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Results 61-80 of 84
posted bypennyainSoftware
getIntranet is a rapidly deployable Intranet solution in a box: a feature-rich, cost-effective, robust communication tool that any company can deploy to assist in managing time-consuming tasks. getIntranet product features: document management, customer and supplier information, stationery ordering, expense claims, resource booking, departmental websites, timesheets, bulletin board, task management system and more! And it's installable within a matter of minutes! View online demo: http://ent.getIntranet.ne t Visit our website: http://www.getintranet.ne t
(7 ratings)
PriceUSD 944.53
Dealership Software - Classifieds Software
Complete Catalog website for new or used car, motorcycles, boats, RV dealerships, and more! Flexible enough to fit ANY industry. Create and manage listings at your convenience, PLUS ... Create your own Categories Create your own Options Create your own Makes ... and much more!
(9 ratings)
Price 169.00
Boardwalk Finance
Boardwalk Finance is a complete business solution, allowing web-based management on an integrated, centralized platform. It includes: PRODUCT MANAGEMENT, SHOPPING CART MANAGEMENT, service management, contact management, project management, contract management, quote management, order management and invoice management. Using Boardwalk Finance, you can utilize one solution to fulfill customer orders from start to finish. It also provides for inventory management and stock controls, as well as client/vendor tracking. Get it all as one configurable, customizable, and affordable software package. Send e-mails to any contact in the system (or group of contacts). In addition, Boardwalk Finance integrates with our other web-based software packages for: SHOPPING CART, time sheets, help desk management (CRM), asset management, Just-In-Time (JIT) Inventory Planning, calendars, project manager, sales force automation and web statistics. Source code included and allows for UNLIMITED USERS.
(51 ratings)
PriceUSD 65.00
Business Automation solution
posted bymrburgerinSoftware
Lyzac ERP is a collection of intelligent software components that can be used to automate almost all your business processes. Whether your business requires inventory management, or accounting control � sales management or billing solutions, Lyzac ERP has it all!.Our software covers Agents/Agencies Education Repair Assembly Fabrication Resellers Boutique Franchises Service Brokers Government SOHO Catalog Services Import/Export Subscription Contracting M-Commerce Suppliers Consulting Mail Order Telemarketing Dealers Manufacturing Trading Developers Merchants Training Distribution Outlets VARs Dot Com Point of Sale Warehousing E-Business Professional Services Wholesale
(6 ratings)
PriceUSD 8,000.00
posted byselwonkinSoftware
Using a simple server-side include (SSI), ASP developers can use TraceLog's simple but powerful tracing facilities to view events on remote web servers straight from an Internet-enabled Windows PC <p> TraceLog events are easily added to new or existing ASP scripts using a single line of code. Each event includes: <p> The Form collection<br> The QueryString collection<br> The Session collection<br> The Cookie collection<br> <p> This information makes TraceLog perfect for speeding up development or helping to support ASP-driven sites
(0 ratings)
DevSolutions Crypt
DevSolutionsCrypt library is a powerful and easy to use cryptographic ActiveX and DLL component for Windows developers that allows applications to encrypt/decrypt data or files using the latest industry standard strong encryption algorithms.It can be used to encrypt/decrypt strings,memory buffers,Blobs,Files and streaming data. For strong symmetric encryption algorithm,it supports the new Rijndael Algorithm , which is a Federal Information Processing Standard (FIPS) approved Advanced Encryption Standard (AES) .It also supports Serpent, Mars, Triple DES,Blowfish algorithms. DevSolutionsCrypt component is designed to guard your client's or application's sensitive information with powerful byte/binary encryption algorithms.You can use it to secure your sensitive information such as passwords and credit card numbers when storing them in a databas
(0 ratings)
posted byeasyaspinSoftware
easyASP generates ASP scripts for query and modify your data base's tables on the Web in minutes, you just visually select the tables you wish to query and modify, easyASP does the rest. Optionally easyASP allows you, among other things, to: -Select the allowed actions for each field (show when querying, enter a value when inserting or updating and specify a default value) -Change each field's format when showing in queries (font properties, font color, alignment, etc.) -Change the control type for each field when inserting or updating data (HTML Editor, plain text, password, file upload, multiline, dropdown with data from other table, dropdown with custom data, radio buttons, checkboxes, etc.) -Configure validations on each field, easyASP provides standard validations and allows you to create your own validations in ASP. -Configure access control to the generated scripts asking for username and password (you can specify a value for the username and password or store them in a table and validate against it) -Define filters to be applied by the final users, which easyASP will automatically generate -Define text searches on a table's fields -Automatically resynchronize your projects when a table definition has changed -Customize titles and error messages easyASP provides look and feel templates designed by experts in the Web design field
(3 ratings)
ActiveXperts SMS and Pager Toolkit
SMS Component for Windows, to send and receive SMS messages. Support for GSM modems (incl. WaveCom, MultiTech, Siemens, Motorola) and SMPP service centers. Features: delivery reports, Unicode, multi-part, ringtones, pictures, WAP bookmarks, WAP push, Flash. Samples included for Visual Basic, Visual C/C++, VB .NET, VC# .NET, ASP, ASP .NET, Java, Javascript, PHP and HTML. Awarded with the 'Software of the Year' award by SmsSolutions.net in 2006 (see also http://www.smssolutions.n et).
(3 ratings)
PriceUSD 395.00
Convert CFM to ASP
posted byBeachBuminSoftware
CFM2ASP converts the most common CFM tags, functions and variable references into ASP quickly and easily. The Code editor includes context sensitive help on all CFM and ASP code, line numbers, syntax coloring, and more.
(3 ratings)
Price 99.00
Asbru Web Content Management for ASP
posted byvejruminSoftware
Out-of-the-box, full-featured database-driven web content management system designed to provide control and simplicity for non-technical users while maintaining flexibility and power for developers. Enables users to create, publish and manage websites with advanced, dynamic end-user and website administrator functionality. Includes advanced WYSIWYG editing, custom data search and display, workflow, staging, scheduling, automatically generated content lists, advanced scripting, personal workspace and access permissions for website administrators as well as for visitors. Example usage: Create a multi-lingual website and Extranet and Intranet websites with custom data, user registration, message boards, discussion forums, weblogs and email newsletters. Manage the website with multiple administrators with differentiated access restrictions and publishing workflow processes. Includes open program source code for unlimited customisation and integration with other systems.
(12 ratings)
PriceUSD 150.00
posted bymdtannerinSoftware
ASPdatabase.net is a web-based program that enables remote database management via a web browser. You can view, edit, delete and create new records in a database table. Also, you can create new tables, drop tables, add or delete columns in a table and run your own sql queries.
(6 ratings)
iEspresio Web Application Framework
posted bysalesinSoftware
iEspresio is a ready to run web based application framework with advanced features. The common features that are required for distributed, web-based applications are already in place: security, users and groups, permissions, messaging, data access, help, common dialogs. Just add your own application specific classes and code. Start your project with several man years of development already completed.
(0 ratings)
HTML Scripting Pages
posted bybrettginSoftware
HTML Scripting Pages is a new client side, ASP compatible scripting plug-in for Internet Explorer. HSP makes it possible to run ASP webpages on any Windows PC without a webserver involved. You can run ASP pages in either Internet Explorer or the Microsoft webbrowser ActiveX control. With HSP, you can code the same mixed HTML and VBScript webpages, using the familiar ASP objects (eg. Session, Server, Request and Response). The only difference is that it runs entirely on the client Windows machine - in a single DLL. Display dynamically-generated HTML in your Windows apps in embedded WebBrowser controls just like Microsoft does in all of their new applications.
(0 ratings)
Primalscript is a code-level development tool for you. Primalscript makes your development tasks faster and easier with language-sensitive Primalsense, code snippets, project management, and much more. Works with over 30 languages.
(0 ratings)
ASPRunner Professional
posted bysupportinSoftware
ASPrunnerPro is a database management tool that provides easy access and manipulation possibilities for any database on the Web. Designed to suit all users from beginners to experienced developers, ASPRunnerPro creates Active Server Pages (ASP) enabling users to search, edit, delete and add data to the Oracle, SQL Server, MS Access, DB2, or MySQL databases. Version 6.2 adds Audit trail, Record locking, Edit/Add master-details tables on the same page, Section 508 compliance, Search panel (advanced search on the list page), Charts update. Multiple series (unlimited), gauge charts (horizontal, vertical, circular), accumulation charts, scrollable charts, financial charts, bubble charts.
(173 ratings)
PriceUSD 399.00
HTML to AnyCode Converter
posted bysupportinSoftware
As a web developer, you may need to translate some HTML code to JavaScript, ASP or other scripts. This operation is tedious and usually takes long time. By using this program you can easily convert HTML code to JavaScript, ASP, PHP, JSP and Perl format, saving your precious time.
(0 ratings)
posted bymhanesinSoftware
ASaP! is a tool that helps you get your database up on the Web quickly and easily. Features: Search, Modify, Add, and Delete Online Records; SQL, MySQL, Access Databases supported; Generates ASP or PHP code; DropDown Lists; Relational Capabilities; Password Protection; Image & Hyperlink Support; *** New HTML area feature allows you to add or edit fields using user friendly HTML tags ***, Simply connect to your database through the program, design the data pages and FTP to your site within the program. Shopcart Version will allow you to turn your database into an online shopcart.
(8 ratings)
PriceUSD 49.00
posted bysupportinSoftware
ResponseIt is a utility/tool to convert your HTML or text to "Response.Write" ASP / VB format. This is extremely handy if you want to encode your ASP code or integrate your HTML / text into your VB components.
(0 ratings)
Xcripter is a framework for database driven code generation: Asp, Html, JavaScript. Its technology is based in pipelines of Xml Transformations, and guided by Visual Basic Classes. It is very easy to use: 1. Select a Database, 2. Select a Table, 3. Press the button 'Generate Script'. It includes the Table Schema in XML format, An ASP Script that lists the table, and the Form associated with the table in HTML and with a lot of javascript validations.
(0 ratings)
intelliCanvas is an intelligent ASP editor, that is available for free. It works in a similar fashion to Microsoft's Visual Interdev or any other Microsoft Visual Studio product. A good alternative for those who can not afford the luxury to buy Microsoft Visual InterDev. As you write your code, intelliCanvas senses and recommends what to type next. As you type a dot after an ASP Object, a list of all the corresponding properties will popup on the screen.
(0 ratings)
Results 61-80 of 84