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Top Rated Scripts | Ajax

Results 141-160 of 396
Google+ Activity Widget
As Google+ API was just released a couple days ago, it is time to have a posts widget for it. So, this widget was created to display your Google+ profile and slides down your recent posts with any attached images. You can use the widget to display the posts of your Google+ Brand Page too.
(9 ratings)
AJAX Desktop StartPage Enterprise (Netvibes clone / PageFlakes clone)
StartPage Enterprise is our latest range of web 2.0 AJAX based application that allows you to start your Netvibes.com, iGoogle & PageFlakes.com. StartPage is a multi-lingual Ajax-based personalized start page. It is organized into tabs, with each tab containing user-defined widgets including RSS reader, Notes, Web search, weather forecast, bookmarks, email reader and more. This software also features a a unique "Drag and Drop" interface that it truly a simple to use and fun tool for all your users. It also comes integrated with database importer and php handlers so that you can easily integrate with your existing 3rd party php script. StartPage Enterprise is the perfect solution for bringing more traffic and value to your websites.
(24 ratings)
PriceUSD 99.00
Lightweight shoutbox backend using jQyery, PHP, and SQLite. Instead of a complete drop-in shoutbox, Shoutlings lets you turn any div on your site into a shoutbox!
(12 ratings)
PHPCow - MyWeb Personalized Start Page
An easy way of building a personalized homepage as a Standalone service or Integrate with any third party CMS, Blog, Bulletin Board applications, so members of those systems do not need to register again to start Personalizing their homepage. With prebuilt widgets, users are able to organize the latest information from different leading sources, like: CNN, CBS, TechCrunch, ESPN, GigaOM, NY Times etc. Searching the content is one of the frequently used web feature, MyWeb has a number of perfect widgets that allow them to search the web with Google, Yahoo, MS Live, WikiPedia, YouTube, Technorati, IceRocket etc. BENEFITS: Unified homepage for your visitors and members. This is done without impacting the regular homepage; Switching to PHPCow MYWeb brings with it the ability to actually offer everything from weather forecasts, to photos to YouTube Videos for your visitors with no programming experience needed; Drag and Drop functionality; Pre-configured, Ready-made Pages and Widgets.
(12 ratings)
PriceUSD 100.00
Sigma Grid -- Ajax-enabled JavaScript grid control
Written in pure javascript, Sigma Grid is an Ajax data grid for displaying and inline editing data in a scrollable and sortable table. IE 6.0+ FireFox 2.0+ Safari 3.0+ Opera9.0+ supported. Pure javascript codes, Seamless Integration with any server side solution, such as j2ee, .net, PHP, perl. Inline editing, keyboard data navigation, nested multiline headers, sortable and frozen columns. Slice rendering and built-in paginal output allow you to manipulate huge datasets on the fly. WYSIWYG printing technology, to make it easy to build a traditional-look printable reports. Built in button, no coding. Bar diagram, line diagram and pie diagram built in. Data filter enables grid to present the data users are interested in only. Extensibility enable you to replace built-in cell editor with custom external component (user defined editor), present cell data as your customers' wish (user defined renderer). Plentiful attibutes and event handlers.
(6 ratings)
PriceUSD 99.00
Ajax PageRank Checker Script
What Is an Ajax PageRank (PR) Checker Script? Google PageRank is a measure of importance of a webpage, which is determined by Google. PageRank is calculated using a complex algorism, which takes a huge variety of factors into account. PageRank is one of the factors that determines the SERP ranking of a webpage. How Do I Install This Script? Installing this script takes less than 5 minutes! Just unzip the contents of the file and upload them to either your root directory, or a sub-directory.
(13 ratings)
Multi-Level Menu Creator
An Ajax Script to create Multiple Level Menu. The menu lists (categories, sub-categories, link URL) are defined on client-side with JavaScript, and can be saved with PHP in TXT file (in JSON format), or /and in MySQL database. The script comes with three predefined types of Menu Styles: Horizontal-Vertical menu, and two Vertical-Horizontal menus. You can load a saved menu to continue editing it, to add, delete and modify lists /links. The menu can be included in HTML and PHP files.
(24 ratings)
Ajax Voting Script
This is a Voting Script to vote Up /Down, or to simple add and display points /votes for images, videos, games, or any content in pages of your web site. This Script is made using Ajax technology, with JavaScript and PHP (with OOP), it can be included in any page (".html", or ".php"), but the server must run PHP. The data can be saved in TXT files on the server, or in a MySQL database.
(33 ratings)
ReVou Micro Blogging (Twitter clone PHP social networking script)
ReVou Micro Blogging is a revolutionary PHP software that allows you to start your Twitter clone site. ReVou offers you the next generation social networking and mobile blogging solution for your users bringing more viral growth for your site. Revou is fully customizable and feature pack including SMS/Web/IM/Email support, custom API, ReVou vision addon, Google Maps Integration, Widgets Plugin, Paypal integrated, RSS feeds, email importer and more. Instant Messenging supported: MSN, GTalk, AIM, Yahoo Messenger. Earn more revenues with ReVou through paid SMS subscription and web advertising.
(27 ratings)
PriceUSD 99.00
AJAX: Building a Chat
This tutorial is teaches how to build a Live Chat for WebSite
(9 ratings)
AJASON is a PHP 5 library and JavaScript client for the Web technology called AJAX. AJAX permits data to be fetched asynchronously without the need for reloading the Web page and thus allows the development of interactive GUI-like Web applications. JSON is a lightweight data interchange format which is used by AJASON to exchange data between server and client. AJASON features the ability to exchange complex data types and client-side error reporting for server-side AJASON errors.
(6 ratings)
How to Create CAPTCHA Protection using PHP and AJAX
CAPTCHA is a simple test to determine if a user is a computer or a human. It is used to prevent spam abuse on the websites. So if you use CAPTCHA on your web site forms, this can help in stopping some bots and making life harder for other bots in accessing or using your forms. The goal of this tutorial is to demonstrate how to make your own simple CAPTCHA protection using PHP and AJAX technologies.
(6 ratings)
Ajax and JavaScript
Introduction Ajax is a combination of technologies that increase web page usability. It is an acronym for Asynchronous JavaScript and XML. Ajax performs its functions by encoding all requests between the server and the browser in the common programming language of JavaScript. Communication between server and browser in a standardized language like JavaScript and the Ajax XMLHttpRequest object allow for page updates to occur asynchronously through
(6 ratings)
A PHP Developer's Primer - Delving into Ajax
In this article we are going to delve deeper into Ajax and explore how XSL can be used on both the client side (using Javascript) and on the server side (using PHP) to transform XML data into XHTML.
(3 ratings)
Reverse Ajax Technique
Ajax based applications and websites have the ability to update specific parts of the webpage without changing the whole content. Using JavaScript as the language for development, developers are able to send information to the server-side faster with lesser bandwidth. But still Ajax is just like most web development application. The connection from the server to client and vice versa has to be completed before another request could be done. Developers have found a work-around this situation by installing timer in some functions to delay its execution, but it still has to wait for the first queued function to complete before it starts another function.
(3 ratings)
dhtmlxScheduler :: JavaScript Event Calendar
dhtmlxScheduler is an Ajax-enabled JavaScript event calendar that enables you to quickly add a Google-like scheduler to your web app or website. It offers an intuitive drag-and-drop interface, rich feature set, and ready-to-use server-side integration. The events in the calendar can be displayed in different views (Day, Week, Month, Year, Agenda, Timeline, etc.). dhtmlxScheduler also supports recurring events, which can be configured on a daily, weekly, monthly or yearly basis. It is very flexible allowing you to customize the calendar interface depending on your requirements. Due to the touchscreen support, dhtmlxScheduler can be used on mobile devices.
(3 ratings)
Poll ajax
It comes with an installation script(install.php) so there is no need for having to manually create databases etc. On the front-end, the polls can be very easily integrated into website. Password protected administration panel, which allows you to edit polls, rearrange answers, clear results, check detailed list of the last 100 votes, sorted by id, display ip, exact time.
(3 ratings)
PriceUSD 10.00
Ajax Shoutbox 1
People can express opinions, chat and give you feedback about your website. This shoutbox uses AJAX so that people don’t have to refresh your page to view the messages. However, people who have javascript disabled can also post and read through the shoutbox. Excellent feature for your website to make it more dynamic and user-friendly.
(3 ratings)
PriceUSD 6.00
Popular-on-Twitter Widget
Another Topsy-enabled jQuery plugin to list the most popular posts on your website, from your Twitter timeline or for some keyword within a selected period of time. Links are displayed with number of tweets and score -which is calculated by the influence of the people talking about them and affects on sorting those links.
(6 ratings)
Nice interface of Date and time
Nice interface of Date and time built in ajax code implementation.
(6 ratings)
Results 141-160 of 396