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Tutorials & Tips

Results 261-280 of 654
Basic Introduction about MSMQ in .NET Framework
Message Queuing or what you can call as MSMQ itself is an asynchronous programming. This is because the clients does not wait for the server to read the data sent to it. But there is a difference between the MSMQ itself and the asynchronous programming. In MSMQ world, all the sender and recipient transaction can be occur in disconnected and connected method, while the asynchronous programming, the transaction can only occur in connected mode. Message Queuing is kind of email for application to application communication. But MSMQ has lots more features to offer, such as guaranteed delivery ,transactions,confirmatio ns, express mode using memory and so on. With MSMQ you can send,receive, and route messages in a connected or disconnected environment.
(3 ratings)
XML Programming with VB.NET
Extensible Markup Language (XML) is a meta-markup language that provides a format for describing structured data. XML is the universal language for data exchange on the Web. This article gives an idea of improvements and changes to XML classes in .NET Framework 2.0 with sample code in VB.NET.
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How to use Repeater Control
One of important goals of any application development process is making data presentation richer. ASP.NET 2.0 provides many server controls which render data in different rich formats and styles. Repeater control is one of most popular controls for displaying data in different layouts.
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Storing Binary Data to Database by using ASP.NET 2.0
Tutorial explains how to store to database and get back binary data, like images, .pdf or .zip files. There is an option to store this type of data to web server file system. But, there is also an option to store it to database and return it with ASP.NET server code.
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Bulleted List Server Control in ASP.NET 2.0
BulletedList server control is a new ASP.NET 2.0 feature. In our efforts to display organized data which makes sense to reader, we make use of different server controls in ASP.NET 2.0 to render organized data. Bulleted List control also helps in that. The Bulleted List server control is meant to display a bulleted list of items easily in an ordered or unordered fashion.
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Developing a picture album in ASP.NET
A Photo album is a popular approach to share pictures among friends, members or even the whole world. In this tutorial, we will be looking at how to implement a photo album in ASP.NET 2.0 and MS SQL 2005.
(0 ratings)
Using Stored Procedures with MSSQL and ASP.NET 2.0
If you haven't used MSSQL stored procedures before with SQL Server and in your ASP.NET 2.0 pages then you need to read this article. In this article I will list down basic questions like the following :what is a stored procedure? How can I create a stored procedure? How can I use it from within my ASP.NET 2.0 web pages? And how can I return an output parameter value to my ASP.NET web page? A stored procedure is a script of SQL code that is stored in your database under a given name. The SQL code for the stored procedure may contain programming logic (using T-SQL IF and CASE statements for example) and SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE or DELETE statements as well. There are many benefits using stored procedures instead of writing pure SQL code. 1. Reduce Network Usage between WebServer and Database Server. 2. Code Reuse. 3. Faster in performance . 4. Enhance Security as you can only give your user execute permission on your stored procedure.
(3 ratings)
ASP.NET Configuration System
Explains how to edit configuration files (Web.config) at run time using Configuration API's, Web Site Administration Tool and Web Site Snap-in. ASP.NET Configuration system is used to describe the properties and behaviors of various aspects of ASP.NET applications.
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Encrypting Connection Strings in web.config file
Tutorial explains how to protect web.config sensitive informations, like connection strings, usually stored as plain text. Microsoft has provided the capability to encrypt sensitive information in configuration files including connection strings in ASP.NET 2.0. With this new capability you can easily encrypt sections of configuration files which makes your application more secure.
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Error Handling techniques in ASP.NET 2.0
In this article, I would like to explain about Error Handling in ASP.NET. How to handle the error in ASP.NET 2.0 when an error happens in your website, how to handle unhandled error, tips and tricks for better error handling and also I would give some sample code on how to do Error notifications to you as website owner if there is an error happen in your site. By doing a proper error handling on your website, you can avoid any unprofessional .NET Error to your user and in the other hand, you know what is happening to your website so you can prevent the error from happening again. In the code sample above,you can see that we are using Email notifications when the error happens. For better error logging, you can actually store all the details in your database,so that you can have the history and easier for you to manage code error on your site.
(3 ratings)
Using HttpHandlers and HttpModules in your ASP.NET Websites
In this article I would explain about HttpModules and HttpHandlers and how to use it on your Website. Sometimes, just creating dynamic Web pages with the latest languages and databases just does not give you , the developer enough control over an application. At times, you need to be able to dig deeper and create applications that can interact with the Web Server itself. You want to be able to interact with the low level processes such as how the Web Server processes incoming and outgoing HTTP requests. Before ASP.NET, in order to get this level of control using IIS, you were forced to create ISAPI extensions or filters. This proved to be quite daunting and painful task for many developers because creating ISAPI extensions and filters required knowledge of C/C++ and knowledge of how to create native Win32 DLLs. Thankfully, in .NET world, creating these types of low level applications is really no more difficult than most other tasks you would normally perform.
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Encrypting your ViewState in ASP.NET 2.0
In the previous release of ASP.NET, the page developer could turn encryption on and off at the application level through a config setting. When validation was set to 3DES, ViewState was encrypted before being rendered in the page. To reduce the chance of someone intercepting the information stored in the ViewState, it is good design to encrypt the ViewState. You could do this in previous releases of ASP.NET, but the support for encryption has been improved in ASP.NET 2.0, allowing you to set this on a page-by-page basis.
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Enabling Gzip and Deflate HTTP Compression in ASP.NET pages
This tutorial will help you setup HTTP Gzip and Deflate compression in your ASP.NET web application. We will make use of an ASP.NET web application life cycle event in Global.asax file to achieve that. The code is very simple to understand.
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Caching Techniques in ASP.NET 2.0
Tutorial explains declarative and programmatic output caching, including new database triggered cache invalidation capability. Performance is the key requirement of any application. One of important techniques which helps in the performance of application is Caching.
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Themes and skins in ASP.NET 2.0
Tutorials explains in detail how to create and use themes and template files with .skin extension in ASP.NET web applications. ASP.NET 2.0 introduces new feature called Themes and Skins which let us to centrally define common style definitions. This new technique gives developer more fine control over the way the style properties are applied.
(6 ratings)
XmlDataSource Control
Explains how to use XMLDataSource Control to access and display XML Data Source (e.g. local xml file, or RSS feeds). XML can bypass strong firewalls, it is independent of all platforms and doesn't require special software to interpret.
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Using and Understanding Cookies in ASP.NET
This article will explain about cookies and how to use Cookies in your ASP.NET applications. As we all know that cookies is very popular and being used by almost all websites in the world to track user information such as logon details, length of visit, number of visits and etc. A cookie is a small text file that the browser creates and stores on the hard drive of your machine. Cookie is just one or more pieces of information stored as text strings. A Web server sends you a cookie and the browser stores it. The browser then returns the cookie to the server the next time the page is referenced.
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Building ASP.NET UserControls
ASP.NET UserControl is the new way of encapsulate all your code reuse in your web applications. Old way of doing this would be via SSI includes which can be very messy and very hard to maintain if your site grow. ASP.NET UserControl is infact the simplest form of ASP.NET control encapsulation. Because they are the simplest, they are also the easiest to create and use. Essentially user control is a grouping of existing server controls into a single container control. This enables you to group all your reusable part of webpage into UserControl. The basic example would be Login Controls, News Controls, Header Controls and etc.
(3 ratings)
Learn ASP.NET Tutorial
This ASP.NET tutorial covers the basics of Microsoft ASP.NET. The content covered in this ASP.NET tutorial introduces you to the ASP.NET technology, its history, important terminologies, how to set the ASP.NET environment up on your computer and shows you how to configure your ASP.NET environment and create ASP.NET pages. http://www.visualbuilder. com/aspnet/tutorial/
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Working with Master Pages and Basics of Master Pages
Master Pages is great new enhancements in ASP.NET 2.0 and if you haven't heard or use Master Pages, then you might reconsider of using this across all your existing websites. It will save you lots of times in maintaining and editing your websites source code. In old classic ASP, we do not have this features yet. Master Pages are an easy way to provide a template that can be used by any number of ASP.NET pages in your application. In working with Master Pages, you create a master file that is the template referenced by a subpage or content page. Master Pages use .master file extension whereas content pages use .aspx file extension. With MasterPages you can achieve true separation between the markup to lay out your pages and the actual content-specific markup. This makes it easy to apply a consistent look and feel to all pages in a site and makes it a breeze to update the site-wide style.
(0 ratings)
Results 261-280 of 654