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Top Rated Scripts | Ajax

Results 181-200 of 396
Twitter Friends & Followers Widget
There is a Facebook fans widget, Google friends widget, what about a Twitter friends widget?! This is a jQuery plugin that you can embed anywhere to display pictures of your Twitter followers or friends (whom you follow) and their latest tweets if you like.
(15 ratings)
Country State City Database Script
Are you looking for Country State City Database? You have reached the right place. We developed Ajax based Database for all country, state and city. It comes with Excel and MySQL. It is updated every year absolutely free of cost. Our Download Country State City Database is suitable for all kind of website like Job Portal, Dating Script, B2B Script etc. We have delivered our products to 237 Countries, 4167 States and 195352 Cities and also give 10 Years Support and 5 Years Free updates. For More Details: http://www.phpscriptsmall.com/product/country-state-city-database/
(5 ratings)
PriceUSD 9.00
Making a Google Suggest-like application
Ever wanted to make your own "live" advanced search that gives you suggestions as you type. This tutorial will show you how to make one just like Google's new "Suggest" search feature.
(3 ratings)
How To Pick an Ajax Framework
In the last year, nearly 500 Ajax frameworks have been created. Picking the proper framework is extremely important, because it will determine the success of the features, maintenance, and development time for your project. There are a number of questions you will want to ask yourself when it comes to choosing the proper framework. If you are looking for a list of the available frameworks, some of the best places to start would be Wikipedia, as well as the Ajax Projects. As far as questions are concerned, will the server be independent? Frameworks which use independent servers will help out with mashing up server systems.
(3 ratings)
Phatfusion Image Menu with Mootools
Phatfusion has showed us another way to build our menu, he has created a image menu with the aid of Mootools framework. It looks really good and easy to use. It is very similar to the menu design of Mootools Official Website. It has the following features........
(3 ratings)
Javascript Asynchronous XML Example (AJAX)
This is a simple AJAX tutorial using php, javascript and XMLHttpRequest. AJAX is the fundamental lynchpin of web 2 services and underpins almost every widget today. This is the simplest example that demonstrates AJAX
(3 ratings)
Submit a Lightbox Form using AJAX
This script creates a lightbox form that can be used to submit the form's information without reloading the page e.g. by using AJAX. The script consists of three main parts. The prototype library, the script.aculo.us for effects plus a basic drag js, and a simple cross browser js file to create the lightbox form. An example is included as well as detail instructions on how to make it available for your website.
(15 ratings)
Bit.ly Button
bit.ly -The intelligent URL shortener- offers realtime statistics about the clicks on shortened links and this button takes advantage of that information. This jQuery button gives you a uniform click count button -tall or wide- that people can also use it to retweet your post. When you use a short link to tweet your post, it may get 100 retweets but in terms of bit.ly stats that could mean 1000 clicks coming from the whole twitter ecosystem which makes another interesting measure of how popular is your post!
(7 ratings)
Ajax File Manager
This is a File Manager script, build with PHP and jQuery, that uses Ajax technology to manage directories and files on your server. . It is Simple and Easily to use, it could be easily integrated into a CMS or any other web application.
(22 ratings)
Single page web app (SPA) created using AngularJS, NodeJS, Express, MongoDB (MEAN) Fastest shop experience Fast Product Search, Filter with AJAX Price slider and multiple brand selector Faster Add to Cart and Product Details Checkout with Paypal Integration Minimal User Registration process Order history and Password Management Facility for Multi level Category Mobile optimized with Bootstrap Instant updates for any changes made across all clients with SocketIO implementation Loads more products on scroll (No paging required) Clean and responsive user interface
(4 ratings)
PriceUSD 25.00
Microsoft Ajax Repeater Control
Apart from being used in complicated RIAs with colorful interfaces, Ajax is also used for a more practical use such as data control and interaction. There are functions that any developer could use to display data in an Ajax way which does not only look good but has efficient functions which could not be seen in HTML based sites.
(3 ratings)
Successfully encoding a decoding plus symbols for AJAX Forms
Tutorial discusses how to encode data on the JavaScript side, and then decode it successfully with PHP so that data corruption is kept at a minimum, and symbols such as the + sign are not lost.
(3 ratings)
Ajax Upload
This plugin uses XHR for uploading multiple files with progress-bar in FF3.6+, Safari4+, Chrome and falls back to hidden iframe based upload in other browsers, providing good user experience everywhere.
(15 ratings)
Website User Maps
You can add a map to your website with a single line of code. The map will automatically show you who uses your website. It also allows you to meet your website visitors. Integrating social engineering to your website doesn't get much easier than this.
(6 ratings)
Getting Started with Ajax at AllSyntax.com
Ajax can be a great way to enhance the user experience of a website. This guide discusses the basics of ajax and introduces useful javascript functions and properties involved in implementing ajax features from scratch. Basic dom-based javascript knowledge is assumed. PHP is used for the discussion of the server-side support.
(6 ratings)
Ajax Extensible Page
A.E.P. is an Ajax framework that is very easy to use with an interface of six functions and these functions allow to build Web pages that are extended at user request from data hidden into the page or taken from external files. Once you have experienced the library you feel obliged to build all your web page in this way, as I do. A short tutorial is provided in HTML and PDF forms. Demos included.
(3 ratings)
Twitter Trackbacks Widget
Highly customizable Twitter trackbacks widget to integrate tweets that mention your post into your blog. Each tweet comes with reply & retweet links to get more readers engaged in your story conversation. After Topsy has released a Wordpress plugin to turn your post tweets into comments. I wanted to use their awesome API to create this Javascript widget that can be used for any blog especially for non-Wordpress ones.
(3 ratings)
Multiple Drop-Down Select Lists Creator - Ajax
The Select lists are created with JavaScript, then, data of the Drop-Down Select Lists (options, values, lists structure) can be saved via Ajax with PHP in TXT file (in JSON format) and in MySQL database. - The script has Administration page for composing Lists; to Add options in lists, Modify options data, Delete lists, Save and Load saved Select Lists. - Each Option can have an additional content that is displayed into a separated HTML element (under the Select lists). - The script generates and displays the HTML and JavaScript code that can be used to include the Select Lists in your web page - You can load a saved Drop-Down Select Lists to continue editing it, to add and modify options.
(30 ratings)
Realtime Related Tweets Bar
With all the buzz lately about Twitter real-time search. Why don't you add a real-time tweets bar related to your posts from your twitter timeline or from anybody or even limit it by a geocode coordinates!
(3 ratings)
PhoneGap’s Local App Storage
In this tutorial you will learn how to create a table and insert data into it, using PhoneGap. For this tutorial you should have some basic mySQL knowledge This tutorial was created on a machine running Ubuntu 11.10, using Aptana Studio 3 as the development IDE and tested on a HTC Desire device running Android 2.2.
(3 ratings)
Results 181-200 of 396