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Results 601-620 of 1000
Almond Classifieds (Membership)
posted byinfoinGeneral
Classifieds Ads with membership features and password protected classifieds services. Admin has the ability to create/edit/delete membership accounts via web based interface. Admin can set up password protection for the following services (members only services): placing new ads; viewing ads details pages; sending private mails. Optional activating membership account by clicking on special link in welcome message that is sent to members' e-mail.
(108 ratings)
PriceUSD 195.00
PHP & Ajax Rating System
PHP and Ajax web rating system. Allow the users to rate your pages, items or articles using original images as rating values. The voting system doesn't requires reloading the page, and you can insert as rating items as you want on a single page. Also, you can put the same voting item on different pages and share the votes. The images are shown with nice rollover effects. The rating system prevents fraudulent votes by using IP filters.
(108 ratings)
PriceUSD 9.90
Submit Sends Email And Loads New Page
This JavaScript allows you to have a submit type button in a form which causes a mail message to be sent, and have the current page load a different URL.
(108 ratings)
Personal CMS - BCWB 2.0 (XSL, FileFlat)
PERSONAL CMS, THE WAY IT SHOULD BE: SIMPLE, FLEXIBLE, RELIABLE. The program represents a WYSIWYG content management system (CMS) for web � visit cards, personal sites, promo-sites, VIP - sites and other small web - projects. BCWB does not require database presence. Website assembled in BCWB, can be given any representation form with the help of XSLT full functionalities including vector-graphical representation in SVG format and Macromedia Flash. BCWB included some new features: GuestBook, Gallery etc.
(108 ratings)
Manage and stream your music on a web server using a browser. AmpJuke is a PHP-script that runs on Linux/Unix using Apache and MySQL. Once installed, AmpJuke can stream music to one or more remote clients (f.ex. PC's) on a LAN and/or the internet. Any program that can handle M3U-playlists (f.ex. WinAmp, Amarok and/or XMMS) can play the streamed music. AmpJuke focuses on intuitive navigation as well as speed. Features include, but are not limited to: - Scan+import of music (MP3, OGG, WMA, M4A and/or APE format). - Random play with various options for "fair rotation". - Upload/download music. - Multiple languages. - Automatic retrieval of cover art using webservice. - Display lyrics for individual songs. - Get external info. about performers/groups. - Themes. - Display related performers using webservice from last.fm. - Use favorite lists to quickly retrieve related music. - Show what's playing using AJAX-technology. - Submit listening statistics to last.fm
(108 ratings)
ReviewPost PHP Pro User Reviews on Your Site
From the makers of the well-known PhotoPost.com photo gallery software comes ReviewPost PHP Pro. ReviewPost PHP is a user reviews engine that lets your site's users post reviews of any imaginable product or service, complete with a description, pros and cons, rating, and a photo (with auto-thumbnailing). Organize your reviews into unlimited categories and subcategories and display the latest and most popular reviews on the front page. Can integrate with vBulletin, UBB Threads, and phpBB2, to create one unified login and registration system.
(108 ratings)
PriceUSD 99.00
Linklok URL
Protects files by securing links to them using MD5 hashing. This way nobody ever knows the true location of your files. Links can also have an expiry time from 1 minute to several years if required making it easy to control access. Linklok URL can also be used with a download form to email secure time limited links to a user. User only gets the links if they enter a valid email. Can also filter out free or other types of email addresses if necessary. Now has a manual entry form, CAPTCHA code, Aweber, GetResponse, Mailchimp, ARP Reach, Amazon S3, Dropbox, Sendgrid and PDF Watermarking support as well. eCommerce versions for Paypal, 2CO etc also available.
(107 ratings)
PriceUSD 29.95
Scriptomizers - Popup Window Creator
A code generator which creates customized cut-and-paste JavaScript popup windows. Options include the ability to specify the popup's trigger, as well as it's width, height, margin, and which toolbars and menus should be available to the user.
(107 ratings)
Start your own Yelp like website! Meeplace is a Review & Rating Script, like a yelp clone, that you can download, install and use to create your own review site. Meeplace provides you with a easy solution software that allows your visitors to submit their own reviews on businesses, cars, movies or whatever content you have listed on your site. Meeplace also is a great way for your visitors to talk about their own personal experiences with companies, car dealerships or even the local handyman. Use Meeplace to start your own business review site, product review site or directory site in minutes. Also feel secure knowing our code is not outsourced. All our code is created internally in our company. Now with: - Facebook connect - Multi-Language - Custom Theme Changer - Multiple Admins and Moderators - Featured Listings - Photo Galleries - Claim listings - Auto Email Notifications - Newsletter system - CMS for custom pages - PHP & Mysql
(107 ratings)
PriceUSD 350.00
PG Mortgage Site Solution
Mortgage service software solution for a mortgage originating, point, loan, bond, pledge and pawn site. Solution can be easily customized. All calculators are already developed. Site administrator has complete site and borrowers control. Pilot Group assures constant technical support for your Mortgage Site. Solution installation and deployment can be easily done and if you have any problems with it we will do it for free. All you need to do is to go to http://realtysoft.pro/mor tgage and see all the details. Demo version is available so that you will see the solution from inside.
(106 ratings)
Tab View
Tab view is a JavaScript/CSS control that allows switching between several pages without loading them from the server.
(106 ratings)
SWIFT Panel - Game Server Control Panel
SWIFT Panel is the ultimate PHP Linux Game Server Control Panel. SWIFT Panel is packed with features but with a core focus of easy management. Its unique method of managing game servers allows for administrators to have complete control. Highlights include: * No Additional Files to Install on Game Server Boxes * Auto Installer & Auto Updater Built-in * Flexible Game Server Start Command Control * Graphical Client & Server Statistics * Bi-Weekly Updates Containing User's Feature Requests
(106 ratings)
PriceUSD 8.50
ARSC Really Simple Chat
ARSC is an easy to install, simple to handle, cross-browser compatible chat system with its own socket server. If you have a modern browser with frame support and JavaScript enabled, ARSC makes use of these technologies. If you have an older browser, or you have JavaScript disabled, or even if you have a browser that doesn't support frames, you can still chat using ARSC. Unlike many other PHP/MySQL webchats, ARSC can be run using a non-forking socketserver to handle all message transport. The socketserver of ARSC works very ressource-friendly and can handle way more users.
(106 ratings)
Fast IE Proxy Changer
Fast way to change your proxy settings in Internet Explorer. Enable or disable the proxy, or set it to a default proxy setting or use an alternate setting. Minimize to the system tray where you are only a right-click away from changing the setting. Great to use if you need to change your proxy often. (You may need to restart IE when you change the proxy for the change to take effect) No need to install, it runs right from the .exe file. Requires the .NET Framework from Microsoft.
(105 ratings)
posted byrosscarlsoninPHP
Jinzora is a Web-based media streamer, primarily desgined to stream MP3s (but can be used for any media file that can stream from HTTP). Jinzora can be integrated into a PostNuke site, a PHPNuke site, run as a standalone application, or integrated into any PHP website.
(105 ratings)
Allows quick customization of: Colour Bar Height Grid Space Title Footer there's an online demo, so check it out. the code is small and free!
(105 ratings)
posted bykenricinSecurity
CGI mailto forms provide the ultimate level of protection from spambots. However, unless you need that for other reasons such as database transactions, mailto links have the great advantage of ensuring that you receive the sender's correct email address. The beauty of AntiSpambotMailto is that the email address parameter is not just the usual collection of ASCII codes. Each encoded character is also offset by the total length of the email address. For a spambot to be foolproof, they would have to write a complete JavaScript parser, which seems unlikely.
(105 ratings)
LogCount cgi is a versatile FREE-to-use Unix web site counter script written for Perl 5. The counter script is not large, allows you to use your own images, and includes several handy features enabling it to control all the hit logging needs of most web sites. LogCount can also count with a time display, or show the time without counting. Also supplied is a separate basic log viewer, LogLook, which easily displays a colour coded track of each visitors page hits. LogCount can be called from an Image Source tag, a Hyperlink tag, or a Server Side Include tag. The latter allows you to 'include' the output as normal text on a web page if your server allows SSI calls. Efficient flat-files used, MySQL NOT required.
(105 ratings)
Drop Down Menu Bar
posted bywebmasterinMenus
A drop down menu bar, similar to the menu bar of your browser. The script works in Internet Explorer, in Netscape 4 and 6. You can create the menu with 4 levels of depth, and the submenu with up to 20 links. Its menu generator allows you easily to change style of the menu.
(105 ratings)
Animate your website with the aid of DHTML. After being confounded by the javascript files that I came across on the internet, I decided to write an API that I could live with. Any content that you place within a <div> tag with the position css attribute set to absolute, can be manipulated like a sprite. Just don't forget to set id="unique_name", and pass "unique_name" to the GetLayer() function.
(105 ratings)
Results 601-620 of 1000