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Most Popular Scripts | PHP | Tutorials & Tips

Results 61-80 of 648
Blocking access to the login page after three unsuccessful login attempts
Sometimes you need to add an extra protection to password-protected website. This article explains how access to the login page can be restricted after three unsuccessful login attempts. This schema uses visitors IP address to store log attempts in the database and block access to login feature for 30 minutes after third unsuccessful attempt.
(12 ratings)
Drop down theme/template selector in PHP/MySQL
This tutorial will teach you have to make your site have the option to allow the users to choose the look and feel of the site using PHP, and MySQL wrapped around a HTML template. Doing this gives you more control of your site without having to recode all yout HTML inside your PHP scripts.
(12 ratings)
How to connect to MS SQL Server database
Before you can get content out of your MS SQL database, you must know how to establish a connection to MS SQL Server from inside a PHP script. This tutorial describes how to connect to MS SQL database with a DSN and without a DSN.
(12 ratings)
PHP Search
In a series of tutorials here at Insane Visions, we have shown some of the basics of PHP and continue it with how to enable visitors to search your site, using PHP. We'll take you step by step on a fairly simple search feature. From the actual form, to the results and several things you can do to make your search better.
(12 ratings)
Generate RSS Feeds
posted bydtang4inXML & PHP
As RSS and XML are becoming increasingly popular, you may find yourself needing a script to generate RSS feeds. This tutorial guides you through the process and pitfalls.
(12 ratings)
Create CAPTCHA Images - Tutorial
Worried about bots? Then create CAPTCHA images to prevent bots from taking advantage of your site. You may be wondering what a CAPTCHA image is. Here's a brief synopsis from Wikipedia: A captcha (an acronym for "completely automated public Turing test to tell computers and humans apart") is a type of challenge-response test used in computing to determine whether or not the user is human. Captchas are used to prevent bots from using various types of computing services. Applications include preventing bots from taking part in online polls, registering for free email accounts (which may then be used to send spam), and, more recently, preventing bot-generated spam by requiring that the (unrecognized) sender pass a captcha test before the email message is delivered.
(12 ratings)
This example shows how to use AJAX to implement a basic chat system on a website. It refreshes the chat transcript using AJAX to maintain a constantly updated view of the chat session.
(12 ratings)
Creating a Calendar in PHP
This tutorial will explain how to create a dynamic calendar from scratch in PHP. There are two functions that will greatly simplify the process: mktime and getdate. The function mktime gets a Unix timestamp from the supplied arguments hour, minute, second, month, day, and year (each defaulting to the current). The function getdate is the opposite, turning a timestamp into an array of date information. See the manual pages (linked) for more information on these functions. Using these functions, it is fairly easy to gather all the information needed to create a dynamic calendar.
(12 ratings)
Create CMS Website
With this tutorial you create website with CMS Made Simple without deepening in programming. Step by step: from website idea and setup through website design to of additional tools, like News, Guestbook, Contact forms, Photo Gallery, User Management. Enjoy building websites that simple way.
(12 ratings)
Adding smilies to your scripts
Goes through how you can add smilies to your news, shoutboxes etc to make them more attractive and so people can express their feelings. Tutorial makes everything clear and easy to use. You'll be used to this :) in no time.
(12 ratings)
Dynamic Sites With phpBB
Shows how to make your whole site a phpBB portal using the tutorial, and several other add-ons and hacks. This is the gateway to making your site.. BIG!
(10 ratings)
Storing Checkbox Data In Your Database
Checkboxes in web forms are useful because they allow the person filling out the form to choose from a wide range of possible choices. Specifically, it allows the user to choose some, all or none of the elements. Although checkboxes are excellent form elements for certain tasks, there is often confusion about how to store checkbox data correctly. This article will demonstrate how to store checkbox data in a database, in a manner that follows good database design principles.
(10 ratings)
Introduction To Sessions in PHP
A quick introduction to PHP sessions and the use of the most basic session handling functions.
(10 ratings)
Reading and Writing to Files
Nowadays, PHP programmers generally use databases such as MySQL to do everything, however, every programmer should at least know the basics of reading and writing to files - that IS what a database does. Come read an all you need to know introduction to file handling.
(9 ratings)
phpMyAdmin Tutorial: Transformations & PDF-Features
After having worked through this tutorial you will be able to: * know how the additional phpMyAdmin features using special seperate tables work and how to set them up * store pictures inside a MySQL table and view them from within phpMyAdmin * put specific transformations on any of your columns * create your own transformations, even with active PHP-code in it! * create PDF pages of your table layout, with relations and individually positioned ER-models At the end of this tutorial there's also some hints on getting the most out of your phpMyAdmin config file, showing you some configuration directives which seem to get less public attention.
(9 ratings)
Basic PHP Form Processing
Learn how to create an HTML form and how to program a simple PHP page to process the information of that HTML form. A basic knowledge of HTML will make this tutorial easier.
(9 ratings)
Web Based FTP with PHP and Sockets
This tutorial takes you through the creating of a web based FTP program using PHP and raw sockets. We do not make use of the PHP FTP api. Instead we build our client from the ground up by implementing the functionality as described in the FTP RFC.
(9 ratings)
XML processing with PHP
This tutorial shows you with code examples how to process an XML datasource with PHP.
(9 ratings)
Creating a domain checker
In this tutorial I will show you how to create a PHP script to check whether the actual domain name is available or not.
(9 ratings)
Installing Apache with PHP,MySQL on Windows 9x/2000/XP
Nice and Clean Tutorial to install Apache, PHP, MySQL on Windows Computers in 8 Steps. After installing every component, a test is made to check if you properly installed the component. Download links are given of all Apache, PHP and MySQL. In the end is a script to test MySQL installation with PHP and MySQL.
(9 ratings)
Results 61-80 of 648