Top Rated Plugins
vBulletin Private Messages Synchronizer with SugarCRM
posted byaitocinvBulletin Mods
Forums are a good communication option when it comes to direct communication with clients. You can reach them by sending a private message to ask a question or offer your product. If online, they will receive your message immediately. Otherwise, a copy of your message will be sent to their email box.
Our module automates Vbulletin forum - SugarCRM synchronization for you to get all Private Messages stored and categorized in your SugarCRM application. It saves sales personnel a good deal of time, as information in SugarCRM is always up-to-date, easily accessible and sorted in the way you like it. With our module, you can easily:
*Import your Private Messages (PMs) from a forum (vBulletin platform)
*Assign imported private messages to contacts in SugarCRM
*Post answers to users� messages right from SugarCRM
*Easily navigate messages (Gmail style) Search messages
Private Messages Synchronizer is available for SugarCRM v. 5.1; 5.2 /Community Edition/ and vBulletin 3.5; 3.6; 3.7
PriceUSD 99.00
Ajax Dropdown Products Filter by Attributes Options Values
posted byadvancewebsoftinosCommerce Addons
Unique filter by attributes option values to help store customers with searching or filtering products.
Filter can be used for any Oscommerce based stores (MS *, CREloaded, OscMax, WAI etc).
Store visitors can choose any option value in the dropdown. After this only "depended" values at other dropdowns will be able for select. Visitor select other value in the dropdown and rest dropdown show only depended option values for first and second selects. So after every select values at notselected dropdowns will be reduced and products at product listing will be reduced too. Any set of selected option values has at list one product at search result.
100% of the search results with products.
PriceEUR 40.00
Vibe SEO Pack – WordPress Plugin
posted byVibeThemesinMiscellaneous
Vibe SEO Pack is a powerful and easy to use search engine optimization WordPress plugin.
You can set up:
Homepage keywords and description, Author and “Revisit After” meta tags, category names to be used as keywords, optional keywords and description for articles and pages, but also automatically generated by the plugin, to set which pages to have noindex tags or which links to have noffolow attribute.
Major difference between Vibe SEO Pack and other out of the box WordPress SEO plugins is that you can add your Google Analytics code and Google Webmaster tag with just a copy and paste in your web page without editing a single line of code and same is for all other options.
WPContact - AJAX Contact Form
posted byBomBasinMiscellaneous
WPContact allows you to add an AJAX contact form to your WordPress blog. The plugin adds a new widget which you can use in the sidebar or footer, and set the options like widget title, form labels, captcha. You can also choose if the guests will be able to use it.
The plugin allows you to easily manage the widget through the control panel, define the form labels and the widget title, choose if guests can use the form & an option to use reCAPTCHA.
PriceUSD 12.00
EXP Autos
posted byEXP TeaminJoomla / Mambo Modules
EXP Autos component allows you to manage properties in your website in an easy and effective way while using Joomla! 1.5 .
This powerful combination enable you to run a autos website and use the most user friendly open source Web Content Management System (CMS) available today.
Everyone can create your own independ platform in Internet for car sell by using auto component.
Component use Model-View-Controller Component (MVC)
Component Use jQuery library
jQuery validation fields,Ajax upload images,Separate equipment for each category,Send User Email if ads expiries,Edit ads and renew an ads,META TAG Support,Dynamic title,Search Engine Friendly URLs,Multilanguage support,Change the layout easily,Use skins.Add vehicle front - end,Unlimited Categories,
Top property,Special property,Commercial property,Add duration days,Unlimited images in ads ,Amount of images on top set in admin area,Unlimited Currency,
and more...
PriceUSD 99.95
WebPurify Profanity Filter vBulletin Module
posted bywebpurifyinvBulletin Mods
Filters user comments for profanity using the WebPurify Web Service before they are inserted into the database. You need to have an application key to make use of the WebPurify Web Service. We use these keys to track API usage and to identify your custom filters. Once you purchase a key, you will be able to create custom "blacklists" and "whitelists" in addition to managing your keys.
PriceUSD 35.00
White Label Branding for WordPress
posted byScriptDirinMiscellaneous
With White Label Branding for WordPress you have the ability to give users with the role Editor access to exactly what you want them to have access to – and nothing more!
PriceUSD 20.00
Urlin Protector
posted byUrlinSoftwareinJoomla / Mambo Modules
The Urlin Protector 1.0.2 component is intended for the protection of content from unauthorized copying by the visitors and automatic grabbers. Urlin Protector reliably protects Your site from the plagiarists attacks. Unlike the other products designed for the site content protection, Urlin Protector not only restricts the users ability to select a part of the text in the page and block the mouses right button and some function keys but also encodes the content in the pages source code. It provides a reliable protection for the content against the automatic grabbers. Urlin Protector is installed as a component on the sites controlled by CMS Joomla, starting from the version of Joomla 1.5.
PriceUSD 29.95
Pop Image Slider
posted byimpressioninJoomla / Mambo Modules
Pop Image Slider is a module for Joomla 1.5, 1.6, 2.5 & 3.0 and provides an impressive and interactive way to view images. The images slide left and right according to the cursor movement and when cursor is over an image, the image is magnified. The images are also links to urls specified by you. These links may open using the lightbox effect or in parent or blank window. Also the links may refer to web pages or file types such as image, video, sound, flash.
Pop Image Slider module is updated with great improvements! Better administation, more parameters, CSS3 features, even better motion and effects.
PriceEUR 18.00
Custom Product Preview for Magento
*Custom Product Preview* enables your customers to create a preview of the end-product by placing their custom image over your product image.
This easy-to-use and intuitive tool can provide you with an image that serves as an agreement with your customer of what the end-product should look like. It also helps to make sure that customers are aware of your requirements for files that will be used in production. This is a must-have for stores that sell products with custom graphics, such as T-shirts, mugs, mouse pads, etc.
As Admin, you will be able to upload a background image that represents the custom product and define the printing area, and your customers will be able to upload and position their images that are to be printed, embroidered, etc. on your products.
Full list of features is available on the product page.
PriceUSD 199.00
Seamless Clickbank - Wordpress plugin
posted byvcveticinMiscellaneous
Seamless Clickbank is complete solution that utilizes power of WordPress along with sales capabilities of
This WordPress plugin was made by experienced Clickbank merchant and it is bundled with all features one such person needed over the years.
Try it out and you will wonder how you ever sold anything before Seamless Clickbank!
PriceUSD 69.00
Splash Page for Magento
posted byAITOC IncinContent Management
Prevent your visitors from browsing your website before they take a certain action, for example, verify their age. According to laws at almost any part of the world, sellers must take strict precaution to prevent selling certain products to minors. Splash Page can also be used to deliver a message or provide basic navigation instructions.
Possible uses for a Splash page include restricting access to content that’s not appropriate for a certain age group; getting your visitors to accept the Terms of your website; delivering a Welcome message, sometimes with a coupon code or other purchase incentive; offering initial navigation tips and/or providing links to stores for various countries/languages.
The extension allows to create an effective and non-obtrusive Splash Page: it saves the data entered by guests and registered customers and makes sure each shopper will see the splash page not more than once. It also enables you to restrict access only to a specific part of your store.
PriceUSD 69.00
Modal Popups
posted bymarccninJoomla / Mambo Modules
Make your content visible. Create powerful eye-catching unblockable pop-ups, taking advantage of the mootool's power already installed in your Joomla! 1.5 website. Make sure your website's visitors view the popup, because they must click to close it in order to access your website's content.
PriceEUR 17.97
Front Page Rotator
posted bymarccninJoomla / Mambo Modules
With this popular joomla extension your site will look always fresh to your visitors, because they will not see the “all the time” front page anymore. Our content rotator will do the work for you; it will select new articles from your own site stock and then place them directly in the front page.
PriceEUR 49.99
Can't Be Ignored
posted bymarccninJoomla / Mambo Modules
When visitors arrive to your website and find what they were looking for, they may feel generous and they would like to support your good work. Then, make sure that your website has installed our Can’t Be Ignored plugin to offer an always visible tool that Can’t Be Ignored in order to receive such generous contributions.
Can’t Be Ignored offers an easy way to choose a suggestive personal sentence to impulse the support to your good work. Thousands of website's owners are using the phrase "Buy me a coffee". But how about "Buy me a Beer", "Buy me a pizza" or "Buy me a drink"? Despite this are common preferences, you may prefer a coke, a hot dog, a latte, a pint or your very own personal message.
PriceEUR 19.99
Members Only
posted bymarccninJoomla / Mambo Modules
Keep prying eyes away from your Website while they stay anonymous. Optionally you may allow visitors to directly register to your website with or without requiring for an invitation code.
Members Only is a Joomla plug-in that hides your full-website's content from anonymous visitors. You are in TOTAL CONTROL of the kind of community you are building.
PriceEUR 59.97
posted byvoyo1979inPolls & Votings
Create Exams, Quizzes and Surveys in Any Wordpress Powered Site.
Manage everything through your blog administration panel.
Collect contact and user responses data instantly.
WatuPRO is a multi-purpose online exam software that can be used in education, research, contests, competitions, marketing, or to increase users engagement in your site.
WatuPRO is a plugin that runs inside ordinary Wordpress.
No high-level technical knowledge is required.
One year of free upgrades and free support included.
PriceUSD 47.00
Product Units and Quantities
posted byAITOC IncinMerchandizing
Customize the way your customers deal with product quantities and units. Introduce measuring units that match the type of product(s) you sell, define the possible batches the product can be sold in, and make it easy for your customers to order more with new convenient dropdowns, buttons or sliders.
More info available on the product page
PriceUSD 79.00
Soundcloud Module for PES Pro
posted byMafiaNetinMiscellaneous
With this module for PES Pro, your exchanger will allow users to gain more followers to their Soundcloud account.
PriceUSD 15.00
Pinterest Module for PES Pro
posted byMafiaNetinMiscellaneous
With this module for Powerful Exchange System Pro, your exchanger will allow users to gain more followers to their Pinterest account.
PriceUSD 14.00