form, with no limits to the number of fields and questions. EasyFormIt has point-and-click interface, allows required fields, format checking, email notification and much more! It is fully customizable and doesn't require any programming skills! You can create your forms just in 3 clicks!
(12 ratings)
PriceUSD 24.95
WSN FormEmail
Takes any form submitted to it, sends an email to you containing all values of all fields in the form, and seemlessly transfers the visitor to the page of your choice. Optionally sends a copy to the submitter, or sends an auto-response to the submitter containing the text of whatever text file you specify. WSN FormEmail can use the security image (a prompt asking people to type in the letters which appear in an image) from any other WSN script (Links, Gallery, KB, Forum) you have installed, in order to prevent spam submissions.
(9 ratings)
Form mail for form to email operation. Includes email validation. Can be adapted to almost any web form. Cans elect which fields are required and which are optional and the format of the email to be sent text, html, etc.
(6 ratings)
Contact Form1
This is a simple little script that will allow you to get feedback from your clients through your website. VERY easy to modify and configure.
(0 ratings)
Formmail Script
With this PHP formmailer script you are able to put a contact form on your website. Both HTML layout and e-mail layout are template driven and customizable. This script includes several security features to prevent abuse by spammers.
(45 ratings)
Form Mail Script
This PHP formmailer script allows you to put a contact form on your website. Both HTML layout and e-mail layout are fully customizable by templates. You also get HTML e-mails, attachments, autoresponders, captcha and vcard. The script allows you to create as many forms as you need with one installation.
(246 ratings)
PHP FormMail: Email Form Processor Pro
Form Mail: Email Form Processor Pro will process all web forms on your site. The information your web site visitors fill in web forms will be sent to your specified email accounts and/or saved to a database, XML, PDF etc. Form Processor Pro is an excellent form mail solution for: feedback & inquiry forms; contact forms & order forms; both simple and complicated multiple-page forms. It is secure and spam-proof, featured with auto responder, preview, user friendly error messages and thank you page. Form Processor Pro supports: user attachments and database storing; IF condition & math calculations; 40+ field validations; 15+ input modifiers; html emails sending; export to TXT,CSV,XLS,PDF,ZIP; & much more features. Form Processor Pro finely works with payment gateways, multi page forms, logs, third party APIs. Moreover, with this form-to-email script you can process unlimited number of web forms. It has broad capabilities for customization. Over 20,000 happy clients. Give it a try!
(348 ratings)
PriceUSD 29.95
- simple validation (ie: is numeric, is alpha) - returns to the form with proper error messages (ie: for validation, required fields) - required fields - email a copy of the submission results to the sender and/or a recipient - save submission results to a flat file - email address validation - direct the user to a "success" screen once submission has met requirements - toString quick display of form OR display each item individually (allows for flexibility of display) - NOW SUPPORTS MULTIPLE CHECKBOX OPTIONS!
(0 ratings)
PHP Email Script
This application was developed for non-profit businesses to allow their readers to send e-mail from the business Website, while keeping the individual e-mail address hidden from the sender. Likewise, the staff person can reply to an e-mail and not divulge their e-mail address. The receiver's e-mail address is hidden to protect their confidentiality. After all, they do not want to get on chain lists or receive attached photos, viruses, and the like. This technique has the additional value of preventing spammers or weirdoes from finding any e-mail addresses (with the exception of a default e-mail address).
(18 ratings)
Address Standardization Solution
Formats addresses to US Postal Service standards and generates XHTML option lists of states.
(0 ratings)
Results 201-220 of 243