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Most Popular Scripts | PHP

Results 61-80 of 1000
Develooping Flash Chat
This is a PHP4 (server side)/Flash 5 (client side) chat room program. It is easy to setup and customize. It features: private messages, review messages, IP banning, user kicking, filter for bad words, sound, etc. Available in Spanish, English, French, German, Italian, Dutch, Hungarian.... The latest version includes user list in the same window and a better method to send private messages. All settings and complete translation from a single file. You can select text order, hour displaying and automatic deletion when room is empty. Chat works with IP or password. Last update fix bugs and add smilies.
(721 ratings)
FREE Username, Password Login PHP and MySQL Example Site
This step-by-step guide presents a free cut-and-paste example code of a username and password login web based system. Developed using PHP, MySQL and JavaScript. Improved and updated Jan 2008.
(715 ratings)
Free PHP Directory Script
Multi-level category system, with unlimited number of categories. Integrated search engine. Completely template-driven: change the directory appearance by modifying just the template files. Add/edit/delete/move pages and categories easily. Move full parts of the directory (subcategories and listings) with one click. Semi-automated directory: users suggest urls and you accept/reject them. IP banning.
(713 ratings)
Free Contact Us Form Script
Free contact form script will capture form submissions and send them to your chosen email address. Comes with simple anti-spam technology - as your visitors a simple question in order to submit the form. Build with HTML and PHP. One click installation.
(712 ratings)
SnippetMaster Webpage Editor
SnippetMaster is for anyone who wants an easy, quick, affordable, and visual (WYSIWYG) way to edit whole files or pre-defined editable regions (Snippets) through any browser. With the auto-installer, you can install and start editing your pages in under 1 minute! (NO MYSQL DATABASE REQUIRED!) SnippetMaster is designed to work seamlessly with existing web pages (including Dreamweaver templates, etc). It allows for unlimited users (with 4 different user privilege levels), unlimited editable areas per page, ability to edit entire files (if allowed for user), a fully XHTML compliant WYSIWYG editor, file/image uploading and insertion (with optional per user quotas), hyperlinking, ability to view and modify raw HTML (if allowed for user), and you can even limit editing access, by user, PER EDITABLE AREA. You can also make lists of folders to "include/exclude" when browsing for files. (ie: In case there are certain pages or files you don't want to certain users to access.) Excellent support.
(711 ratings)
TUTOS, stands for The Ultimate Team Organisation Software, is a PHP based grouware or ERP/CRM/PLM tool to manage the organizational needs of small/medium groups, teams, departments. Some of its web-based tools include: a calendar for team and personal use, address manager a project repository, bug tracking system, email notification for appointments, inventory, bugs and notes, a task management for projects or personal needs, a document management system with versioning and a timetracking system the latest version does also include scrum support for agile development in the projects and a testmanagement system to define and run test in the projects. All the tools and objects are heavily linked together and allow a fast and easy information retrieval. TUTOS is multilingual and currently supports about 18 languages or dialects. Supports four different database systems: PostgreSQL, MySQL.
(709 ratings)
MD-Pro Integrated Web Solutions
MD-pro is the innovative CMS which fits the best parts of both CMS: Postnuke and Envolution. Very flexible. It includes a revolutionary News- and Admin-interface. Build-in WYSIWYG-editor. It supports MySQL- and Oracle-DB, LDAP, Encompass-theme-engine, 98% of all PN and Envo modules, blocks and themes. Build-in Autotheme-engine. It offers special distributions for eCommerce, ePlanning, eLearning, etc. Find out more details at: http://www.maxdev.com/about.htm
(705 ratings)
Securimage PHP CAPTCHA
Securimage is an open-source free PHP CAPTCHA script for generating complex images and CAPTCHA codes to protect forms from spam and abuse. It can be easily added into existing forms on your website to provide protection from spam bots. It can run on most any webserver as long as you have PHP installed, and GD support within PHP. Securimage does everything from generating the CAPTCHA images to validating the typed code. Audible codes can be streamed to the browser with Flash for the vision impaired.
(693 ratings)
World of Phaos
World of Phaos is a browser based MMORPG written in PHP. World of Phaos Current Features Include: Character creation, Ability to purchase/sell weapons and armor, Ability to fight in the arena, Traveling to different towns, Chatting with other players, Ability to fight other players, Ability to trade other players, race dependent special abilities, and a Magic System. As of version 0.9.4 the layout of Phaos is now frameless.
(683 ratings)
Composr CMS - Cover Image
Composr CMS
A CMS with many social media features for sophisticated sites. Composr supports many types of content (galleries, news/newsletters, etc.) - and integrating rich media and advertising into them. Social features include forums, member blogs, chat rooms, wiki, and content commenting/rating. Composr lets you decide exactly how your site will look and behave. Features are plentiful, well integrated, and optional. Out-of-the-box your site will meet the highest accessibility and professional standards.
(679 ratings)
PHP MatchMaker 3
posted byareinPersonals
Unlike other dating-software wich only has search/browse capabilitites, it matches people based on questions. Another strengt is the possibillity to add any kind of profile-questions from the admin area. One language file, template system, internal mail, Flash Chat, WYSIWYG guestbook, favorites, who�s online, memberpayment, featured profiles, imagegallery, inline search on profile-page, making it easy to browse, visitor list, imagemagick supported, public guestbook, Newsletter, Language-translator tool, Guest, Member or Pay on choosen action:View Profile, View ImageGallery, Upload Picture, Contact User, Write in GuestBook, View GuestBook, View Browse Advanced, Webchat and more.. Manual Payments, View only those paid, Search for users, both english and norwegian language file included, improved admin area, chooseable search page, images besides match/visitors, newsletter function, uncompleted profiles-list, nl2br in profile. v3.5: Bugfix release, all known bugs fixed.
(679 ratings)
PriceUSD 199.00
Nucleus is a tool to maintain one or more weblogs. It's written in PHP4 and requires a MySQL database. Features: one or more weblogs, multiple authors, categories, commenting system and karma votes, fully tweakable through skins and templates, plugin system, archives, search, file upload, drafts, IP banning, XML-RPC server implementation of the Blogger API/metaWeblog API, easy installation, RSS syndication, backup/restore, and more.
(678 ratings)
WEBInsta� FM manager
Webinsta File manager is a file manager which allows you to manage files on you server using a clean and easy to use admin interface. It supports all the standard features like creation of file and directories , renaming , editing , deletion , upload . Also has enhanced much asked for fetures like multiple cut , copy , paste , multiple chmod , image preview and zoom . Its provides a combination of features , clean GUI and size which is hard to beat . - The various features are : Very simple installation multiple Upload, copy, cut, delete options Chmod ( only if the server is configured for this action) . Image preview and zoom Edit files in plain text. View files. - introduction to WEBinsta FM Manager Webinsta� FM manager was built as a very simple solution to have some control over excisting webspace.. It was built because we wanted to provide a simple, powerful, reliable file manager for the people who want these facilites but do not have the technical knowledge of handling the bigger and complex versions of such managers. Very easy to install and to handle. Everything is almost self explaining - System Requirements WEBinsta FM Manager does not require any high end requirements but the following things are required . PHP > 4.2 . A Mozilla or IE compatable browser.
(669 ratings)
PHP Web Statistik
The PHP Web Statistik offers you a highly configurable PHP-based visitor tracking and analyzing script. It can be run with or without database connectivity. The following stat modules are available: years, months, days, weekdays, hours, referers, browsers, operating systems, last visitors, provider, country of origins ,hits ,page impressions, search engines, search phrases, visitors of the last x days, colordepth, resolution and trends. The logging function works with javascript, image tags or native php code. Further features: log cache for faster display, trends analysis, Administration panel, time intervals, archiving functions. Since the version 4.8.00 there is a support for IPv6 addresses, several new plugins and weekly or monthly email reports.
(666 ratings)
PriceEUR 6.99
Qdig is an easy-to-use PHP script that dynamically presents your digital image files as an online gallery or set of galleries. Qdig supports image captions and display of EXIF image metadata. The script can generate thumbnails and smaller versions of large images such as digital camera photos. Qdig gallery pages have a compact, usable page layout that you can customize. The script may be run stand-alone or your galleries can be embedded within another page. A full-featured installation can be accomplished without shell access. Gallery management is easy, too; just use FTP / SCP from your desktop to manipulate your gallery directories.
(657 ratings)
PHP reciprocal links manager
LinkMan will completely automate your reciprocal links exchange. It will require webmasters to place a link to your website on their site before they can add their link to your links page. In the LinkMan admin panel you have a special tool, that will crawl all URLs where your reciprocal link should be - if the reciprocal link wasn't found it will automatically remove link to that site from your links page. LinkMan doesn't need a SQL database to operate, it works with simple text files. Features include an admin panel, website thumbnails, Google PageRank check and display, featured links, blocking "rel" noindex and nofollow tags, blocking duplicate website submissions, powerful SPAM filter and many more!
(633 ratings)
PHP Melody - Best-in-Class Video CMS
Creating a video site is not difficult, costly or time-consuming...if you use the right tool. [+] Your Flexible Video Solution Import videos from YouTube, DailyMotion, Vimeo, VK, and many more. Embed videos from any video sites or upload your own videos or even publish a video stream. This CMS does all them all very well. [+] Articles & Pages Effortlessly create content with our Article and Page Manager. You can keep a blog, publish articles, and create custom new pages. [+] Social component built right in We incorporate a complete Social Module. Enable your users to express themselves and engage with your video site like never before. Empower your users before someone else does. With over 8,900 people that already chose PHP Melody, you can expect nothing less than a quality product with top notch customer support. Latest Release: Oct 3rd, 2017 Related Categories: YouTube Clone,YouTube Sharing Script, Video Script, Video Sharing, Online Video.
(630 ratings)
PriceUSD 49.00
RavenNuke CMS
RavenNuke(tm) is a most secure and fast Content Management System (CMS) that is HTML, XHTML, and CSS standards compliant (there are a few areas that we are still upgrading but it is virtually 100% complaint right out of the box). RavenNuke(tm) comes with the most up to date patches for all included components, including NukeSentinel(tm). In addition, NukeSentinel(tm) is fully installed and configured along with gCalendar, HTML Newsletter, PHPBB Attachment Mod, Advanced RSS Feed, SimplePie, FckEditor, and much much more. RavenNuke(tm) is mature and comes with an installer that is very easy to use, as well as thorough documentation. Download formats: .tgz,7z. Version 2.51 Released 2013-02-17. Wiki - http://rnwiki.ravennuke.com
(617 ratings)
With Online-Bookmarks you have the possibility to gain a multiuser Bookmark management system that keeps Bookmarks, Favorites and Links online, where they actually are needed. It makes it easy to store browser URL's central and access them from anywhere. Share site experiences with others in a social-bookmarking manner or keep your bookmarks private and safe as you like. It has never been easier to manage data properties at once, such as editing, moving, deleting or sharing. It is also possible to import/export Favorites from and to the most common browsers, such as Microsoft Internet Explorer, Mozilla, Opera and Netscape. Benefit from some nice addons that makes Online-Bookmarks really convenient.
(616 ratings)
Pivot is a tool to create weblogs (and to some extent other dynamic websites), written in PHP. Pivot is easy to setup, easier to maintain and even easier to work with. Features: Template based- Fully adaptable to your wishes; Language packs supported; Easy to upload and include pictures with your log-entries; comment system that remembers your visitors; Automagic Archiving by week or month; Uses style sheets extensively, so moderation will be much easier using a recent browser (IE5+ / Mozilla / Firebird / Safari 1+ / Opera 7+); Wysiwyg editor or plain editor; All data is stored using a solid flat files structure. No MySQL or other databases are required, just plain PHP..
(607 ratings)
Results 61-80 of 1000