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Form Processors

Collection of commercial and free PHP Form Processors scripts. Form processors allow you to capture content from forms and post it to a database or email it you.
Results 101-120 of 243
Easy Forms
One of the most time consuming and hated jobs in webdevelopment is without doubt, creating forms. Think about the many hours you spend creating contact forms that validated the email address or that upload form that only needs to accept jpg images that are smaller then 300 by 300 pixels. With EasyForms we make an end to this. EasyForms is a PHP library that helps you create forms on a fast and easy way including input validation. Together with the EasyForm library, you get 4 examples forms that are created using this library: -Contact form -Image upload with extension and image size validation -Quote request form -Subscribe form that adds the email address and name to a CSV file
(0 ratings)
PriceUSD 6.00
Simple PHP Contact Form (with Captcha)
Simple PHP Contact Form (with Captcha) This is a very simple PHP contact form for your website. Visitors can easily and securely send emails using this contact form to your email address. Different recipient email address's can be added and selected via a subject dropdown so that their email can be directed to the right department. The form features a CAPTCHA security image to protect your email address from spam. Features: * Secure PHP contact form with CAPTCHA security image * Field validation * Error reporting * Email department selection * Easily add or remove fields * Thank you page after email has been sent
(0 ratings)
PriceUSD 8.00
Ajax contact form with fancy captcha
Very easy to integrate into any existing PHP&HTML pages on your website. Features: - Written in php/ajax. - Easy design/layout customization. - Fully css based. - Script installation is very easy. - 100% Open Source. You will get clean codes to do editing in it. - Very easy to integrate into any existing PHP&HTML pages on your website. - All fields have a validation. - Anti spam. - Only 1 option to configure (your email address) to make the script function. - Integrated thank you / success page. - Uses standard server features for a no-hassle installation. - Submit phone number and digit validation with autotab.
(6 ratings)
PriceUSD 15.00
PHP DataForm - PHP Data Form Web Control
PHP DataForm script is a simple tool for creating HTML Forms with ease. It was especially designed for web developers, who do not want to spend excessive time on creating Forms in HTML or through PHP, but want to use a first-class OOP backend. Expandable structure, wise usage of common PHP-Patterns and continuous support make this a must for your PHP-swissarmy-knife.
(6 ratings)
PriceUSD 14.95
Formation - Form Manager - v2.0
Formation is a lightweight class that can build all necessary elements for a form, process the posted data (post, get, request), validate the data based on a schema and finally return a cleaned result. Has logic for error handling and applying a class to invalid fields. Additionally, all validator functions are static and can be used externally. Class Features: * Create a form and all its field elements * Manage all labels and fields with the correct IDs and associations * Determines to correct tags for HTML or XHTML * Supports all input types: text, textarea, password, hidden, file, radio, checkbox, select, image * Has a large library of validators: alpha, numeric, date, time, ip, email, url, and many more * Validates certain elements based on the supplied schema * Cleans all data after a successfull validation * Can set certain fields as required or optional
(0 ratings)
Zip Resume Upload Application
Zip Resume Upload Application is a must for any business or company. It is designed to be a secure method of providing potential employee candidates to pre-apply for available positions. By providing this application you can cut down on wasted interviews and lengthy applications. This Resume Upload Application is an all in one form providing a user friendly one page interface, unlike other tedious online resume scripts. You can list your available positions right up front with a short description, or you can add links to categories containing details of the positions, if you like.
(3 ratings)
PriceUSD 19.95
Mini Contact Form One Way
The Mini Contact Form One Way was designed for the beginner programmer and is very simple to add to your website. It's main purpose is for you to be able to add a mini form usually in your menu list. Another great purpose is to give the option to your clients so they can fill in the Mini Form and get a quick quote from you by providing you a simple email with their Name, email, Phone Number. All you need to do is add your email address to the form. Included with all the Mini Forms is an Iframe Code so you can easily add it anywhere on any page of your website. Full installation instructions are provided.
(0 ratings)
PriceUSD 1.95
Mini Contact Form One Way
The Mini Contact Form One Way was designed for the beginner programmer and is very simple to add to your website. It's main purpose is for you to be able to add a mini form usually in your menu list. Another great purpose is to give the option to your clients so they can fill in the Mini Form and get a quick quote from you by providing you a simple email with their Name, email, Phone Number. All you need to do is add your email address to the form. Included with all the Mini Forms is an Iframe Code so you can easily add it anywhere on any page of your website. Full installation instructions are provided.
(0 ratings)
PriceUSD 4.95
Advanced Contact Form
The Advanced Contact Form was designed for those who require a way to keep track of their clients by providing a way to save the data. The Advanced Contact Form will store the Data entered into it's fields into a simple to access Excel Database along with storing the information into a MySQL. The MySQL Database has a Table Display so you can view all the data entered. Other features include a confirmation email that is sent to your client so he or she knows the information was sent. You can easily modify the purchased version to your needs and redirect the form to your own thank you page. The Advanced Contact Form also includes an Authorization Check Box that you can put your Terms of Agreement Text into.
(9 ratings)
PriceUSD 4.95
Form Manager Script
Simple International Form Management PHP Script. With this Online FORM-MANAGER you can manage and upload all the forms in your site with a single click.You can create forms in any language you want.
(0 ratings)
PriceUSD 11.00
Web2 Style Contact Form with Captcha
This a small and powerful -all in one file- contact form, which is protected with a random colored captcha. There is no need to extra fonts, images, backgrounds etc. You can start to use it with changing just ADMIN_EMAIL. You can easily add-remove contact fields like name, email, homepage, phone number, fax, address, subject, message etc. You can easily set required fields, which visitors must fill. Required fields are red marked when visitors try to send form with empty values. It is flexible; you can change filename or include it in your cms modules. Because of more security it uses session for validation not cookies. There is also a small brute-force protection included. A small donation or backlink wished but not required.
(3 ratings)
BreezingForms: Trinity
It's 3-in-1! One form editor for the non-programmer, one for the designer and one for the technician. This is clever forming! Includes many nice features like "pay to download", easy to add calendar, nice effects and more. See videos! + No limitations on the use of BreezingForms. No server restrictions or similar. + No extra payment for additional features, it is all-in-one. + Ease of use but covers all form aspects + Handles small forms to complex form applications + Provides some nice user experience + Offers 3 form editors - suits everybody's taste Needs Joomla! 1.5+ which can be obtained for free from www.joomla.org
(0 ratings)
PriceUSD 15.00
Extensible Contact Form
Only 2 file based contact form makes it easy for you to manage. A very easy to use and customize contact form and not a tiny application! But yet it's so easy that any webmaster can adopt it to his/her site within 5 minutes. It is secure because of its very own in place captcha. You can add as many custom fields as your requirements demand as well as define custom field lengths. Additionally, after the length you can add words like TEXT - simple text field MEMO - which means the field is multiline EMAIL - which means the field is an email address and must be validated CHOICE - Multiple radio buttons based choice MENU - drop down combo box with multiple choices Add as many email addresses as departments to receive mail. Enabling and disabling sending of confirmation copy to the user's email address. Custom mail footer for BCC of mail. Most importantly, custom flood control limits in which user are allowed to send repeated inquiries. Can be seconds, minutes, or hours.
(0 ratings)
PriceUSD 5.00
PHP Contact Form with Spam Protection
This is a no frills, light weight and secure contact form script. Image validation (Captcha) eliminates most of the contact form abuse and spam. Installation is very easy. Form can be easily integrated within existing site layout.
(9 ratings)
Form To Database
Form to Database and Mail is an extension for Adobe Dreamweaver that allows to automatically save all the fields in a form as a table in a MySQL database. At the same time, it includes a copy of the same data in an email message - this way you are notified that a form has been filled in by a user.
(0 ratings)
PriceUSD 29.99
PHP DataForm
PHP Dataform (PHP DF) script is a simple tool for creating HTML Forms with ease. It was specially designed for web developers, who don't want loose time on creating Forms in HTML or escaping them through PHP, but to use a first-class OOP backend for the work. Expandable structure, wise usage of common PHP-Patterns and continues support make this a must for your PHP-swissarmy-knife. The PHP DataForm is an excellent tool for web developers who: * Looks for a small, smart and powerful form-creating tool * Want to improve existing web applications * Planing to use the power of OOP in the new project
(6 ratings)
PriceUSD 23.03
Secure PHP Mail Form
Free PHP Mail Form is a single-page multi-use PHP mail (e-mail) website form that allows your users to send you feedback directly from your website, without the need to customise heavily detailed scripts and panic over security. Stuff that comes as standard: - Meta header and JavaScript injection protection - Tags stripped and whitespace trimmed - Validity and length checking on fields - IP and browser details included in e-mail - Valid data kept when other errors occur - Spam word and exploit check - Common bot blocking to prevent automated mails - Bayesian style spam filtering - Compatibility with even the newer versions PHP - Optional thank you page redirect - Set your own success/error message styling - New in 2.2: disable Send button on successful mail send to help prevent spam - New in 2.2: easily customise required fields
(62 ratings)
Fulcrum Form Builder
Fulcrum Form Builder is a PHP/MySql driven solution that will allow anyone to add forms, surveys, quizzes, and tests to their website without having any programming expertise. Perfect for web developers who wish to empower the website administrator to build and manage their own website forms.
(0 ratings)
PriceUSD 59.00
php easy :: protected form scripts set
Protected Form Scripts Set is intended to protect online contact forms from spam bots. It requires from a person who writes you to specify the security code generated during the session, and automatically rejects all direct accesses to a form. The set contains 2 ready-to-use email form scripts: 1. Plain text version; 2. Attachment version. Both versions provide the same security level, while the second one allows to attach a file restricted to specified file size.
(0 ratings)
phpAddEdit Form Generator
phpAddEdit is a menu-driven script that will allow you to generate forms to add and edit content in a MySQL database. Unlike other similar scripts out there, phpAddEdit allows your forms to handle multiple tables. It also has a rich feature set including instant setup, standard and custom form elements, validation (error checking - both via javascript and server-side php), CSS customization, javascript event support, robust layout options, customizable error and execute code, email and/or redirect on submit, dynamic element content, trackback support, automatic RSS creation (including auto pinging of blog directories), human verification, security features and more.
(6 ratings)
Results 101-120 of 243