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Results 81-100 of 221
EACompression .Net Zip Component
High performance zip component for your ASP.NET, Visual Basic.NET, C#, Managed C++, J# and JScript.NET applications to compress and decompress file. Many advanced features are supported like encryption and streaming. Easy-to-use and featured examples are included in the installation file.
(0 ratings)
PriceUSD 99.95
inwise Express newsletter software free
posted byinwiseinSoftware
Web based newsletter and email marketing software with HTML templates. Full on line statistics (Opens, clicks etc.). Handling bounces, unsubscribe requests and more. Import recipients from Excel. Handles mail duplications. No monthly fees like email services. Remote access from any web browser. Send personalized email messages.
(3 ratings)
PriceUSD 149.00
Altsoft Xml2PDF 2007 released
posted byXml2PDFinSoftware
Altsoft Xml2PDF 2007 is a .NET-based formatting engine for converting various page layout formats (XSF-FO, SVG, Microsoft Word, HTML) into print-ready documents (PDF, PS, XPS, TIFF). The new key features and improvements are: � Significant refactoring and optimization. Xml2PDF Server 2007 now works 1.7 times faster (overall) than earlier version 3.0 � Essential improvement of Xml2PDF API interface. � Improved XSL-FO 1.1 support including bookmarks, multiple flows, and floats. � XPS output support. � PostScript output support. � DocX and Word 2007 Xml input support. � Significant improvement of graphics (TIFF) output support. � Direct GDI+ print and preview function. � Advanced font management options. � Possibility to merge several documents of different formats into one output document or use any source document as a background. � Advanced configuration options. Microsoft .NET Frameworks is required (versions 2.0 and 1.1 are supported).
(3 ratings)
freeware ActiveX lib for splitting and merging PDF document files. Features: extracts selected pages from PDF document and saves into single PDF document, splits PDF into files with single pages
(0 ratings)
Silver Net inventory system
posted byskorsunsinSoftware
Web based multi warehouse inventory system integrated with online store. This system allows your personal and customers to see the data they need in real time anywhere. All they need is an internet connection. Silver Net Inventory will help you in the management of your business including receiving and shipping of products, sales, and payments.
(0 ratings)
PriceUSD 990.00
GoDiagram 2.5
posted bynwoodsinSoftware
Build custom interactive diagrams, network, workflow editors, flowcharts, or software design tools. Includes many predefined kinds of nodes, links, and basic shapes. Supports layers, scrolling, zooming, selection, drag-and-drop, clipboard, in-place editing, tooltips, grids, printing, overview window, palette. Many useful sample applications. Document/View/Tool architecture with many properties&events. Optional automatic layout & instruments.
(0 ratings)
PriceUSD 895.00
.NET Chart Designer
posted byyevgenyinSoftware
.NET Chart Designer is comprehensive charting application that supports more then 40 chart types in multiple modes, meaning that literally hundreds of different styles and types are available for users.The legend can be flexible integrated to the chart area. The multi-line headers and rotated labels are supported. The chart layout (titles, fonts, colors, labels� escapement etc) can be stored in the file and reused with different data.
(0 ratings)
PriceUSD 50.00
Web-based Project Management Software
posted byantonvsinSoftware
EasyProjects .NET - the latest generation web-based Project Management System. It is called "Easy Projects" for a reason - it was specifically designed to make project management straightforward and hassle-free. Track and organize any type of project using multi-nested projects and tasks, detailed statistics and reports, email notifications and alerts, issues and requests tracking, message board and more.
(0 ratings)
PriceUSD 89.00
Clever Internet .NET Suite
posted byinfoinSoftware
The suite of Clever Internet components presents the most efficient and convenient way of accessing Internet resources from your applications. Using the Clever Internet Suite, you can implement many useful Internet-related features: Downloading, uploading and submitting of Internet resources, sending and receiving MIME messages, HTTP, FTP, SMTP, POP3, IMAP and NNTP clients, SMTP, POP3, IMAP and FTP server components and more...
(0 ratings)
PriceUSD 552.00
SharpForge is an open source project that supports collaborative development and management of multiple software projects. Similar to SourceForge or CodePlex but for your own team or organisation. The software is written in C# for .NET 2.0, it integrates with Subversion for source control and is released under the New BSD License. Home page: http://sharpforge.org/ Features: - Multi Portal - Multi Project - Subversion Administration - (planned)Work Item Tracking - (planned)Project Forums - (planned)Release Management - (planned)Subversion based content management - (planned)News Feed Aggregation Requirements: - Windows 2000 / WinXP+SP1 or Windows 2003. - IIS - .Net 2.0 - Sql Server Express - Apache 2.0.54 - Subversion 1.4 For screenshots and more information head to sharpforge.org
(3 ratings)
Nitobi ComboBox V3
posted byNitobiinSoftware
An AJAX based JavaScript autocompletion control with extensive cross browser and cross platform compatibility. Building on recent user-interface innovations found in Google, Gmail, and Mozilla applications, V3 provides six unique data search and entry modes, including 'fuzzy' substring searching. Compatible with 99% of internet users through IE and Gecko (Firefox, Mozilla) engine enhancements. Section 508 Compliant. ASP.NET, JSP, PHP, and ASP.
(0 ratings)
PriceUSD 249.00
ZIPCodeWorld Store Locator .NET Component 2.0
ZIPCodeWorld Store Locator .NET is a store locator control for all .NET developers. Your own United States or Canada store locator service can be up and running within minutes. ZIPCodeWorld Store Locator .NET provides a drag-and-drop control for ASP.NET projects. The control allows your customers to find dealers, stores, or locations nearest them by ZIP code. The results show each location's distance from your customer, and even maps. Features * Secure Administrator Control Panel * Limit Results by Radius and Records * Display General Store Details and Custom Fields * Sort Results by Distance, Names and City * Support United States and Canada Postal Code * Bulk Store/Dealer Batch Import * Support .NET Framework 1.1 and 2.0 * Support Access, MS-SQL or mySQL * Drag and Drop ASP.NET Control * Fully Customizable Interface
(6 ratings)
Code Generator Pro
posted byhassanmxinSoftware
This application is designed to provide you with straight forward code generated in order to save your time and currently most web applications needs administration module or designed to insert, update and view data beside the business logic which is the core of any web application this edition of Code Generator Pro offers many features to create easy tasks for you and give you more space space to handle the core of your application
(0 ratings)
PriceUSD 59.00
Erp Objects SDK
posted byackavainSoftware
Erp Objects is a set of tools and controls which allows you to write erp applications very quickly by making Erp Object Sets, which are replacement to conventional datasets of ASP.NET. Intellisense, Typed Queries (Yes Typed Queries e.g. Customers.GetObjects( CustomerSchema.FirstName. StartsWith("Marc") ); Typed queries are converted to SQL queries, which makes your business logic independent of underlying sql. Your code will run on any database if you use Erp Objects. facility of stored procedures and support for mysql is coming soon.
(0 ratings)
Izenda Ad Hoc
posted byIzendainSoftware
Agile Reporting for ASP.NET * Intuitive and Completely Web-Based AJAX Report Designer. Zero Footprint. No client software to install. * Instant Availability. Izenda Ad Hoc can be up and running in about an hour without any coding. * Integrated Charting. Pie, bar, scatterplot and trend charts. * Easy Sharing and Exporting. Share, email or export to PDF, Excel and more in one click.
(0 ratings)
Membership Manager Control
Drag and drop this Asp.Net server control onto a web page and you will instantly have a complete control panel for managing Asp.Net 2.0 Membership users. Use it to locate member records, reset passwords, change user names, enter comments and manage roles. Customize it by setting properties or by using custom templates. Easy to use and works instantly. Free download.
(0 ratings)
PriceUSD 59.00
posted byMuttokinSoftware
SmartNewsletter is a tool for designing and sending newsletter easy. Html/text mails. Attachments and inline attachments. Support fast sending with bulk feature. Also support SMTP auth and caching files from internet.
(0 ratings)
.ASPX Runtime
.ASPX Runtime allows you to run ASP.NET .ASPX files like Windows applications. Use common ASP.NET structure to produce applications similar to Microsoft's XAML or Mozilla's XUL.
(3 ratings)
Website Image Capture - Webpage Snapshot
This application grabs the page and lets you adjust the size of the image in the browser's address line. It retieves a bitmap as a JPEG and displays it in your browser.
(6 ratings)
Gigaframe Web.Config Editor
BluePlanet Web.Config Editor is a simple ASP.NET application to edit the web.config and is highly suitable to add to your own applications as a settings editor. Best of all it's FREE!
(3 ratings)
Results 81-100 of 221