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Most Popular Scripts | CGI & Perl

Results 261-280 of 1000
Classifieds software by KCScripts.com
posted bykcscriptsinGeneral
Add a fully interactive classifieds service to your website. Give away the ad service for free or charge a membership fee via paypal, authorize.net, or stormpay. Custom data fields, unliminted main and subcategories (with icons), and html layouts to integrate with any website design. Also has ability to have unique categories free to place ads in while other categories can be chargeable. Includes online control panel and free installation.
(9 ratings)
PriceUSD 99.95
PerlSP lets you use Perl like PHP, ASP and other HTML embedded languages. It does not only allow you to embed Perl in your HTML pages, but also extends the language with many built in functions that are repeatedly used in web applications like database functions, emails, attatchments, file uploads, syntax highlighting, sessions, template like scalar interpolation, time formatting, and many more. Your HTML files with embedded Perl code don't need #!/usr/bin/perl anymore, no CHMOD 755, no ASCII mode transfer to the server, no content-type printing, and no limitation to the cgi-bin. PerlSP can also be run under mod_perl but it is optimized for normal CGI so it can be used on dedicated and virtual servers with a good performance. You only need htaccess files on your server (Apache) so your scripts can be redirected to PerlSP.
(9 ratings)
Password Protector Script
This script is a very simple form of web site password protection. Instead of directing people to your main html file, you use this script as a filter to verify users for the password to gain access. If the password is accepted, then the script automatically takes the browser to the "protected" web page.
(9 ratings)
eSurvey - Questionairre
Unlimited Surveys, preview mode, all form fields, supplementary questions, file uploads, CSV exports, question / answer sorting, optional smooth pie and bar graphs (Plus version), multi-page surveys, points can be assigned to each answer, automated remarks based on score (100% Well Done!), automated validation of required fields, and personalized Autoresponders and Thank You pages with option to include Survey Snapshots. Available in English, German and French.
(9 ratings)
PriceUSD 49.00
MRTG for windows server
Yet today, Multu router Traffic Grapher is one of the major tool for monitoring activites of a server. Though windows has a built in "Performance Log" tracker system, a lot of guys would like to have a functionality of MRTG in *Nix platform as in Windows Platform.
(9 ratings)
UsersOnline script includes everything you need to show your visitors how many people are on your site now or at any given page. This script can be used with or without SSI... You can set up to run how many users are online now within, i.e, 10 minutes, 1 hour, or 24 hours.
(9 ratings)
SFEPoker is a simple online video poker game. It's fun and addictive, but is not set up in any way for real money to be involved. Break even on Jacks or better, or try for a royal flush: you get 100 points to start with, and if you lose it all, you'll get 100 more. A fun way to let your site visitors waste some time.
(9 ratings)
Easy Search System
A powerful, customizable and effective site indexing/searching script. Index your website over CGI, PHP, ASP or any web pages. Collect meta's, titles, content and link texts from all the pages on your site. Customize search results, edit stop words, search through the part of the site.
(9 ratings)
PriceUSD 19.95
Mini Chat
A fast, reliable chat forum. Requires a browser that supports DOM2 (Internet Explorer 5.5+, Netscape 6+).
(9 ratings)
MIMEmail (Perl)
If you want to send HTML mails including images and stylesheets, or want to attach files - this script is for you. Images and files will be included into the mail body and will be sent to the recipient(s).
(9 ratings)
HTML-Graphs (Perl)
Use the BAR_GRAPH class to create horizontal / vertical bar graphs, progress bars and faders. You can create simple graphs and even grouped bar graphs with legends, add labels, change colors etc. No graphics or graphical libraries required.
(9 ratings)
Image Arcadia
This script has an extensible file type manager, advanced plugin architecture, a skin engine, point and click customization, secure multi-user admin, thumbnailing, batch uploads and more.
(9 ratings)
Whats New Pro
News management tool packed with features such as a browser based administration that allows any authenticated user to update your website within seconds using sub-admin accounts. Sub-administrator accounts allow you to specify which employees or editors can udpate specific sections of your website using Whats New Pro.
(9 ratings)
PriceUSD 39.99
PERL Calculator
This is just a simple Calculator CGI script, to show an example using math simple functions.
(9 ratings)
Skinny Cart
A cookie-based ecommerce cart (using Matt Wright's "Cookie.lib" for the cookie handling), Skinny Cart takes simple form input, calculates total weights, quantity and price of ordered goods; calculates simple postage costs, accepts credit card inputs and uses email to notify both the customer and purchaser that a purchase has been made. SSL is available via a SSL-capable server and setting the SSL bit in the Cookie.lib. Tested on Apache with Redhat, FreeBSD and Debian.
(9 ratings)
.htaccess Protect with Pleasure
Advanced .htaccess/.htpasswd Password Manager with automatic users registration. User automatically Registration. Add, Modify, Delete password protection for any directory on your server. No limit to the number of directories the script can be used on. Suport PayPal, WorldPay, DirectOne and 2ceckout. Easy to install with installation script. Usage Help Avaliable. Don't need SSI. Don't need Data Base. Don't store plain passwords. Automatic addition/deletion to .htpasswd and .htgroup files. Customer Invoicing/Statement logs. And Many More...
(9 ratings)
Price 79.00
posted byericinUtilities
ESize provides an easy solution to display website statistics including total number of files and total size in byte (B), kilobyte (KB) and megabyte (MB). No setup nor configuration is needed to put these professional statistics in any page within your website. If your web space is tight, or if you want to watch closely to your site's expansion, or you want to have a professional style of statistic, this is the script you need!
(9 ratings)
PriceUSD 18.00
Sending mail with sendmail
Find out how to use sendmail (or other similar mail-serving software) to send e-mail from within your script. It presents a very simple program that emails a confirmation to a user that his/her request to subscribe to a newsletter has been accepted.
(9 ratings)
Matt Wright's Countdown
posted bymattwinCountdowns
Countdown allows you to implement a simple countdown to a specific date in your web pages. You can have the countdown accurate to the second, minute, hour, day, month or year.
(9 ratings)
Users Online
posted bysupportinReal-Time
A script to show how many users are currently online on your site. Allows online counter to be added to page using SSI (Server Side Include) or Javascript (For remote pages like auctions). Easy to install.
(9 ratings)
Results 261-280 of 1000