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Results 141-160 of 280
DHTML Scrollbars OOP
This script will integrate Scrollbars into a website.The styles are 100 % CSS so that they can be easily customized even for Mozilla.The default behaviour is similar to the the native ones.
(6 ratings)
Advanced Sortable JSTable
Our free javascript table is a cool script that adds to any table advanced filters for rows, sortable columns, collapsible tbodies and more. It's free, easy to use and hight customizable with CSS. Each table is implemented as plain HTML on the page, making the table contents search engine friendly and potentially much easier to deploy and customize than tables where the contents are stored inside the script.
(0 ratings)
A Better Color Picker
Free HTML color picker palette JavaScript controls that make it easy for your visitors to fill out color value field(s) by selecting the color from a DHTML or PopUp Window color palette. Allow your visitors to enter a color value into a form field without overloading your pages with extraneous JavaScript code. Six different JavaScript generated color selection controls. Easy to manage, easy to install, and easy to setup JavaScript color picker input controls that will fit any need. Can be attached to any number of existing form fields. All JavaScript enabled browsers supported. Can use DHTML or regular PopUp Windows. Easy setup - no special programming skills required. All scripts are free for any applications. Easy to understand tutorials, sample code, and documentation included.
(502 ratings)
Copy To Clipboard function
This script is pretty self explanatory. Pass a string to the copyToClipboard function and it will be placed into the clipboard so you can paste it into other programs.
(9 ratings)
Just released, a free new javascript function which allows simple ajax implementation, Just a single line of code is all that is needed to implement ajax. No heavy frameworks just a simple little function. Demo & Download available from the front page... The main strength of this script is that its 100% so it will work with any language, not just php or what not, also the code is very small..so it wont chew up your bandwidth
(0 ratings)
Free JavaScript Color Picker (Photoshop Style)
This is an advance color picker that handles RGB, HSL, and Hexadecimal values. It works the same way Photoshop color picker does and returns the hexadecimal value of the color.
(9 ratings)
Javascript Compressor
You can compress & obfuscate your javascript files with this free online javascript compressor. Compressing your scripts will make them download faster, reduce bandwidth usage and make it harder for others to steal your code. The javascript compressor leaves function names and global variables untouched, so your script will continue to work with other scripts.
(3 ratings)
Visual Javascript Chat
AJAX, with all its constant polling, is a pretty weak approach to chat. This visual chatroom uses javascript, sockets, and dhtml to connect live to a server. A flash to javascript tool called AFLAX (from the Aptana people) handles the socket connection. DHTML allows you to move your avatar around and chat in a virtual "room," while a perl-based server handles the backend socket server stuff. This is a good example of how to wire together users live over the internet, without resorting to flash or java.
(6 ratings)
Easily sort tables on a web page with Dynamic Table
Dynamic Table is a script that enables your users to sort a table by clicking on the table headers. The script is very light-weight (under 5Kb) and super fast! It won't interfere with the look of the table, it just adds extra functionality. Setting it up can be done very simply by just importing a single js file and then initializing with one line of code. The freeware version is fully functional and can be used by anyone.
(9 ratings)
Prefill Google Adsearch box
Want to help your visitors decide what keywords they should use when searching google via your adsearch box? Then this is the script for you. Google's terms of service prohibit modifying the code of their adsearch box in anyway. This script allows you to set the value of the search box without modifying the code, thereby keeping you within their terms of service, while allowing you to specify high paying keywords as a guide for your visitors to search on. Of course, they are always able to overwrite this with their own search terms, but some of your visitors will use your suggestions!
(0 ratings)
HTML Table Filter Generator
Open source and completely free HTML table enhancer: - Convert a regular HTML table into an advanced grid component providing: * Advanced columns filtering model * Sorting and pagination facilities * Complete selection model * Extended keyboard navigation * Inline cell or row editing * Row insertion or deleting And even more behaviors... - Attach to an existing HTML table - Integration with any server-side technology as this is a pure client-side solution - Callbacks for all events, and delegates for most actions - Based on plain javascript, that is, independent from any javascript framework but compatible with any of them (no for..in, no overriding $() etc.) - Exhaustive documentation and API - Valuable support provided under a Premium request
(18 ratings)
JavaScript Safe Colors
A small tool to aid with the selection and conversion of Web Safe Colours. Select from the 216 web safe palette or enter your own HEX/RGB colour values to find the closest match. Also converts HEX to Decimal RGB values and vice-versa.
(3 ratings)
Select field will be inserted before the first h2 element.
(0 ratings)
Quote And Link Bookmarklet
This bookmarklet creates a blockquote element with cite attribute, paragraphs and address element for the source link. * You want to quote some text from another website? * You want to link back to the original? * You want to do this in a semantical way? Mark some text. - Hit the bookmarklet. - Copy and paste.
(0 ratings)
Title To Note
This script uses the standard title attribute to show a message in the bottom right corner of the browser instead of the standard browser tooltip.
(0 ratings)
Accordeon Definition List
Write a HTML definition list with class attribute "accordeon" and this script will transform it in something like you are seeing right at this moment. Change the style with CSS. Give your accordeon DL a smaller width or height and design widgets for your page.
(0 ratings)
Tabbed Definition List
The goal was to convert a simple definition list in a tabbed widget. With definition terms as tabs and definition descriptions as content. Works with several definition lists on the same page. If you want different styles, use multiple CSS classes. Change colors, width, height etc. and design little widgets for your website.
(3 ratings)
HTML table sorting JavaScript
Note: This script is no longer updated/supported as it's replaced by much more advanced and the best of its kind TableTools script (listed under "publisher info" below) which sorts multi-column, searches (regex/range operations), filters (with selects), summarizes (avg, sum etc.) and copies HTML tables with the same setup effort as this one, which is merely to include script in html page header and add a class to your table. Here's this old script's description - Include this script in your html page header and add class="sortable" to the tables you want sorted. Automatic detection and sorting of data types like currencies, US time/date, numbers (scientific notation too), IP addresses, etc; You can specify European styled date/time or other date format, or even specify custom data type thru custom sorting functions! Supports cookie (remember sort state), headers/footers, preserving the row/cell styles (eg alternatively highlighted rows), X-browser support etc.
(128 ratings)
RTRails - HTTP streaming keeps web page up to date between reloads
A RoR app using Ajax HTTP streaming to update browsers from the server. Includes: A HTTPD for mediating the push connections, a JS Window system and two demo apps: Chat/IM with rich text editing (Dojo) MP3 player with shared playlist (using AFLAX).
(3 ratings)
curvyCorners - JavaScript Imageless Rounded Corners
curvyCorners is an open source free javascript that will curve the edges of any DIV element. curvyCorners features Anti-Aliasing, Borders, Optional Corners, Custom Radius, Multiple instance support, Safari, Firefox, IE, Anti-Aliasing on graphical backgrounds and background-image support.
(0 ratings)
Results 141-160 of 280