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Top Rated Scripts | JavaScript | Tutorials & Tips

Results 321-333 of 333
Delayed Download Javascript by Allembru
If you have downloads available on your website, implementing a delayed download can be great nu-intrusive way to give your visitors what they are looking for (the download) while also giving your advertisers a few seconds of extra face-time. This script will give the user a second-by-second countdown letting them know exactly how much longer they have to wait for their download to start. This is a great time for you to display some targeted advertising to them while you have their full attention.
(0 ratings)
Introduction to Touch events in JavaScript
This tutorial looks at touch related events in JavaScript and how they are used to detect and respond to touch and swipe events. With touch based devices ever growing in numbers, grasping touch related events in JavaScript is as essential as understanding the age old mouse events.
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Javascript IF ELSE IF conditional statement
For a Javascript beginner, understanding the “if else” conditional statement is very much important. Its impossible to write conditional statement without “if else”, so read the article carefully. In this lesson i will try to give you a complete understanding on “if else” conditional statement to build up your desire logic. Keep in mind that the “if” code block will be executed if the underlying condition return TRUE value. If return false value then “else” code block will be executed. So lets start to learn the most common Javascript “if else if” code syntax.
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Javascript logical AND OR NOT operator code syntax
To build a logic most of the times we need to use AND, OR, NOT operators in our conditional statements. Javascript also provide us all AND, OR, NOT operators. Since different programming language has different AND, OR, NOT syntax, sometimes we forget the language specific code syntax. This article or javascript lesson provide you the code syntax or example of the above three operators.
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Javascript For Loop Code Syntax Example
Loops are the most common and complicated part of any programming language. First of all what is loop or iteration? Loop is used for executing a set of statements or instructions repeatedly. To perform the repetitive task, Javascript provides us 3 types of Loop. For Loop is one of them. In this free javascript tutorial i am going to discuss on only For Loop. If we need to run multiple statement within a loop then the statements must be enclosed by curly braces { }. But for a single statement no need to wrap the line within curly braces because, for any iteration/loop if the condition satisfy then by default first line of code will be executed. This statement is also true for other programming languages. Keep in mind two things when you want to write a loop statement: 1. Statements that you need to iterate 2. Termination or exit from loop
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Animated MiniTabs
This is about providing a sleek animation effect using tabs for navigation bar. It degrades well when the JavaScript is turned-off.
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Points Of Interest in CSS & jQuery
Use this resource to highlight the points of interest of your products. Just a click to open a brief description of each point, allowing your user to get a deep and fast understanding of your product features.
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Randomizing Javascript - What can randomization be used for in Javascript/jQuery?
Building the random number generator - Using the following line to return a random number: Math.floor((Math.random() * 100000000) + 1); Building further randomization into the random number generator - To further randomize, you can use power law distribution. Random number generator using the following line code: Math.round(Math.exp(Math.random()*Math.log(10000000-0+1)))+0; Demo includes way to create a random quote generator and random image loader
(0 ratings)
Sending POST requests with AJAX for absolute beginners
There are times when you want to update the website without the need to refresh whole page, but really there's no need for it. I'm going to teach you guys how to communicate to server using AJAX without refreshing the page and frustrating your users!
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Understanding JavaScript’s requestAnimationFrame method
See how to take advantage of JavaScript's window.requestAnimationFrame method for smoother and less resource intensive JavaScript animations.
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Creating a slick, animated Full Screen Search Form with CSS3 and JavaScript
The trend for search boxes these days has been bigger and bolder. This tutorial shows how to create a slick, well engineered full screen search form that works beautifully across all modern browsers and devices.
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How to listen for a variable change in Javascript?
The issue with all of this is that the CouchDB callback is asynchronous, and "this.bar" is now within the scope of the callback function, not the class. Does anyone have any ideas for accomplishing what I want to? I would prefer not to have a handler object that has to make the db calls for the objects, but right now I am really stumped with the issue of it being asynchronous.
(0 ratings)
link-preview-generator - Cover Image
Node.js library for getting url preview data.
(0 ratings)
Results 321-333 of 333