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Most Popular Scripts | Ajax

Results 81-100 of 396
Google+ Activity Widget
As Google+ API was just released a couple days ago, it is time to have a posts widget for it. So, this widget was created to display your Google+ profile and slides down your recent posts with any attached images. You can use the widget to display the posts of your Google+ Brand Page too.
(9 ratings)
AJAX: Building a Chat
This tutorial is teaches how to build a Live Chat for WebSite
(9 ratings)
ajax image uploader
This web application allows the uploading and deletion of images from a page without having to refresh it. It makes use of a hidden iframe in order to emulate AJAX behavior.
(9 ratings)
MyAjax - Ajax Powered MySQL Table Viewer (with Ajax Search)
MyAjax is a MySQL Ajax Table viewer which allows for sorting, searching, and viewing of large amounts of MySQL table data in a quick and easy to use Ajax web interface. MyAjax features Ajax Sortable Columns, Ajax Search, and Ajax Paginated Results. Uses jQuery for Ajax calls and Javascript functions. Config file includes customisation variables to set which fields to display and their default sort order, which field to search on, results per page and more. * Uses jQuery. * Ideal for large amounts of MySQL data. * Easily browse a SQL database via Ajax. * Only loads data that is required. * Ajax search. * Paginated results. * Set how many results to view per page. * Ajax sortable columns. * Specify which SQL fields to display * Specify which database field Ajax search is performed on. * Fluid table width and clean styling. * PHP, HTML, Javascript. Clean coding.
(9 ratings)
PriceUSD 15.00
Bit.ly Button
bit.ly -The intelligent URL shortener- offers realtime statistics about the clicks on shortened links and this button takes advantage of that information. This jQuery button gives you a uniform click count button -tall or wide- that people can also use it to retweet your post. When you use a short link to tweet your post, it may get 100 retweets but in terms of bit.ly stats that could mean 1000 clicks coming from the whole twitter ecosystem which makes another interesting measure of how popular is your post!
(7 ratings)
SplineTech AJAX Combo Table Control
SplineTech AJAX Combo Table Control is a multiple field database search ajax drop-down table control (combobox)
(6 ratings)
PriceUSD 70.00
Currency converter and exchange rate calculator
This is a free to use (unbranded) ajax powered currency converter and dynamic real-time currency exchange rates conversion / calculation. Just add the Javascript code to your website. If you want flexibility then this is for you. Rates are updated hourly. This is ideal for people with shopping carts, property/real estate listings, or product catalogues.
(6 ratings)
AJAX +Web 2.0 Speed Up the Web
In the AJAX tutorial below we will demonstrate how a web page can be loaded+redered 10 time faster using ajax. Tutorial,examples source code available. A full working Ajax Web 2.0- PHP example (source code included)
(6 ratings)
dhtmlxCombo - Ajax Autocomplete Combobox
Easy-configurable JavaScript combobox with Ajax support, autocomplete functionality, and wide cross-browser compatibility. The features include type-ahead, keyboard support, and the ability to display images in the dropdown list. dhtmlxCombo can be easily converted from existing HTML SELECT or populated with JavaScript. The component works fast with large sets of data, loading list of suggestions dynamically on demand.
(6 ratings)
Ajax Chat for FlashChat
Use the FlashChat admin panel to administer the chat, since this script is just a skin on an existing FlashChat installation. A user using the Ajax skin can chat with a user using the Flash skin. Thus, users without the latest version of Flash - or for whom Flash runs slowly - can still chat. As the main FlashChat, the Ajax skin supports custom user photos, custom background, and room list and chat avatars. Installation is as easy as uploading three folders - ajax, languages, and templates - to your existing FlashChat installation. No database modifications are needed, and there is no installer needed at all. The Ajax skin for FlashChat works with FlashChat's CMS and forum integrations. Thus, if you have integrated FlashChat with a system like phpBB or vBulletin, you can use this skin. IRC commands like /back and /backtime work with the Ajax skin for FlashChat. Several skins have been ported to the Ajax skin, including Windows XP, Mac OS X, and a few others.
(6 ratings)
PriceUSD 5.00
You First AJAX Application
This is a simple tutorial that will teach you the basics of AJAX. There are step by step instructions written to assist you on your first application. You will also find the source code and a demo for the application.
(6 ratings)
Easy Slide With jQuery
Plugins EasySlide is a small plugins for the jQuery-JavaScript-Library . It's designed to slide you any images inside a container . These container could be any TAG you want, e.g. , . Easily produce your own slideshow for your website or Image . Create a Image Gallery or do an animation.
(6 ratings)
Skitsanos WAML
Another aproach of combining existed AJAX frameworks under single Application Markup Language. WAML - Web Application Markup Language. WAML allows you to define your web application appearance and functionality by using simple XML like syntax mixed with HTML. The idea behind WAML is to simplify application functionality definition and provide flexible access to UI objects, data and communication services. WAML functionality build on top of existed AJAX frameworks available for public use.
(6 ratings)
Getting User IP with Ajax (Javascript/PHP)
A small tutorial where I describe how to get a Userip with Ajax and making it afterwards available as javascript var. I describe two ways - in a pure php site and how to do it in a htm or html site (with Ajax). Perhaps it may help you, as I see it very often that people have problems with this issue.
(6 ratings)
Ajax resources
This is a directory of AJAX resources and fremeworks that are necessary for every AJAX programmer.
(6 ratings)
Creating Live Data with AJAX
If you want to have live data on your website, that will change all on its own without you having to constantly refresh the page, then this tutorial will show you how to. Assumes you have an understanding of the AJAX (XMLHttpRequest) object.
(6 ratings)
Skitsanos for Web 2.0
Webware development dedicated blog by Evgenios Skitsanos. ASP.NET, XML, AJAX, Web 2.0, Backbase, CGI development with RealBasic and other web development issues.
(6 ratings)
Ajaxed Sliding Shopping Cart With jQuery
Detailed instructions on creating an Ajaxed shopping cart with a sliding basket using jQuery and PHP/ MySQL. The shopping cart is a simple one but very open to developing further.
(6 ratings)
AJAX ASP.NET AutoComplete Control (Facebook like)
ConvincingMail AutoComplete is an ASP.NET AJAX extender that can be attached to any TextBox control, and will associate that control with a popup list to display items that returend by the webservice for the prefix typed into the textbox. The list with suggested items supplied by a web service is positioned under the textbox.
(6 ratings)
An ajax-based newsletter sign-up form
An ajax-based newsletter sign-up form in ASP using the prototype javascript framework. User enters name and email, validation is done and he is added to the database all without refreshing the current page. Use it to collect subscriber emails at your site and build a mailing list. Code is free to download and use. Works with all modern browsers. A unique example built in ASP, JavaScript and Ajax. Simple coding with comments so users can easily adapt it. Can also be used with PHP/mySQL by making some simple changes in one page.
(6 ratings)
Results 81-100 of 396