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New Scripts | ASP

Results 81-100 of 1000
BPAffiliateTracking - Affiliates Tracking Script
Affiliates Tracking Script, gives to registered affiliates HTML code of banner to put in their website. Visitors of affiliate's site click on this banner and come to seller's site. The script counts clicks to affiliate's account. Affiliates get credits, according to these clicks and get paid. Payments are processed by PayPal and affiliates get reports. Technology: ASP, JScript Database: MS ACCESS Main Features: Affiliates registration Banner HTML code Tracking of clicks PayPal payments Reports
(0 ratings)
PriceUSD 39.40
VBScript Epoch time
This script retrieves the current time in seconds since the epoch (Unix time).
(0 ratings)
ASP Database Appointment Calendar
posted byyosmanyinCalendars
ASP Database Appointment Calendar is an appointment calendar to book, show and edit appointments including database support for MSAccess, ODBC and MSSQL databases. This calendar is highly flexible, you can create periodical schedules (i.e., events each 20 minutes, or every hour), as well as changing schedules.
(0 ratings)
PriceUSD 49.99
DW ASP Database Event Calendar
ASP Event Calendar with Database is an Event Calendar with support for MSAccess, ODBC and MSSQL databases. Dreamweaver ASP Event Calendar is an extension for Dreamweaver that allows a fast and simple insertion of this type of calendar into a webpage. It can be easily adapted to all kinds of purposes. You can manage and show information in many different ways.
(0 ratings)
PriceUSD 59.99
Export Recordset Data to CSV Using ASP
This simple ASP/VBScript code sample shows how you can export data from a database table to a CSV file without using any components or database drivers. The script accesses the table through an ADODB Recordset object, converts the values into the CSV format and sends the data to the browser along with appropriate response headers. This code should be saved as an ASP script on a webserver. You should see an "Open/Save As..." dialog when you access the script through a web browser.
(15 ratings)
TechDex Shopping Cart v1.0
The TechDex ASP Shopping Cart v1.0 is a feature rich shopping cart solution. It was developed in ASP and is database driven and optimized for fast transactions. It is also fully customizable and can be easily integrated into any website. Features include: 1. Simple Administration allows addition, updating and removing of products from inventory. 2. Large 255 character descriptions. 3. Single product linking for placeable links. 4. Versatile shopping bag which includes recalculating and quantity selection. 5. Pay support for all major credit cards, mail order, and PayPal. 6. Instant notification of purchases, (detailed Product Order Sheet). TechDex Shopping Cart v1.0 is also easy to setup. Assistance is available.
(0 ratings)
PriceUSD 35.00
DynamicPDF ReportWriter for COM/ActiveX
ReportWriter for COM/ActiveX allows you to create PDF documents from scratch, it provides a GUI Designer so that a developer can layout the PDF design before they ever write their first line of ASP, VB6 or VBScript code. Designer will handle the PDF layout (and can even use an existing PDF as a background for field placement) and the database connection (or event driven data). Your COM/ActiveX code becomes very simple as you just specify the created template and all pagination and placement is handled directly by ReportWriter.
(0 ratings)
PriceUSD 599.00
List Images or Other Files in a Folder Using ASP+FileSystemObject
This is a simple script that lists the files present in the specified folder (directory). It uses VBScript's FileSystemObject to scan and return list of files in the specified folder that match specified filename extension(s). In addition to file names, the script also shows file size and last modified date. The example also demonstrates a naive use of RegExp object to match multiple file extensions. A standalone VBScript function plus an accompanying ASP example to display the date is provided.
(0 ratings)
Generate Random Strings Using ASP/VBScript
Simple yet customizable function that allows you to generate random strings using characters from multiple sets e.g. upper case, lower case, digits and symbols. The random strings can be used in various systems where short, random strings are needed; such as login systems (random password generation) and referral/promotional/discount codes. The coder can specify and change the complexity of string with ease. Few examples presets and output included.
(0 ratings)
Nigeria or other country blocker
This little ASP script and database lets you ban a specified country from accessing your website or shopping cart. Most community webmasters or online merchants know how annoying Nigeria scammers can be. Add this script to your website and they are history! The script block all IP's from whole countries, you can block as many countries as you like. I will provide a link where you frequently can download and update the IP database, so that your allways up to date with every IP ranges. I have made a log function so that your always up to date with how many scammers you have blocked from your site. Please keep in mind, that some scammers might be able to fake their IP number. The script uses Classic ASP and Access database.
(0 ratings)
PriceUSD 35.00
ASP / Ajax chat messenger - flicker free
A cool little messenger / private chat system for websites - let your community users enjoy realtime privat chats. The script uses classic ASP, MySQL and Ajax coding. When receiving a message a little flashing envelope is shown, click the envelope and start chatting. It can with a little programming knowledge be added to your exisiting website within minutes. The chat system is flicker free (with no anoying clicking sounds or background page refresh).
(12 ratings)
PriceUSD 15.00
ASP Tag Cloud (for blogs, forums etc.)
This little script makes it simple to add a tag cloud to your website. A tag cloud is a list of search words (tags) describing the articles of which the tags belong to. Users can then click the tags to view a list of articles also containg the selected tag, when they are searching for related articles. More used tags are displayed with larger text in the cloud making them pop out in the crowd. Uses classic ASP and MySQL
(0 ratings)
PriceUSD 15.00
Date Link Affiliate Feeds
Simple ASP script displays the latest personals from the most popular niche dating sites from Adult Date Link. Simple setup. Just unzip, enter your affiliate ID and start earning referral commissions! Link included for affiliate program sign-up.
(3 ratings)
Microsoft SQL to MySQL
MS SQL to MySQL conversion software converts source database (MSSQL) into destination DB (MySQL) and save the converted database at user specified location or merge the existing DB. Microsoft SQL to MySQL database transformation utility efficiently migrate MSSQL database file without changing the original structure and functionality of DB. MSSQL to MySQL record converter tool supports conversion of all versions of MSSQL into MySQL database.
(0 ratings)
PriceUSD 45.00
ClearImage QR
Read QR 2D Barcode from PDF, TIFF, JPG, images from scanner, fax or camera, with high reliability and accuracy. Decode many ECC200 DataMatrix single or multi symbols, in any orientation, from poor quality images with .NET and COM APIs. Source code examples for VB, visual basic, visual C++, VB.NET, delphi, c++, c#, ASP and other development environments make it easy to develop sophisticated workflow applications. Free SDK for developers
(0 ratings)
PriceUSD 475.00
Real estate script
The application is developed using Active Server Pages (ASP) and VBScript, includes all source code and supporting files. Each file have include files which will save time to edit any thing. Real Estate Application Features: - Provides realtors with the ability to add properties to their web site - Dynamic text area to update each page - Ability to Register Agents - Post-unlimited property listings - Property listings with link to details page - General visitors can also register thier property - Featured properties on home page - Listings display the Images of each property - Search the database by City/Community or County, or narrow the search to include searching by Square feet, Bedrooms, and Property type - Image upload - PDF upload - Floor Plan Upload - Online Inquiry for each property - Full database driven web application - Access 2000
(0 ratings)
PriceUSD 69.00
SimpleIPC is a set of objects, server processes, and configuration tools which allow you, the software developer, to have some of your application's work performed in an external process on the same machine. SimpleIPC uses .NET Remoting over the IPC channel, but your client can be .NET, COM or Java, so it provides a simple interop from Java or COM to .NET. You can run many IPC servers on a machine and improve your horizontal scalability.
(0 ratings)
PriceUSD 299.00
Crop-To-Fit an Image Using ASP/PHP
Classical ASP does not provide native methods for handling file uploads and processing images, therefore, we have to rely on server components. The article demonstrates how you can utilize Persits Software AspUpload and AspJpeg components to crop-fit images. Ideal for generating fixed sized thumbnails regardless of original image dimensions and aspect ratio.
(0 ratings)
ASP SupaLinks Ultimate
To get a higher rank in search engines, your website needs link popularity. This popularity can be achieved by getting links from other websites and in reverse linking back to them. This can be easily achieved with ASP Supalinks Ultimate. • Save on advertising money • Get preference in search engines • Get highly targeted visitors to your web site • Increase your traffic significantly • More customers and more sales ASP Supalinks Ultimate is a user-friendly, professional database driven Link Exchange system, it is a fully search engine friendly category and link indexing directory. ASP Supalinks Ultimate includes an automatic reciprocal link checker and automatic Google PageRank checker to automatically approve links. Features include new link notification, ability to manage links as well as manage unlimited hierarchy categories/subcategories. Also you can easily email webmasters with the automatic email sender. A link popularity checker is also included.
(0 ratings)
PriceUSD 99.00
Gif Colorizer
ASP script to change the colors in a GIF image dynamically. Icons can be automatically adjusted to a different color scheme, or automate your mouseover images. It's as simple as sending the image along with foreground and background colors and your browser will be served the adjusted image.
(0 ratings)
PriceUSD 42.05
Results 81-100 of 1000