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New Scripts | Java | JSP & Servlets

Results 141-160 of 198
SmartMode consists of four rapid JSP development tools that facilitate, through a series of authoritative XML documents, the building and managing of Java Beans (or EJBs) and corresponding database schema (object-relational mapping), sitemap and site layout, multi-screen data entry wizards, and dynamically generated lists of data. The tools cut development time by 80% by automating many of the repetitive tasks most enterprise developers face. Developers benefit from SmartMode's open, standards-based approach which preserves and enhances investments in existing tools, training, and infrastructure. SmartMode supports the following Standards: XML, Java XML Parser APIs, J2EE, J2SE, the WAR file format, CSS, HTML 3.2+, JSP 1.1+, SMTP, JavaMail, and Servlet 2.2+.
(0 ratings)
posted byebspinChat Systems
jChatBox is a JSP Chat application (free for non-commercial sites). Server side is 100% JSP. Client side could be HTML/JavaScript, Applet or Flash. Moderator users can open and control multiples chatrooms. He/she can manage users (list, ban, kickoff), manage blacklist, generate transcripts, do backup, and apply chatrooms parameters such as max users, languages (English, Spanish, Danish, Swedish, Portuguese), filters, etc. Users can run commands like /help, /time, /kick, etc. Chatrooms are easily customizable (skins), and can be extended by designers or programmers through the jChatBox API. jChatBox is ready to XML and also includes Applet and Flash5. Check out Add-Ons section for Smiley or Cersor Filters.
(340 ratings)
jspChart is an JAVA Component that allows you to create a dynamic chart. It supports any standard graphs formats: bar, line, surface, arc of a circle, etc, and is possible to create the graph from a database.
(9 ratings)
WebForum is a servlet which can be used to build professionnal web boards with Web forms for administration. It is multilingual and require only a small configuration files to setup. The servlet caches all disk access for optimal performance and is fully threaded. It uses sesssion tracking throughout and will open a session will all registrered visitors dynamically generating pages according to the identity of the visitor. Through CSS, the look and feel of the HTML pages can be tailored easily to meet your needs but it doesn't yet has a full template mechanism. It also includes a Java 2 applet (sources included) which is fully compatible with the forum (so you can browser either through the Java applet or through HTML). It requires Java servlet compatibility (tested with Java Servlet Kit 2.0 and above) and Java 1.1 (tested with both Linux and Windows).
(9 ratings)
ToDo servlet
ToDo servlet is a Java servlet that implements a collection of "to do" notes. You may use this component when you need to provide a "to do" service in your web office. It also supports WAP/WML, so your mobile users will be connected too.
(0 ratings)
BRL is a language designed for server-side WWW-based applications, particularly database applications. It is based on Scheme, which makes the syntax extremely simple yet powerful. This implementation is a Java Servlet using the Kawa Scheme compiler.
(0 ratings)
Community servlet
Community servlet is a Java servlet implements a specialized chat. You can not only type your messages, but share documents (web pages, local files) also.
(0 ratings)
Open Reference Management
OpenReference is a Servlet/JSP based database application to manage your or your group's research references. There is also a public server for those who do not have their own servlet engines. The public server can be customized so that it act like your private one. OpenReference is ideal for academic and business researchers.
(0 ratings)
Meditux is Java-servlet based software that provides a web interface to MySQL. It was developed to support an intranet site in a medical intensive care unit where it was used to collect clinical and research data. Its primary task is to provide timely medical information to both medical and non-medical staff that operate in an ICU (Intensive Care Unit) environment.
(0 ratings)
What is this servlet for? From the one side it is a Java servlet implements classical message board. But from the another site it is a new concept. You do not need to go to particular web site for checking messages. All discussion will be locked within your mailbox. All you need is a mail clients supports HTML messages. How does it work? With the help of this servlet you can start a new discussion. You type your message and mail it to the people you want be joined to your discussion (including yourself). After that all you need is only check from time to time this letter from your mailbox. Of course when you do that you must be online and MailBoard servlet. The same servlet can serve many discussions and you can have different configurations for different discussions.
(6 ratings)
Internet Document and Report Server
The Internet Document and Report Server is a java servlet used in conjunction with the Reporting Markup Language to simplify the creation of online reports. The IDRS also supports a full securty model, or it can also run without security. IDRS is designed to be an: embedable HTML report generater for Java applications, web based enterprise report server, web site generation tool Its basic features include: Use of an XML dialect called Reporting Markup Language (RML) to create report templates, Multiple data sets per report, Database Connection Pooling for connections to the IDRS report database, Databse Connection Pooling for use by IDRS reports Both, Secure reports using User/Group based Security, Stored username and password information for the length of session, User based douments Non-secure reports, Ability to include JSP code in report templates that will be processed after a report has been fully created, Data-Result paging, and Call Java classes from withtin IDRS reports to retrieve data and to do anything RML can not do nativly.
(3 ratings)
Tapestry is a comprehensive component-based web application framework. It works with Servlet API 2.1 and JDK 1.2 or above. It simplifies web application development by organizing an application into pages of components. The real promise of Tapestry is that it presents a compelling reason to execute projects in a Java environment. In Primix's current environment, when a project may be executed using Microsoft ASP or JavaServer Pages (under NT), the momentum is still to work with ASP, because JavaServer Pages is insufficiently distinguished from ASP, and more developers are familiar with NT than Java. Tapestry is markedly distinguished from, and superior to, both ASP and JavaServer Pages.
(6 ratings)
Cartolina Servlet
Cartolina.java is a java servlet used to add e-cards services to your site. With Cartolina.java users can choose an image, and setting few parameters send an e-card to a friend.
(9 ratings)
WebPop Servlet
WebPop is a Java servlet that allows you to read your mail box. This servlet supports Post Office Protocol (POP).
(9 ratings)
WebMacro Servlet Framework
WebMacro is an HTML template engine and back end servlet development framework. WebMacro simplifies servlet development by separating programming work from page design: Page designers create HTML templates with WebMacro's powerful script language. Programmers work in clean Java code, free of HTML and other presentational clutter.
(0 ratings)
posted bydodoinText Based
CounterServlet is a servlet that maintains a counter for individual web pages. Web pages hitcount is displayed by invoking the CounterServlet as a server-side-include.
(12 ratings)
OpenPortal is a web portal framework that allows its users to personalise their web page on the site running this software. The users constructs his/her page by selecting between a set of portlets made available. A portlet can be a servlet or a JSP page.
(3 ratings)
WmlPop Servlet
This Java servlet allows you to read your mail box through WAP/WML devices. This servlet supports WML interface to Post Office Protocol (POP).
(9 ratings)
WmlMail Servlet
This Java servlet allows you to send email from WAP phone or any another PDA supports WML. It uses a text-based template file for mail settings including address of your smtp relay, smtp port, domain and contents of the letter. Appropriate WML form will be composed dynamically according to settings in the template file.
(18 ratings)
WebLog Servlet
This is a Java servlet that allows you to analyze web-server log files. You can use this servlet a simple analytical tool for reviewing visitors for your site.
(0 ratings)
Results 141-160 of 198