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Results 701-720 of 1000
Fast Search and Search Autocomplete - Searchanise
posted bycmsmart1inSearch
Unlike default Magento autocomplete and other custom search extensions, Fast Search and Search Autocomplete Magento Extension does not put any extra load on your server. Fast Search and Search Autocomplete Magento Extension delivers relevant search results to your customers instantly as they type. Autocomplete widget is highly customizable and naturally fits any storefront design. Fast Search and Search Autocomplete Magento Extension is multi-store aware—the instant search widget can be customized individually for each storefront or language you have.From the very first typed character, the magento extension ships smart search suggestions and product previews. As the search term grows, the search results change in real time to become more relevant.
(0 ratings)
Product Q&A Magento Extension
Product Q&A is a simple and useful Magento extension that helps customers ask questions about a product from the ‘product view’ page, and lets the admin manage an FAQ for each product in its product page. It gives admin the complete control in managing the customer inquiries and list of questions and answers given on the product page. Product Q&A is using prototype and hence conflict-free. Usually, customers hesitate to buy products online, if they have doubts about several factors including its quality, pricing, shipping, etc. The normal FAQ section is not sufficient in an ecommerce website since it deals with countless products in numerous categories. The questions related to each product or category will be different from another one. Product Q&A is the best solution to overcome this limitation of your Magento ecommerce website. It simply makes your website more interactive and user-friendly, and thus helps in increasing the sales.
(0 ratings)
Abandoned Cart | Magento Abandoned Orders Extension by FME
FME Abandoned Cart is an intelligent Magento extension which tracks all abandoned entries and give you a complete insight regarding cart abandonment. With the help of this Magento Abandoned Orders extension, you can follow up with the customers who added products to their shopping cart but did not buy. You can configure automatic reminder emails in order to recover the abandoned carts. You can include restore link, rich media files and discount coupons in reminder emails.
(0 ratings)
PriceUSD 79.99
Magento Order Archive - Delete Magento Orders
Automatically archive orders or delete them to keep your order grid clean and save time on store management activities. Use flexible settings to customize archive process according to your needs. Automatically archive orders; Permanently delete orders; Display archived orders on a separate grid; Specify the number of days before orders get archived; Set archive frequency.
(0 ratings)
PriceUSD 79.00
Magento Store Credit by Amasty
Provide registered customers with a flexible credit system. Let them spend their credit balance on product purchase or easily share it with friends. - Refund orders directly to customers' credit balance; - Share credit balance with friends; - Subscribe to credit balance updates; - Update credit balance for individual customers or in bulk; - View detailed credit transactions history
(0 ratings)
PriceUSD 129.00
Magento Auto Shipping by Amasty
posted byAmastyinShipping
Set the default shipping method and shipping address to display them right on the shopping cart page. Let customers immediately see the final price including shipping expenses. - Automatically display default shipping methods; - Identify customer's address with GeoIP; - Clearly show shipping expenses on the cart page; - Improve customer experience.
(0 ratings)
PriceUSD 49.00
Magento Advanced Customer Segments
Segment your customers and guest visitors by various parameters. Export segmentation results for careful analysis and take advantage of targeted marketing campaigns. - Easily segment registered customers; - Segment guest visitors by order and shopping cart data; - Create segmentation rules based on condition combinations; - Quickly export segmentation results; - Get segmentation lists updated by cron.
(0 ratings)
PriceUSD 159.00
Emotional Rating Widget
With Feelbacks, emotional rating system, readers can choose one of five emotions to express their feelings about the content. Vicomi then recommends the right mix of articles perfectly matched to the emotional state of the reader. Feelbacks rating system includes related content recommendations and social analytics dashboard.
(0 ratings)
Wordpress Emotion Rating Plugin
Feelbacks Rating: At the end of an article, readers can evaluate the content according to five emotions. Readers are then recommended the right mix of articles perfectly matched to their mood. Feelbacks also comes with a social analytics dashboard for emotion insights.
(1 ratings)
Magento Multi vendor Marketplace Module
Medma Magento Multi vendor Marketplace module will convert your Magento Store to Multivendor Marketplace, which will have a separate vendor / seller section for their Products. It also has inbuilt reviews and feedback system. Our Marketplace module in Magento is one of the best selling marketplace module in Magento community.
(0 ratings)
PriceUSD 229.00
Magento product video extension
The Magento Product Video extension being at a striking position will make your site be more informative than ever This module supports three popular video platforms which are YouTube, vimeo and Dailymotion. Moreover, admins can easily exclude/remove product videos in backend. Just take some simple steps; you - store owners, your great product videos can catch customers’ attention easier than ever which in the end increases your sales.
(0 ratings)
PriceUSD 39.00
Magento frequently bought together
With magento frequently bought together customer can buy a group of products they like. Each bundle will include the main product and related items, each price for each item, the total price and especially the group discount. Magento frequently bought together by Cmsideas is an easy, simple but very useful extension which displays the products other customers have purchased which impacts on customers’ purchase decision. Therefore, it significantly powerfully boosts the sales up and increases your customer satisfaction by suggesting related items to enhance the product and user experience.
(0 ratings)
PriceUSD 39.00
Magento shop by brand extension
Magento Shop by brands extension allows you to create and display brands on a separate landing page, whereas each manufacturer has its page as well Shop by brand Magento module enables you to use this feature also for any other attribute and create list of all models, all available colors, all authors, etc.
(0 ratings)
PriceUSD 49.00
Magento product alert extension
Magento product alert returning visitors of new products that were added since they have last visited your website It saves the users visiting hours and reads them out when he returns to your website. Your customers may not have time to keep visiting and searching your new products. To support you to alert your existing and potential customers about new products, Cmsideas have created Magento New Product Alert extension which notify returning visitors of new products that were added since they have last visited the website.
(0 ratings)
PriceUSD 19.00
Magento gift card extension
Currently, with the development of the Internet, people turn to buy gifts or gift cards online in special times .With Magento Gift Card, you can buy and send gift cards via email or post office without go to store by yourself. It is very convenient and saves your time. If you are looking for a gift cards features for your Magento store, it is the best extension you can have. It is packed with features and customization, works well and especially easy to install The module adds a new ‘Gift Card’ product type in Magento backend, which you should choose while creating a new product. Specify native Magento products options, and gift card options: fixed or open amount value, card type (virtual, physical, or combined), and its duration.
(0 ratings)
PriceUSD 79.00
Magento social login extension
Magento Social Login is an extesion which helps you reduce the barriers when your customers register your website. It allow them to use their accounts on the most popular social networks such as Facebook, Google, Yahoo, Twitter, Linked In …, that can increase your signups. Thereby helping to speed up the procurement process, increase the conversion rate and the sales performance of your website. Magento Social Login eliminates the need to create yet another username and password. There by helping to speed up the procurement process, increase the conversion rate and the sales performance of your website
(0 ratings)
PriceUSD 49.00
And these are some outstanding features of Joomla Social Tabs Module Pro -Twitter Latest Tweets – Profile or Twitter List -Google Latest +1s -Facebook Page Wall Posts -Facebook Like Box/Stream -Facebook Recommendations -LinkedIn – Company Profile, Member Profile, Company Insider & Jobs Plugins -Youtube Latest Uploads/Favorites -Pinterest Pins -Custom Tab (Load module in tab) -Work on Joomla 2.5 and 3.x -Fast loading – tabs loaded via AJAX only when required. -Display either using slide out tabs or static tabs in your page content. -Fully flexible positioning. -Position sliding tabs relative to browser window or within the page content. -Option to load open for slide out tabs. -Control order of tabs & select default tab on page load. -Custom position tabs.
(0 ratings)
PriceUSD 35.86
Script Remover
Script Remover is a system plugin of Joomla 2.5+ that is able to load jQuery javascript library. The plugin removes unwanted scripts that conflict with other scripts and make your website run incorrectly.
(0 ratings)
Login Popup by ExtStore
Login Popup by ExtStore is a lightweight and dynamic plugin for Joomla 3.x that facilitates users by showing login popup instead of opening a new window whenever users click in a certain HTML (DOM) element. Login Popup plugin helps you boost the number of users by urging them to register for an account if they want to download items in configured elements.
(0 ratings)
V-Admin Magento Extension
Installation Instructions 1. Disable Compilation Log into the Magento Admin Panel and go to System, Tools, Compilation. Then, disable the compilation, this will let you run the compilation process again. 2. Install the V-Admin Extension, via Magento Connect First, get the extension key from magento connect Then, go to System, Magento Connect, Magento Connect Manager and use your admin account to login again. Once you are logged in, paste the extension key in the field named "Paste extension key to install", then click Install. After installation, click the Proceed button and the V-Admin extension will be installed automatically. 3. Clear Cache Go to System, Cache Management. Then clear the stored cache. 4. Re-login After clearing the cache, logout and then log back into the Magento Admin Panel. After this step V-Admin will be successfully installed and ready for configuration.
(0 ratings)
Results 701-720 of 1000