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New Scripts | XML

Results 161-180 of 287
Combining XML Documents using XSLT
This snippet contains a collection of 5 distinct approaches to combining multiple XML Documents into a single XML document. The original article is also included as part of this snippet
(1 ratings)
Filtering Data Islands
This snippet demonstrates uses the "Singles Online" dating application to demonstrate some of most common functionality found in business applications. a) Filtering b) Sorting by column header (ascending or descending) and c) Highlighting the row as the mouse moves over it. As with my other "Redneck Employee" snippet, it uses a behavior .htc file to do the highlighting and column sorting. However, this snippet also demonstrates how to use XML/XSLT to filter the data data island in the page.
(3 ratings)
Using XML and XSLT in VB.NET Jeopardy
This application is a version of the well-known game of jeopardy that we use in our FlaDotNet.com .NET user group. Not only is it fun, but it demonstrates various techiques for processing XML and XSLT in .NET. It is definitely a great reference for learning how to access and transform your XML data in .NET
(3 ratings)
XML DOM: Inserting, Modifying and Deleting elements using VBScript
This snippet demonstrates the all too common functionality of adding, modifying and deleting elements in an xml document. The demo page (see below) displays the xml before and after the actions.
(3 ratings)
Two Tier Data Islands with Expanding/Collapsing Child elements
This snippet how to use XML Data Islands in IE to display XML that stores a parent-child relationship. It also demonstrates how you can expand/collapse child elements for a cleaner display of your data. Written by The Head Geek - Creator of XMLPitstop.com.
(0 ratings)
posted bya7softinSoftware
This program compares XML files. It provides several options for comprehensive comparison. Reloading files after changing any options is not necessary. The ExamXML can compare data from sources of many types, such as SQL servers and CSV files. After comparisons there are possibilities to synchronize elements, insert one element into opposite a tree and replace elements. During loading from an SQL server, the program converts data into XML. This program can save differences between files and merge XML files. Color highlighting shows the changes so that you can view which attributes and elements have been added, modified or deleted. Documents and differences between several files are displayed in a visual tree. The program validates XML documents against DTD/XML schema while loading the file. It also offers drag-and-drop support. ExamXML displays the XML element in a separate window, highlighting differences down to the level of elements, words or attributes. It can open XML files with external application, and normalize dates and numeric fields. Digital fields can be rounded, and date or time portions can be omitted at normalization.
(0 ratings)
Ultrid UI prototyper with script functionalities
Ultrid is a flexible and powerful technology that simplifies the development process of desktop applications prototypes by effectively separating the User Interface code from the logic of the program. Ultrid's new technology is based on the powerful Ultrid engine acting as a layer runtime over Java. The Ultrid language uses a meta-language to describe the entire User Interface and other services of an application prototype. The functionalities can be written in Java and/or in one of the 10 following scripting languages: BeanShell, DynamicJava, Groovy, Jacl, JavaScript, JRuby, JudoScript, Jython, PNuts, Rexx. It is therefore possible to use Ultrid for the prototype interface and your scripting skills to create basic functionalities. Written in Java, Ultrid is multi-platform and its xml tags make it possible for non-programmers to add functionalities such as look-and-feel, localisation, integrated Help system and a lot more. Download the free engine and the demos and see for yourself the applications created simply with xml and Javascripts.
(0 ratings)
Serving XML
Serving XML provides a language for building XML pipelines, and an extendible Java framework for defining the elements of the language. The accompanying console app supports reading content as XML files, flat files, SQL queries or SAX events, transforming it with XSLT stylesheets and custom SAX filters, and writing it as XML, HTML, PDF or mail attachments. This software is especially suited for converting flat file or database records to XML, with its support for variant record types, multi-valued fields, namespaces, hierarchical grouping of records, and row-by-row validation with XML Schema. There is also an API for imbedding the software in a Java application.
(0 ratings)
Tip: Use data dictionary links for XML and Web services schemata
When designing XML and Web services schemata you will often (and ideally) reuse data elements defined in pre-existing standards. If so, it is extremely useful to include links to such standards, providing precise data dictionary references. In so doing, you make processing and maintenance easier to automate. This tip illustrates this practice.
(0 ratings)
Get started with XPath
This tutorial introduces XPath and covers most aspects of it. It is aimed at people who do not know XPath or want a refresher. If you plan to use XSLT, you should take this tutorial first. You will learn: What XPath is, the syntax and semantics of the XPath language, how to use XPath location paths, how to use XPath expressions, how to use XPath functions, and how XPath relates to XSLT. XPath is a W3C standard. This tutorial covers version 1.0.
(0 ratings)
RenderX XEP.NET XSL Formatting Engine
posted bykbrown01inSoftware
RenderX XEP is a commercial grade application written in J#/.NET for dynamic rendering of XML documents. XEP is a pluggable architectural component that takes two open standard inputs, XML data and XSL FO stylesheet, and produces the industry's de-facto standards for high-quality rendered electronic documents, Adobe PDF, and Postscript.
(0 ratings)
Practical data binding: Get your feet wet in the real world
Data binding, although commonplace in today's world of Java technology and XML programming, is still largely misunderstood. This column throws out all the theoretical claptrap and focuses on the concepts you need to get started with data binding. You will understand the differences between general data binding and data binding in the XML world, as well as round-tripping, semantic equivalence, and what to look for in a data binding package.
(0 ratings)
XML Matters: GUIs and XML configuration data
Over time, XML has permeated many niches. One area where XML is used increasingly is in the configuration of graphical user interfaces, especially in elements that are persistent but should not be fixed at compile-time. In this installment, David looks at the use of XML in Mac OS X's Aqua GUI, and in the K Desktop Environment (KDE) which is either standard or available in most modern Linux distributions.
(0 ratings)
Tip: Extend JAX-RPC Web services using SOAP headers
In this article, the author examines how JAX-RPC SOAP handlers process SOAP message headers. Specifically, he shows how a handler adds a SOAP header to an outgoing message and how a corresponding handler removes the SOAP header from an incoming message. In addition, he presents the JAX-RPC programmatic configuration and deployment models as they relate to this topic.
(0 ratings)
Use XML namespaces with care
XML namespaces are an imperfect solution to a difficult problem. From basic information architecture to difficulties with APIs, namespaces can open up rather painful gotchas if used carelessly. In this article, Uche Ogbuji covers some of the more important design principles which, if followed, can minimize problems with namespaces.
(0 ratings)
XML - Editors, Tutorials, Training, Database, XML Tools
One stop for XML, XML editors, XML tutorials, XML formats, define XML, XML Training, XML Databases, XML Tools, XML writers, learn XML, XML spy, XML Schema, Voice XML, XML Parsers.
(3 ratings)
Tip: Message Roundtripping: Java coding conventions
Java APIs for XML-Based Remote Procedure Call's (JAX-RPC's) Java-to-WSDL/WSDL-to-Java mapping rules do not try to preserve Java constructs during roundtripping. Many constructs are preserved, but not all. This tip describes, in particular, why following Java coding conventions is very important to maintaining the ability to roundtrip.
(0 ratings)
CGI Perl XSLT processor, xsltp.pl
posted byvarzugininPerl
Xsltp.pl is a pure Perl XSLT parser. It requires XML::Parser and CGI packages (very likely you have them) and version of Perl higher than 5.6.0. The program was designed for use as a server which can accept user request, output result and save data on the local disk. It uses HTTP protocol built in the processor for passing the parameters to XSLT stylesheets.
(0 ratings)
A survey of XML standards, Part 4
The world of XML is vast and growing, with a huge variety of standards and technologies that interact in complex ways. It can be difficult for beginners to navigate the most important aspects of XML, and for users to keep track of new entries and changes in the space. XML is a basic syntax upon which you develop local and global vocabularies. Previous in-depth articles have presented the most important standards relating to XML. This fourth article, provides a detailed cross-reference of all covered standards.
(0 ratings)
Two Tier Data Islands with Expanding/Collapsing Child elements
This snippet demonstrates how to use XML Data Islands in IE to display XML that stores a parent-child relationship. It also demonstrates how you can expand/collapse child elements for a cleaner display of your data.
(6 ratings)
Results 161-180 of 287