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Results 1-14 of 14
JavaScript DataView- Webix DataView
posted bykelluvuusinWidgets
DataView enables you to place on the page as many objects as you wish while maintaining a high level of performance. You can create various CRUD operations easily with DataView by making a few simple manipulations. DataView helps you group information rationally within a single container. Now you needn’t look through a jumble of information to find what you’re looking for. Just click on the appropriate group and enjoy. Thanks to using dynamic data loading DataView allows you to load only the information you require at any given moment.
(0 ratings)
JavaScript Webix MultiView Widget
posted bykelluvuusinWidgets
With this Webix widget, there is no need to open additional browser window. Now you can place different widgets in special panels displayed within one area. Users can quickly switch between these MultiView panels using the navigation tools provided. You can easily define the appearance of MultiView widget fully with CSS, which improves your SEO indicators and simplifies control of your widgets’ visual parts.
(0 ratings)
iX Framework
posted byvicirstinWidgets
iX Framework is a comprehensive javascript widget. Includes: Grid, Tree, Tab Panel, Panel, Windows, Column, Button, Menu, Viewport and fields. You can create your web 2.0 with integrated widget and with a lots customization options. using user accessible API and easy to learn syntax.
(0 ratings)
PriceUSD 2.00
Live Tweets - jQuery plugin
posted byScriptDirinWidgets
You can search on hashtags (#apple), usernames, @mentions and more using the Twitter operators. All results will be pulled into your website resulting in a up to date feed. Its completely written in JavaScript using the jQuery framework, no database or serverside scripting language is required. We recommend the Live Preview! Features - Twitter operator based search. - Set the number of start tweets. - Set the tweets per second. - Convert hashtags and usernames to links. - Show thumbnails on/off. Features - Live Tweets - Search on all available Twitter operators (http://search.twitter.com/operators) - Customize through CSS - Easy implementation
(0 ratings)
PriceUSD 4.00
posted byScriptDirinWidgets
The widgets can easily be re-arranged and collapsed/expanded, and the layout is saved in cookies so you don’t have to start over when you come back to the dashboard. Features: Layout Saved in Cookies Re-Arrange Widgets via Drag & Drop Collapse/Expand Widgets The dashboard can have as many columns as you want The look can easily be styled with CSS
(0 ratings)
PriceUSD 5.00
posted byScriptDirinWidgets
The double list representation improve user experience in your design. Features: jQuery Plugin. Progressive enhancement. Many options available to customize. Unnecessary to modify your server code. XHTML markup validated. Supported by almost every browser.
(0 ratings)
PriceUSD 5.00
Related Posts Widget for Google Blogger
posted bymike-moreinWidgets
Related posts widget for Google Blogger that is loaded with pretty new features like posts thumbnails and transition effects.. Displaying related posts is a smart way for keeping your site visitors around and with thumbnails it is even smarter!
(0 ratings)
News Widget
posted byScriptDirinWidgets
With this jQuery plugin you can show single or multiple RSS feeds in a news widget. You can choose to show only the latest items or the show random items. The plugin has lots of settings so you can completly customize the look and feel of the widget so that it fits in the design of your website.
(0 ratings)
PriceUSD 6.00
posted byJFleetinginWidgets
A simple jQuery plugin to display the weather information for any location. The data is pulled from the public Yahoo! Weather feed via the YQL API. You must provide either a zip code (US only) or a location. Postal Code's outside the US are not supported by the Yahoo Weather API so you must use a location for international places. For example if your wanting London weather you would set the location to 'london, united kingdom'. Yahoo API won't recognize 'london, uk' so you must put the complete country. If you provide a zip code and a location, the location will take priority and will be used over zip code.
(3 ratings)
posted byScriptDirinWidgets
tweetGrab is an unobtrusive jQuery plugin and a jQuery-ed Wordpress plugin that simplifies and enhances the process of embedding and referencing individual Tweets
(0 ratings)
PriceUSD 7.00
posted byScriptDirinWidgets
siteFeature2 is an unobtrusive jQuery plugin that simplifies the creation of an interactive “Featured Items” widget.
(0 ratings)
PriceUSD 8.00
Google Chart Scroller/Zoomer
posted byScriptDirinWidgets
You have complete control over the styles and colors. The Google Chart API allows you to customize any colors, fonts, etc. in the graphs and every generated HTML element has a class applied for easy CSS styling (it only generates 9 elements).
(0 ratings)
PriceUSD 8.00
Google Buzz Widget
posted bymike-moreinWidgets
A jQuery widget for the brand new social network -Google Buzz- that you can embed anywhere to integrate your buzz stream into your page. Google Buzz is a new social network based on Google profiles and built right into Gmail. It was launched last Tuesday, and in 2 days over 9 million buzzes and comments were created!
(0 ratings)
jQuery Sticky Notes
A jQuery plugin that creates apple like sticky notes on your website. The notes are dragable, resizable, reditable and there a lot of callbacks so that you can save them in your database.
(0 ratings)
Results 1-14 of 14