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Top Rated Scripts | JavaScript | Scripts & Programs | Forms

Results 21-40 of 231
Select Menu 3 ... Switch at will
posted byxininForms
Group and split your long option list into some short sub-lists and switch between them with ease.
(3 ratings)
Form field Progress Bar
This useful script allows you to restrict the number of characters inside a form element (ie: textarea) while displaying a progress bar on the remaining characters beneath it. Cross browser functional.
(3 ratings)
BuayaCorp Forms Validator
posted byxkn0wninForms
This script will help you in common tasks like client side validation. The validation in the client side is important, it can save innecesary postbacks to validate our data, but we can't ensure that it always will be enabled the client side scripting, for that reason it's also necessary to make data validation on the server side, to avoid incoherences.... Features * It allows the validation of text fields, text area, lists * It allows the use of customized functions * It allows to add to events to elements using regular expressions (when it is wanted to limit the input of certain characters, in this version it doesn't accesible) * Different ways to show errors * It allows to make debugging * Object Oriented * Compatible with IE and Mozilla Firefox
(3 ratings)
Input Components Suite - Preset your input fields with masks
posted bypascaljarryinForms
The Input Components Suite from Wiseblocks.com is a highly customizable set of components used to preset masks, enhance and decorate input fields in a web form. It also provides ways to dynamize your GUI interface. The suite is composed of height ccomponents: ICTextMask, ICDateTimeMask, ICCalendar, ICNumericMask, ICCalculator, ICSpinner, ICFormulaCell and ICDecorator which offer top-of-the line features like pre-formatted fields, edit mask, hint-boxes, keyboard support, popup graphical helpers and more! Our components are non-intrusive and compatible with all server-side technologies and frameworks. It is a pure JavaScript library that can be installed in a few seconds. A 30 days trial license is available now.
(3 ratings)
Password Strength Meter MooTools Plugin
Password Srength Meter is a JavaScript password strength checker based on MooTools 1.3. It aims to provide simple, reliable password strength indications across all browsers in an unobtrusive manner. It is 100% styled by CSS and allows for custom validations. It can be used with effects or without and has an optional text component that changes with each change of state.
(3 ratings)
wForms: A Javascript Extension to Web Forms
posted bycedsavinForms
wForms is a javascript extension that adds commonly needed behaviors to traditional web forms. It follows the principle of progressive enhancement : unobtrusive, cross-browser and degradable. I should also point out that not a single line of code is required to actually use it. That makes the learning curve almost non-existant. If you can add a class to a tag, then you can use wForms. Implemented behaviors are: * Switch: Allows you to show/hide relevant parts of a form based on the user inputs. * Repeat: Allows parts of a form to be repeated if the user wants to provide more answers. * Field Hint: Displays contextual help based on the current input focus. * Input Validation: Validates common input types (email, numbers, ..) and displays appropriate error messages.
(22 ratings)
CreateWebApp Ajax Autocomplete Widget
posted bychenggninForms
Like Ajax autocomplete? Our widget is an elegant JavaScript component for developers whom want to make this feature available in their real world web applications. It�s super easy to use, also looks great! Over one year development, nearly thirty release, our product has been verified by hundreds of clients: small firm, NASDAQ company, university, even police department! Available on Mac and PC, supported web browsers include: Safari, Microsoft Internet Explorer and FireFox.
(10 ratings)
posted bydottoremadinForms
Allows the user to comfortably specify some proportions in a form using a slidebar. The main improvement to other slidebar-implementations is that neighbouring sliders may move each other when touching.
(8 ratings)
jsVal: JavaScript Form validation framework
posted byHabiinForms
jsVal is a JavaScript program used for validating HTML Forms on the client side. This allows HTML forms to be validated in the browser without having to send a request to a sever (PHP, ASP, Perl...). jsVals saves you from having to write complicated validations on server side as well as helping you avoid having to rebuild and repopulate the form when validation fails. The advantage versus other client side HTML form validators is the ease of use and flexibility you'll gain. jsVal fits the needs for most HTML Forms, and can be also easily be integrated with existing HTML Forms.
(235 ratings)
Accept Terms and Conditions
posted byinfoinForms
This Script requires your visitors/customers to accept your terms and conditions before proceeding to the next page. Ideal for order-forms, age restricted content etc. Other free JS codes also available.
(21 ratings)
AutoInvoice V1.2
posted bynafwa03inForms
A great free invoice program that automatically totals taxable and non-taxable items and prints the form on one page. There is a mailer installed so that you can have the results mailed to you and the sender can print a reciept.
(18 ratings)
Search Listbox Items - FREE
posted byremygp17inForms
A very simple and powerfull Search Listbox Items javascript !!!! This script search listbox items by entering first letters... usefull for long listbox.
(16 ratings)
Verify/notify For Duplicate Fields
posted bypatinForms
Many forms will require the user to enter an email address twice (to check for typographical errors). This script immediately notifies the user when the two fields match - it's a nice, user-friendly touch, and safe for all browsers.
(21 ratings)
Disable "Enter" key in form script
Is the user pressing the "Enter" key in the middle of your form causing inadvertent and incomplete form submissions? This script disable the "Enter" key when pressed inside chosen fields of your choice. Moreover, it then advances the cursor to the next field within the form.
(24 ratings)
cr:Combobox is a pure DHTML Combobox Behavior control for Internet Explorer 6. It features blazingly fast loading, autocomplete, autosuggest and multiple styles like Windows Classic, Windows XP, and Office XP. It is 100% client based thus server independant. Its very easy to use and comes with lots of examples.
(6 ratings)
Auto-complete type-ahead dropdown menu
posted bymingyiliuinForms
This script adds (correct) auto-complete/type-ahead/ tracing/find-as-you-type effect to dropdown menus in Internet Explorer and other browsers. In IE, when user press "MA" in a dropdown menu, IE will first select the first option starting with "M", then select the first option starting with "A", giving user "AK" while user actually wanted "MA" for Massachusetts. Using this script, user will get MA if M and A are consecutively typed (if user type M, then A after some (customizable) time, user will still be taken to AK as an intended behavior.). It also allows you to use user-typed value to populate other menus. Currently all printable characters on keyboard and keypad are supported (except for those needing the "shift" key). Version 1.1 is cross-browser and fixes issues in Firefox and Chrome too.
(67 ratings)
Foul is a JavaScript based, form validation language. If you hate all the rigamarole you have to go through just to check a simple web form, then this script is what you need. Foul contains a full language parsing engine which compiles advanced conditions and tests for the fields of a form. The language makes building tests as easy as saying what you want. The tests include, blank fields, numbers, phone numbers, credit cards, urls, zip codes, states, emails, social security numbers, ranges, lengths, dates, file types and much more. Foul also contains an auto-formatting feature which fixes the data before it's sent.
(92 ratings)
posted byinfoinForms
Use this script to validate form data before submission. You can set a type for each input field (number, mail, url, date) and a minimum length. This script works with all kinds of form fields: text, textarea, select, checkbox, and radio. Supports multiple languages.
(18 ratings)
Color Picker
posted bylevikinForms
The flooble color picker works using DHTML. Unlike other color pickers that pop up a new window and can get blocked by a zealous popup blocker, ours uses a dynamic DIV making it lightning fast! There is also an indicator square that lets your visitor see what color they picked. This free cross browser script has a number of easy integration options: Editable field, Uneditable field and Hidden field - for total control!
(19 ratings)
JavaScript Form validations made easy
posted byjsctinForms
Client side java script is the efficient way to validate the user input in web forms. It gives the response immediately and reduces the server load. But, when there are many forms in the project and when the forms are long, writing the form validations becomes a daunting, repetitive task. Save yourself from coding long validations for your forms. Here is a simple, powerful form validation code. Using this code, you can do the common form validations in a snap.
(18 ratings)
Results 21-40 of 231