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Top Rated Scripts | JavaScript | Scripts & Programs

Results 81-100 of 1000
Live Page Change
Have complete control over the Style Sheet for any web page on your hard drive. Lets you try changes non-destructively. Create a working CSS Style Sheet along the way to keep the changes you want. Some knowledge of HTML and CSS is helpful. Contact the author for a free copy of this script.
(6 ratings)
Accept terms form submission
Does your form contain an "Accept terms" section users must agree to before submitting the form? If so, this script helps enforce it, by disabling the submit button (in IE4+ and NS6+) or process (all other browsers) until he/she checks a box indicating compliance.
(6 ratings)
Infant Percentile Calculator
By this calculator, parents and health care providers can assess and track their baby's growth at home or at hospital. Infant percentile calculator is one easy calculator that replaces 10 growth charts. Just enter your infant's measurements to automatically obtain all his weight, height, and head circumference percentiles by one click. Webmasters can include this calculator in their health related website for free.
(6 ratings)
Javascript Get or Set Checked Radio Value
posted byhumbadsinForms
This pair of Javascript function can get or set the checked value of a group of radio buttons. These functions are specially designed for dynamic pages, and work without error with zero, one, or more radio buttons. Also, because the radio length is saved before looping, this function is much faster. Finally, the functions are granted to the public domain.
(6 ratings)
DHTML Window widget
This is a robust DHTML Window widget that replicates the look and functionality of a traditional pop-up window, minus the intrusiveness. Drag or resize the window widget on the page, minimize or close it, load a new page into it, or spawn whole new windows just as you would with popups.
(6 ratings)
Alternating table rows javascript
An inobtrusive alternating row class script. It simply gives your table rows CSS classes odd and even.
(6 ratings)
SkinnyTip - JavaScript Popup Tooltip Library
Light-weight JavaScript Tooltip library that allows users to display a helpful popup hint or tooltip on their website. Supported by all major browsers, and less than 10kb in size, this tooltip library is perfect for e-commerce or intranet applications.
(6 ratings)
FREE calculators : Age Calculator
Just enter the birthday you wish to track and JavaScript will display the person's age, down to the second. Displays your age along with the day you were born. Great!
(6 ratings)
Cross Browser Autocomplete Country List In JavaScript
This JavaScript provide you autocomplete list for country. This is cross browser compatible. Working greatly in IE, mozilla, Google Crome, Opera, Safari. Compatible with mouse, keyboard and scrolling events. You just need to include “country.js” in your html page and add HTML text box element with id=“AutoCompleteCountry” and div id=” AutoCompleteList”. May this scripts need some extra optimization. Please suggest [email protected] m
(6 ratings)
Jquery lightbox effect / image overlay effect script
Jquery lightbox effect / image overlay effect script allows the user to present the images on current page over the content which makes the rest of the page to appear fader.
(6 ratings)
Everything Random!
Ever wanted to display a random quote or image on your pages? Or perhaps you've got some links to other sites, and you want to put a random one on a page. Well this tutorial will explain how to do all these.
(4 ratings)
Random URLs
Send the user to a randomly-selected URL. The 'onClick' handler for the button calls a simple random selection function that is defined in the header of this script. The function sets the HREF of the object to the value returned by the script, and then sends the user off to the appropriate URL.
(3 ratings)
Use this plugin to unobtrusively add a datetimepicker, datepicker or timepicker dropdown to your forms
(3 ratings)
Adsense CTR
This script tracks adsense ad activity such as who clicked on an ad, what ad they clicked on and how many times. Records their IP address and more. A must have is your using Google adsense.
(609 ratings)
AddObject NLSTree Professional
posted byjackhyinTrees
NlsTree is a powerful and versatile advanced cross browsers javascript tree control. NlsTree provides advanced functionalities such as runtime tree node manipulation for adding, deleting and updating nodes, load on demand (AJAX) and render on demand (for large tree), context menu, drag & drop (with auto scroll and auto expand), XML input/output, checkboxes, 'windows explorer like' node editing mode, customizeable icons and styles and many more features that make the tree exceptionally different. NlsTree also supports loading tree from HTML structure (UL/LI), no Javascript knowledge is required. NlsTree is the best option for navigation, configuration tool in your application as well as data viewer and data gathering component. Included examples to load and save tree into database using AJAX with ASP and PHP!.
(72 ratings)
PriceUSD 39.95
Drag and drop elements
This script let you drag elements to a set of predefined boxes. A useful script for web applications.
(474 ratings)
Snow Effect for Dreamweaver
TSSnow is an easy and high configurable Dreamweaver extension designed to add a nice snow effect on background for web pages. You can configure the speed, the snow items, the colors, the fonts, the location of the snow on the page, the number of simultaneous snowflakes and the size of them. All the configuration actions are made from a visual interface, no programming skill required.
(27 ratings)
PriceUSD 9.90
Calculated Fields
Creating automatically calculated fields into HTML forms it�s usually a hard coding job. This tool makes all the process easy, it allows to define the calculated fields from a visual interface without hand coding required. This tool has been packed as Dreamweaver extension and has been integrated into the Dreamweaver form�s menu. The entire calculation process is carried out with javascript on the client side (browser), so the user does not need to reload the page to get the calculated fields updated.
(27 ratings)
PriceUSD 19.99
Deluxe Menu
posted bysupportinMenus
Improve your website navigation with the most powerful JavaScript Menu on the Web! Deluxe Menu is a versatile, ready-made solution that allows professional and amateur web developers to create superior dhtml navigation systems for their web sites and web applications. This Javascipt Menu/ DHTML Menu supports cross-frame mode, Google Sitemap, 60+ great visual effects, floating, drag-n-drop, flat, 3d, XP, Vista menu styles, relative and absolute positions, vertical and horizontal directions, animated icons and arrows, unlimited submenus, separators and more. Create a cross-browser, search engine friendly, fast-loading web interface of any desired complexity and appearance. You don't need any in-depth knowledge of HTML or Javascript to develop web menus with Deluxe Menu. By simply changing a menu parameter file, you can create any navigation system in minutes. Deluxe Menu comes with an easy-to-use GUI wizard that allows you to generate and test the menu in just a few mouse clicks.
(21 ratings)
PriceUSD 39.00
Hearts Effect
This component adds nice floating hearts to your web pages. No external files required; this is a 100% Javascript based effect. You can configure several parameters from a visual interface, allowing you to customize the animation speed, amount and size of hearts, colors and other details. This component is a Dreamweaver Extension, you can insert it from the Dreamweaver menu with just two steps. Compatible with most browsers, both Windows and Mac.
(21 ratings)
PriceUSD 9.99
Results 81-100 of 1000