Top Rated Scripts | Flash | Components
Flash Carousel 3D
posted bymtoolsoftinComponents
Flash Carousel3D Component is an easy and fast way to make 3D Flash carousel slideshow for your Flash design. It is a standard extension for Adobe Flash CS3 and CS4, Actionscript 3.0, both on Windows and Mac. Making a stunning 3D Flash slideshow is just as easy as drag and drop the component to your Flash movie, adding photo list via the photo list editor in Component Inspector or by defining an XML string or an XML file, then the 3D Carousel Show is ready to go.
PriceUSD 19.95
Global Menu Pro
posted bye-meraldinComponents
A pop-up menu with sliding submenus. Can be used to create the professionally looking navigation system for websites of any complexity. The component provides with great usability supporting most complete feature set: 1) multilevel structure (up to 5 levels) and unlimited menu items; 2) menu data is loaded using XML; 3) component can be completely configured through the XML file; 4) (optionally) separate style declaration for each of top-level menu items; 5) (optionally) setting specific values of width for any submenu block; 6) all parameters can be easily set through the Component Inspector; 7) alpha transparency support for all backgrounds; 8) gradient support for background color; 9) adding URLs or custom Flash functions to any menu click event (through the XML file); 10) advanced ActionScript control. Use Global Menu Pro to create any of the following: 1) horizontal pop-up menus; 2) dropdown menus; 3) sliding menus; 4) any combinations of above menus.
Infinite Horizontal Image Scroller with Text AS3
posted byoxylusinComponents
This is a smooth, speed-based image slider created to be used as standalone or included in other flash projects. It is XML customizable, with around 15 settings, including image and reflection setup. All the graphics (shapes, colors) are editable within the source .fla file. It supports an unlimited number of images, each one with its own link and link target window. Description text is multiline and supports HTML formatting.
XML Settings:
- component width and height
- image width, height, border and spacing
- slide speed and image jump distance
- reflection setup
- individual HTML description, url and target for each image
Note : All images must have the same size (set in the xml settings)
Enjoy this new release from Oxylus Flash.
PriceUSD 6.00
Horizontal Resizable Graph Chart with Bars AS3
posted byoxylusinComponents
This is a graph component that illustrates the data from a XML file. You can add an unlimited number of entries and each bar can have its own color to easily distinguish between the important values and those less important. Sizes and spacing can be set in the XML file. It's a flexible component giving you the possibility to specify the unit name. This way it can be used in variety of situations.
XML Settings:
- Graph title
- Unit name and its plural form
- Component width and height
- Component spacing
- Bar width and height
- For each bar you can set the label string, bar color and the value to display
Enjoy this new release from Oxylus Flash.
PriceUSD 5.00
Flash Dynamic Scrollbar - XML & CSS
posted byJuanCazalainScroll bar
Dynamic and easy to use flash scrollbar component. XML drven and CSS formatted text.
PriceUSD 12.00
Banner Rotator v4 with Thumbnails
posted byFlashamaninComponents
* XML driven banner rotator
* Resizable – change banner width, banner height, thumb width, thumb height, thumb label width, thumb label height
* HTML formated description
* 12 transition effects
* You can embed banner into html or flash project
* JPG , PNG , GIF, SWF support
* Autoplay
* Customizable colors
* width / height
* thumb width / thumb height
* thumb label width / thumb label height
* color
* transition type
* autoplay on/off
* autoplay timer
* link on / off
* target “_blank” , “_self”
* for each item you can set the image/swf path, thumbnail path, link, large html formatted description, html title
PriceUSD 10.00
Minix MP3 Player AS3
posted byoxylusinComponents
This is a minimalist mp3 player with all the major functions required by such a file. The most attractive part is the very small screen area it can take up.
It is resizable width-wise so you can make it as small or large your project requires.
It can also be set to take up the entire stage size which can be useful for resizable flash sites.
It also features a realistic (driven by music) spectrum analizer.
All player colors can easily be changed from the xml as well, no need to edit them in flash.
Settings you can change in the XML file (25+):
- the width of the player (can be set to 0 to take up the entire stage width)
- all colors (player lines color, background color, buttons normal color, buttons mouseover color, transparent volume bar color and alpha, volume bars color etc.)
- spectrum sample time
- spectrum variant alpha for volume bars on/off
- all mouseover texts to be displayed (for play/pause/next/previous/volume)
...and many more
PriceUSD 8.00
Mini News Rotator with Autoplay AS3
posted byoxylusinComponents
This is a simple news headlines rotator. It is xml driven and resizable, and it supports an unlimited number of news entries. Each news entry has its own link and link target. It can be set to rotate on its own, but there is also the possibility to rotate it manually, using the up and down arrows. All the graphics, fonts and colors are editable within the source file.
XML Settings:
- Component width in pixels
- Toggle autoplay
- News rotation blur value, delay and direction
- Animation easing type and duration
- News headline, link and link target window
Enjoy this new release from Oxylus Flash.
PriceUSD 5.00
Expanding Sound Controller AS3
posted byoxylusinComponents
This is a great way to add sound to your flash project or html page.
The player takes little space and can expand in a cool way to get access to all the functions.
It can be positioned wherever you want, even in the corners since it can move on expansion (set in xml) to avoid it going off-screen.
You have two skins included out of the box (black and white), however the graphics are easy to change from the flash library.
You can add an unlimited number of mp3 files in the playlist, set the initial sound volume, set it to play or stay paused on load, shuffle (random) etc.
You can set it to expand on mouseover or when the user clicks on the small button.
Settings you can change in the XML file:
- select the skin (dark/light)
- expand on mouseover or on click
- mouseover tint color
- move on X axis on expand (amount, can be negative)
- move on Y axis on expand (amount, can be negative)
- auto-close wait time (for mouseover expand)
- initial volume amount
PriceUSD 6.00
Expanding Sound Controller AS3
posted byoxylusinComponents
This is a great way to add sound to your flash project or html page.
The player takes little space and can expand in a cool way to get access to all the functions.
It can be positioned wherever you want, even in the corners since it can move on expansion (set in xml) to avoid it going off-screen.
You have two skins included out of the box (black and white), however the graphics are easy to change from the flash library.
You can add an unlimited number of mp3 files in the playlist, set the initial sound volume, set it to play or stay paused on load, shuffle (random) etc.
You can set it to expand on mouseover or when the user clicks on the small button.
Settings you can change in the XML file:
- select the skin (dark/light)
- expand on mouseover or on click
- mouseover tint color
- move on X axis on expand (amount, can be negative)
- move on Y axis on expand (amount, can be negative)
- auto-close wait time (for mouseover expand)
...and many more
PriceUSD 6.00
Age Verification Widget 01 AS3
posted byoxylusinComponents
This is a easy to use user age verification utility that can be used to make sure certain content is only accessed by users of a certain age thus complying with the age restriction laws.
On success it can open a link or trigger an action (gotoAndPlay, gotoAndStop etc.).
On fail it can display a custom message and optionally it can hide the enter button.
Graphics can easily be changed from the XML and the Flash library.
Settings you can change in the XML file:
- minimum age (ex. 21)
- last year in list (ex. 1930)
- disable enter button on fail on/off
- disable enter button on success on/off
- action type (open link/AS action)
- url and target for link
- frame/label for action
- all important text (title, fail text, button text)
- all important colors (title text color, fail text color, background color, bg stroke color, button text color, button normal&mouseover stroke colors)
Enjoy this new release from Oxylus Flash !
PriceUSD 5.00
24 Flash Generators
posted bymartin2106inComponents
These Flash Widgets can be used to promote your own website on sites like myspace, hi5 and other social networking sites. Shared widgets are linked back to your website.
Use them to promote your website.
You can buy them seperate or the whole package at once.
24 Generators for only $ 100,-
With resell rights
Requirements: PHP and enough webspace + bandwith
PriceUSD 10.00
NEWS READER with Tab Menu
posted byFMediasinNews Reader
• Easy to configure and fit to any dimension. NEWS settings and Text are control through xml file
• Option to use single or separate xml file, easy to edit the news content
• Option to add heading and description for each news, Enable or Disable to show full heading and description for all news.
• Set Font size, color, BOLD and italic. The heading font is Embedded Arial and description is Tahoma system font. If the Tahoma font is not available in viewer system the Arial font is automatically replace.
• Option to show news with or without image and set image width and height
• Option to set text width, horizontal and vertical margin. Set Background, Border, separater and Rollover color. Option to set news separater size
• Option to choose scroll bar or mouse scroll control to browse the news
• Add link with target for each news. Click over the image, text or Read More button will launch a URL .
PriceUSD 10.00
Flash Map of Turkey
posted byLGLabinComponents
Change the Following Main Settings in XML
Stage outline color and main background color.
Window target method for link (e.g. "_blank", "_self", etc ).
Province color and text color for disabled provinces.
Provinces outline color and transparency.
Change the Following Settings in XML for each Province.
Tooltip content including image, full province name and description text. (Note: All Turkish special characters are already embedded in the map)
URL when province is clicked.
Enable or disable each province independently.
Initial/Over/Selected colors for each province.
Initial/Over/Selected colors for each province's first 3 letters.
PriceUSD 8.00
Photo Gallery Template
posted byFlashtoryinComponents
Hello all and welcome to our first complete flash website template.
This is a highly customizable resizable template that is a great fit for photographer, artist, freelancer or designer portfolio websites.
You can change a ton of settings in the xml files and changing any elements from the fla is done easy, everything is properly named and organized. This template supports an unlimited number of images for the homepage banner rotator and for the gallery second panel. You have absulutely no limitation regarding the number of pictures. For the albums number you are only limited by the total width of your application.
As a bonus, you can use the "About us" and "Contact us" modules independently from the template, separate folders for these have been made and of course separate help files. You can use these in any other project you choose to.
For the footer you can have any number of buttons which either load a swf file or target an external link.
...and many more
PriceUSD 25.00
Flex Wizard Component
posted byd_e_x_t_e_r_o_u_sinComponents
The Wizard has a collection of child containers but only one of them is visible at a time. the Wizard provides a step by step approach to show the child containers one by one. It creates the navigation buttons and the pane which displays which is the selected step right now. The Wizard extends the ViewStack component and contains all the properties and methods of the ViewStack The Wizard also displays all the labels of its childContainers in the left hand side pane and indicated visually about which one is currently selected. The Wizard component is packaged as SWC file and fully customizable, including background color, styles for controls and other things. The Wizard component API is very well documented and the API Documentation (AS Doc) is included in the zip file. The source of the SWC is also included in the zip file.
PriceUSD 14.00
Image or Text Dynamic Slideshow - Switch Panel
posted byvirtualfuelinComponents
- Very little Actionscript used. Mostly done with shape and motion tweens for easy editing.
- The file is nested into a movie clip for easy drag n drop.
- Fully scalable to any size.
- You can alter the duration of the panel just by adding frames into its timeline.
- Only 8kb.
- You can add links to your content.
- Comes with a complete FAQ file.
- Usage: Ideal for a unique, original, professional / corporate presentation, instead of using a simple PPoint presentation.
PriceUSD 3.00
Image or Text Dynamic Slideshow - Rotation Panel
posted byvirtualfuelinComponents
- No Actionscript used. Completely done with shape and motion tweens for easy editing.
- The file is nested into a movie clip for easy drag n drop.
- Fully scalable to any size.
- You can alter the duration of the panel just by adding frames into its timeline.
- Only 32kb.
- Comes with a help file.
- Usage: Ideal for a unique, original, professional / corporate presentation, instead of using a simple PPoint presentation.
PriceUSD 4.00
Dynamic Photo Gallery 2.0 - Sliding Panel
posted byvirtualfuelinComponents
- All the animation was built in Flash.
- The animation were completely done with shape and motion tweens.
- Images can include a description text.
- The file is nested into a movie clip for easy drag ‘n drop.
- Fully scalable to any size.
- Only 20kb.
- Comes with a Complete FAQ file.
- Well commented ActionScript code.
- Usage: Ideal for a unique, original, professional / corporate presentation, instead of using a simple PPoint presentation.
PriceUSD 8.00
Image or Text Dynamic Slideshow - Zoom Panel
posted byvirtualfuelinComponents
- Very little Actionscript used. Mostly done with shape and motion tweens for easy editing.
- The file is nested into a movie clip for easy drag n drop.
- Fully scalable to any size.
- You can alter the duration of the panel just by adding frames into its timeline.
- Only 11kb.
- You can add links to your content.
- Comes with a complete FAQ file.
- Usage: Ideal for a unique, original, professional / corporate presentation, instead of using a simple PPoint presentation.
PriceUSD 4.00