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Results 61-80 of 995
JavaScript Spell Check
JavaScript Spell Check is the spell checking component for JavaScript. JavaScript Spell Check extends your Website: A Pop-Up Spell Checker Window similar to that in Microsoft Word. This is ideal for spell checking website forms and data entry; Ajax Spell Check. A fully featured Ajax Spellcheck API so you to develop your own rich spellchecking applications & a new SpellCheck() function added to JavaScript. ASP & ASP.Net Compatible.
(0 ratings)
PriceUSD 99.00
Screen Resolution Check Script
This script allows visitors to check how websites will be viewed in different monitor screen resolutions. Many options, from iPhone up. No database required, your server must have PHP5+ and Ioncube Loaders.
(0 ratings)
PriceUSD 19.99
Check My IP Script
posted byBangerukinOther
This is a free check my IP script, this allows your visitors to visit your website and found out their IP address and browser information. In order to run this script you must have a web server with PHP installed, all you have to do is upload the few files to your site and its ready to run.
(3 ratings)
2CheckOut Integrator
2CheckOut Integrator binds your site and account in 2CO payment system. Now managing your payments becomes easy and convenient. Features: * Manage the style of your "buy" buttons * Real-time statuses of the payments (updated automatically) * Export to .csv * Statistics of views/clicks * Full payment details available * WYSIWYG editor for PDF invoices * Events Handler (you can manage the behavior of the system depending on events. For example automated email notifications or account creation once the payment is approved) From the back-end you will see the real-time statuses of your payments - if they have passed through the validation successfully, if the payment is received, etc. With usual extensions you will never know the actual status of your payment, and will have to login to your 2CO account to check them manually. Our 2CheckOut Integrator makes life much easier; it will always display the actual real-time statuses of the payments.
(0 ratings)
PriceUSD 69.00
jQuery Mega Checks
A lot of the time when developing new web projects I think a lot of developers would agree that most of our time gets pulled into all the little things that make a website easier to use, especially user interface components. jQuery Mega Checks aims to make these tasks a little easier. Features Include: Check row / check box by clicking on a row OR the check box Instantly adds check all / uncheck all functionality Optional counter to show how many rows selected, can be anywhere on your page Light-weight jQuery plugin works with any table / multiple tables on your page And more...
(0 ratings)
PriceUSD 5.00
SharePoint Batch Check In
SharePoint Batch Check In solves this problem by allowing you to bulk check in a group of checked-out files all at one time, as well as upload & simultaneously checkin multiple new documents. Three different check-in settings give you full control over how SharePoint handles your documents.Support All SharePoint columns including Managed Metadata, External Data and SharePointBoost Cascaded Lookup Column.
(0 ratings)
PriceUSD 799.00
PHP Spell Check script
This is a spelling checking script written in PHP/MySQL. It asks the user to input an English word and checks if the spelling is correct. If the spelling is not correct, it offers different suggestions of similar words.
(0 ratings)
YVS Form Check Functions
When I started my life as a developer, the first set of trouble I ran into was to check the form once it has been submitted.Presented here is a set of functions for a full cycle of basic form checks, use them with some imagination and you will have a powerfull tool to do most of the tasks in checking and securing your form. A new function 'check_text_fields_allowed_symbols' has beed added works simmilar to 'check_text_fields' function.
(9 ratings)
jQuery Spell Check
jQuery spell check is the industry leading spell-checker plugin for jQuery. It adds spell-check-as-you-type (scayt) or spell-checking dialog popup windows to any HTML web application using just 1 or 2 lines of jQuery code. This includes support for legacy Intener Exploer (IE6 , 7 8, 9 + ) . Demo and download it for free from http://www.javascriptspellcheck.com/jquery-spell-check/
(0 ratings)
PriceUSD 89.00
Google position ranking check checker
Here a script for your website which looks where your position is in google, or where your ads are if you work with adsense. Nice script which looks in every search page where your domain name is and compares this. This script is absolutely free! You only have to leave a link to my website!
(6 ratings)
ASP Spell Check - Spell Checking For ASP, Ajax , Flash & ASP.Net,
ASP Spell Check is a SpellCheck component for Microsoft ASP web applications. ASP Spell Check provides international spellchecking in 11 languages - including English, French, German, Italian, Dutch, Portuguese, Swedish, Danish and Spanish. SpellCheck integrates seamlessly with Forms on Websites, Content management systems, Web-mail applications, Rich Editors (WYSIWYGs) & Intranets. ASP SpellCheck works very much like popular word-processing spellcheckers. Advanced Suggestion ranking algorithm (based on Genome mapping technology). A new JavaScript interface allows you to use the spellchecker without ASP at all. ASP SpellCheck has many unique and advanced features spellcheckers, including: AutoCorrrect, Grammar Checking, Profanity Filtering & Personal Dictionaries for each User. Now Supports Flash Actionscript, JavaScript, ASP, ASP,Net and AJAX.
(7 ratings)
JavaScript Spell Check - Spell Checking for Website Forms. AJAX Compatible
JavaScript Spell Check is a comprehensive spell checking component for JavaScript. JavaScript Spell Check is compatible with AJAX, ASP, ASP.NET, DHTML and WC3 HTML and XHTML. It is also compatible with almost all modern web browsers. A Free Trial is available to download. SPELLCHECKER DIALOG: A SpellCheck Window similar to that in Microsoft Word. This is ideal for spell checking website forms and data entry, intranets, rich editors and CMS. AJAX SPELL CHECK: A fully featured Ajax Spellchecking API. SPELLCHECK() FUNCTION: function added to JavaScript to allow realtime spell checking and suggestions. INTERNATIONAL: Java Script Spell Check provides international spellchecking in 11 languages - including English, French, German, Italian, Dutch, Portuguese. You can also add your own custom dictionaries.
(3 ratings)
ActivSpellCheck Spelling Checker
ActivSpellChek is a server side spell checker for Active Server Pages (ASP). It allows developers to build custom spell checking interfaces with HTML and JavaScript, for use with Textbox's and Textareas.
(0 ratings)
Double-checked locking and the Singleton pattern
Examine the roots of the double-checked locking idiom, why it was developed, and why it doesn't work. The Java programming language contains several useful programming idioms. It also contains some that further study has shown should not be used. Double-checked locking is one such idiom that should never be used.
(0 ratings)
Cross browser XML/XSL check
Just created the most wonderful XML/XSL website, but people complain that it doesn't work, simply because their browser is outdated? This script check if client-side XML/XSL transformations are supported and allow you to specifiy an action after that, tell them to upgrade, or just send them to another page.
(6 ratings)
SERP position check by ReportBot
Check your Google and Yahoo SERP (search engine results page) position.
(3 ratings)
Reciprocal link check PHP script
This script will allow you to easily check your links on your link partner websites. Just enter the list of web pages and this tool will tell you if your reciprocal link is still online.
(0 ratings)
PriceUSD 9.95
Ajax Php - Check for Reciporical Link
Use this script to check if reciporical link agreements are being honoured. Check for a given link in a remote page.(Demo + source code included)
(3 ratings)
Magento Upload Check Payment Method
When customers decide to purchase a product on your online store, the payment method is very important before they can receive their desired products. The Magento Upload Check Payment Method provides you a new payment method to your store. Beside the traditional payment methods, for customers, they can scan a check (bill) for proving payment when performing transaction and upload in the store. For admin, they will receive the uploaded file via email and complete the order.
(0 ratings)
Javascript Function to Check or Uncheck all Checkboxes
posted byhumbadsinForms
Use this Javascript function to check or uncheck all the checkboxes in a form. This function is specially designed for dynamic pages with varying numbers of checkboxes. Unlike other functions out there, it will work without error even if there are no checkboxes or there is only one checkbox. It is also significantly faster for long lists, because it saves the length of the checkbox in a variable, instead of recalculating it in the loop. Finally, the function is granted to the public domain--use it as you wish.
(12 ratings)
Results 61-80 of 995