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Very flexible thumbnail generator. Resizing, cropping, borders, watermarks, sharpen, color adjustment, flip, rotate (and more). Source can be local file, remote file or database source. Uses ImageMagick extensively if available. PHP GD library is optional (if ImageMagick is installed). Output can be JPEG, GIF, PNG, BMP, ICO, with full alpha channel (as the format permits).
(262 ratings)
* Config file for custom changes * Complete layout changes thru css-theme files * Languages files * Forum category, subcategorys and hidden forums * Links to other urls * Sticky posts and announcements * Attach files to posts and topics * BBcode * [code] tagg with syntaxhighlightning for multiple languages (In progress) * Locked threads * IP logging system * IP Ban system * Paginsystem * Avatarupload * Emailsystem based on multiple components * Memberregistration and editing * Searchable memberlist * Private message system * List of active users (Can be disabled) * Forum statistics (Can be disabled) * Adminsystem * Database backupsystem * Permission based on groups * Badwordfilter * Warnings and users bans * Latest threads on first page (Can be disabled) * And much more...
(262 ratings)
TeamCal Pro
posted bygleweinCalendars
TeamCal Pro is a web application supporting project teams in scheduling their members' presence/absence. TeamCal Pro is day-based and that gives it the benefit of easily seeing who's in and who's not and why - and all that in an attractive optical interface. TCP is powered by PHP and MySql. It supports user authentication, user self-registration, user groups, avatars, absence icons, absence counts, allowances and much more. It comes highly recommended by the users who have suggested many improvements that have been built in.
(260 ratings)
Exponent is a web application that allows site owners to easily create and manage dynamic websites. Unlike other site management tools, Exponent is completely self-contained. No additional applications need to be downloaded by a user to permit them to use Exponent. Everything from user management to site configuration to content editting and approval is done within the system. Non-technical users, web-savvy administrators and web developers of all skill levels have something to gain from Exponent.
(260 ratings)
Best PHP Scripts
A nice collection of best and top rated PHP scripts in one single place. Both open source and commercial scripts are listed.
(259 ratings)
txtSQL (pronounced "text-sequel") is a class containing a variety of functions designed to mimic a database system, using only regular text files. It is object-oriented and can be looked at as sort of a framework in creating larger scripts (such as guestbooks, polls, forums etc.) There are two levels of access; a low-level implementation that works on just function calls and the other relies on the support of SQL (a parser/lexer is currently being developed). As far as I know, txtSQL is VERY efficient in how it handles its data and the way in which it is handled has also almost never caused any major concerns (data loss is rare). txtSQL does not require any outside plugins to operate, it's in the ballpark of "plug and play" (with a few exceptions of course). But most importantly, txtSQL is an opensource project (listed under Sourceforge), licensed under the GNU, which means that it's totally free of charge and will remain as such forever.
(258 ratings)
Aardvark Topsites PHP
Aardvark Topsites PHP is the premier free PHP/MySQL topsites script. Aardvark Topsites PHP has all the features you will ever need. Members' ranks can be shown on their button. There are 6 different ranking methods, including pageviews. Powerful anticheating protection is included. It supports categories. You can use up/down/neutral arrows. The admin allows you to approve new members, edit existing members, delete bad members, and much more. Google-friendly links give sites more incentive to join. It's free, so download it and try it today.
(258 ratings)
xml photo album for Flash
xml photo album automatically places and centers your images and thumbnails on stage. All you need to do is to sort images, set the number of columns-rows for thumbnails, and thumbnail size in your data XML file. The code resizes images to stay in frame as well. You can also attach captions for your photos too. Extremely easy!! Put your files in an image/thumbs folder and work on the XML file.
(257 ratings)
Open Auto Classifieds
posted bybkeepinAutos
Open Auto Classifieds is a powerfull management tool that reduces the amount of time you spend uploading listings. OAC is a free, open source vehicle classifieds manager. Intended to be easy to install and easy to administer, Open Auto Classifieds is based on open technologies such as the PHP scripting language, the MySQL database engine, XHTML eXtensible Hypertext Markup Language, and CSS Cascading Style Sheet styling. Using these Open source tools OAC is a fully customizable car classifieds script. Revise OAC to match the look of any website easily, with a basic skill set.
(256 ratings)
ILance Auction Marketplace Software
posted byilanceinAuctions
Take control of your products and customers with a modern marketplace supporting auctions and add to cart eCommerce functionality. Integrated member Stores and Social login. SEO Optimized for web, 100% customizable and multi languages supported. Multiple revenue streams built in to support memberships, commission fees and more.
(256 ratings)
PriceUSD 400.00
vldPersonals - Online dating and personals software
vldPersonals is the most trusted, powerful and fully automated online dating and personals solution suitable for individuals and businesses. Our product can help you establish an online presence within the shortest time possible. Whether your web site is targeting the international market or a niche segment, you will quickly appreciate all of the features enclosed in this software and the flexibility provided by a template-driven solution. You will also receive free installation, free templates, free language packs, free major and minor upgrades, and outstanding unlimited support. With vldPersonals you are among thousands of satisfied clients.
(255 ratings)
PriceUSD 99.95
Gallery is a slick, intuitive web based photo gallery with authenticated users and privileged albums. Easy to install, configure and use. Photo management includes automatic thumbnails, resizing, rotation, etc. User privileges make this great for communities.
(254 ratings)
Epoch DHTML Javascript Calendar
The Epoch DHTML JavaScript Calendar allows the web developer to quickly upgrade their users' web experience without spending hours developing complex date-validation scripts. Constructed entirely in Javascript and styled with easily-customizable CSS, Epoch is a powerful facet of any advanced website. Epoch is developed entirely using Object-Oriented Programming, making it exeedingly simple to integrate Epoch into your current framework. Epoch is W3C Standards-Compliant and runs on all major browsers, including Microsoft Internet Explorer, Mozilla, FireFox, Netscape Navigator, Opera, and more. Features: Fast loading and initialization; Intuitive, customizable interface; Can display as a Flat or DatePicker calendar; Automatic Date Formatting-US, European, or create your own; Multiple-Date selection/MultiSelect; Full Object-Oriented Design; CSS Styling. Now available in English, Fran�ais, Espa�ol, Deutsch, Italiano, Nederlandse, Russian, Chinese, Polish, and more languages!
(253 ratings)
ezContents is a Web site content management system in the form of a Drupal distribution. The default theme is fully responsive. Its features include maintaining menus, adding authors that write contents, permissions, workflow, and layout possibilities for the entire look of the site by simple use of settings. A @font-your-face module with Google Web Fonts is added by default. It offers great flexibility for the Web site developer and a user-friendly interface for the editor. You can extend it yourself using existing Drupal modules or themes.
(253 ratings)
csCreate allows you to cruise your server directories and select files you want to edit. csCreate also allows you to create new files and directories on the fly.
(252 ratings)
Login Manager
Login Manager V3.0 is designed for web administrator to easily manage user accounts, create membership protected areas on the website, and provide capability to effortlessly limit user's access to secured areas. Login Manger V3.0(LM3.0) uses PHP and MySQL for lightning fast processing. LM3.0 comes with an admin control panel where administrator can create new user account, new secured access area, activate/deactivate user account, send mass email etc. LM3.0 is an authentication system which can integrate with any existing website that meets the requirements. LM3.0 provides a gatekeeper where user must be authorized before entering the membership secured areas. The software is very versatile and can be used so that either the administrator creates new member accounts or let users sign up and create their own account, in later case the software will validate user's email before activate new account for this user, see our demo for more features.
(249 ratings)
PriceUSD 79.00
A Pie chart generator
A PHP script for generating Pie charts. Also draws the legend and the title string. The data is passed in the query string.
(249 ratings)
Xpression News
Xpression News is a powerful yet easy to use news management system that can be set up on your website in less than two minutes. It can be integrated into an existent website layout or used independently. Xpression News RC2 features user friendly URLs, RSS Feeds, Podcasts, comment boards protected against spam messages, fully customizable design, multilingual interface, powerful news editor (WYSIWYG), automatic archiving of news items, picture manager with resize functions, icon manager, user manager with unlimited number of access levels. Xpression News comes with an efficient caching system making it very fast to run
(247 ratings)
Simple PHP Guestbook
posted byroomeoinGuestbooks
Simple PHP Guestbook is a very easy to install guestbook. No SQL database needed. Uses plain text file. Integrates easily into any existing web pages.
(247 ratings)
Results 301-320 of 1000