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Most Popular Scripts | ASP

Results 61-80 of 1000
Version 3.3 is a simple poll script in which you can add and delete polls or review past polls. The admin section is password protected. You add the poll to your ASP page with one line of code and is mobile friendly. Download the zip file and open it on your hard drive then read the readme.txt file for instructions. Uses an MSSQL Database and is installable form your browser.
(46 ratings)
Simple visitor counter
posted byinfoinCounters
This is a simple text-based visitor counter. It uses the IIS PageCounter object and only shows the total (non-unique) number of hits. This is as easy as it gets: copy-paste 3 lines of code into your page and you're done.
(45 ratings)
Active News Manager Private label
Active News Manager is an open source code project which is written ASP coding. Script works on windows servers and uses MS Access for database back end. Script is a great helper to manage and run a complete information services on your website. Script can run standalone to publish documents, events, press releases, articles or anything related on web publishing. Multi-editor and multi-zone(categories) features helps you to divide your content and manageable by many authors, editors. You may add or edit zones and users to system. Self-management feature generates RSS feeds automatically. All ASP codes and HTML codes are mostly separated in this version. You may redesign the script easily using template. Script come with unbelievable offers. We can setup script for your one times and upgrade freely along one year. Private label version is suitable for webmasters and design firms to re-design and re-brand software.
(45 ratings)
PriceUSD 55.00
ASP Session Transfer across domains
You may have a situation where you have two ASP websites, which could be on different servers, and you need to pass a visitor from the first site to the second site, whilst retaining all the session variables. This is the purpose of the XSess Session transfer script. Note: session array objects are not transferred. The session variables are passed in the querystring, and are encrypted to protect the confidentiality of the contents of the session variables. XSess consists of a function, and a few supporting functions, contained in an include file.
(45 ratings)
Web Wiz NewsPad (Blogging and eNewsletter Plateform)
Web Wiz NewsPad is a free advanced multi-functional Blogging Platform and eNewsletter software, with many advanced easy to use features. Web Wiz NewsPad is an easy to use Blogging Platform that can allow subscribers to receive eNewsletters or Blog Posts or Website Email Campaigns Simple online setup, unlimited Blog/Newsletter Category's, Templates, Personalised Newsletters, RSS Feeds, , WYSIWYG Editor, Import Tools, Upload and attach files/images to Blog Posts & Newsletters, Double Opt-in eNewsletter Subscriptions, Admin Email Notify of new subscribers and Blog Comments, batch send eNewsletters, extensive online Admin, integrates with Web Wiz Forums, + lots more. Access, SQL Server, mySQL versions.
(45 ratings)
Herong's Tutorial Notes on ASP
Notes and sample codes collected while learning ASP. Topics covered include: ActiveX, ASP, attachment, binary file, book, collection, cookies, example, free, HTTP reponse header, IIS, language, online, Perl, redirect, sample codes, scripting, script debugger, script runtime DLL, session, tutorial, VBScript
(45 ratings)
Free Custom Poll/Quiz/vote
A script generator that prompts you for a question and the possible responses to the question. After submitting the form you will get a parsonalized script with your question and answers. Votes are saved to files (all folders and files are created automatically), so no database is required. Just a simple script.
(45 ratings)
FlatCalendarXP is arguably the most powerful and configurable JavaScript calendar available. There are very few, if any, things that other JavaScript calendars can do that FlatCalendarXP can not. You'll be amazed to see how simple and fast it is to get it generated by a calendar tag - YES! Only one tag* on your web page, no chaos, no mess-up. It features database-driven events/agendas, real cross-browser capability, extremely customizable UI, super easy-to-use design and a compact and fast JavaScript engine. It works perfectly with ASP.NET, ASP, JSP, PHP, ColdFusion and other web frameworks.
(43 ratings)
GA's GuestBook v2.5
posted bygurgeninGuestbooks
GA's GuestBook is an ASP guestbook application. Ideal solution if you wish to quickly add a GuestBook to your site and match the existed site design. Highly interactive "Virtual Designer" and "Gradient Image Maker" online tools would help with custom design and themes development. Other features: true multilingual, image attachments, rate/counter, Email notification, archiving, search engine, reply/edit/delete messages, emotion smilies and much more. MS Access Database. Free download is available.
(42 ratings)
Content Management - Review Edition
Content Management - Review Edition. A content management system solution based on ASP, IIS, and MS Access. All site settings are easily customized with a config file. Change all site titles, colors, headings in seconds. This content management edition is setup as a movie review site. Includes a movie review search, and a user add-comments features. Complete, ready-to-go and fast website. Content Management Movie-Review Edition is open-source and released under the GPL license.
(42 ratings)
posted bydevworxinWeb Sites
ASP opensource developers website with downloads, tutorials, articles and general ASP/VB help.
(42 ratings)
BK Dev ASP Forum
BK Dev ASP Forum has evolved into a full featured forum. It has a simple interface and easy to setup. Setting up categories and topics is a breeze with admin options page. Breaks long lists of threads and long threads into multiple pages for easy viewing. Unlimited members, categories, topics and threads. Admin section. Email notification to members who have previously posted in that thread. Options to allow HTML or Forum codes. Locking/unlocking of threads by administrators. Auto login option. Four forum levels: members, premier members, moderators and administrators. Public and private sections.
(42 ratings)
Andromeda Streaming Jukebox (ASP)
posted byscottinMultimedia
Andromeda turns your collection of MP3s into a fully-featured streaming Web site with dynamic playlist generation. Many other formats are supported, including: WMA, OGG, MPG, AVI, WMV. It's great as a personal jukebox, on a local network, and over the Internet (bandwidth permitting). Additional features include skins, custom playlists, logons/accounts, and a search tool. Andromeda is also multilingual, speaking English, German, Swedish, Dutch, Spanish, and other languages. No database is required. ASP and PHP versions are available.
(41 ratings)
ASP Form to Email
ASPForm2Mail send the contents of any HTML form inside an email. The form fields are identified automatically without hand coding required. This script is presented as a Dreamweaver Extension and can be used visually from the Dreamweaver menu. Forms with uploads are also accepted, the uploaded files are sent as attached files into the email. There are no external plugins or components required, this is a 100% ASP VBScript tools. Includes automatic country identification based on an updated IP-to-Country database. Emails are sent with the standards CDONTS or CDOSYS components (automatic configuration).
(40 ratings)
PriceUSD 29.99
Creating Bar Chart using ASP
A full tutorial and Code for Creating Bar Chart using ASP
(40 ratings)
CMMS Maintenance Software is 100% free, no tricks, no hidden gotcha's, no time limits and best of all, it doesn't require maintenance software to be installed on the desktop! This maintenance software actually sits on one computer in your network and you use a web browser to access the maintenance program residing on that system. Because this system is on your internal network, the maintenance software is only visible to your company computers, never the outside. CMMS is configured to not allow outside internet users to use the maintenance software, but if you do want to allow this, your IT staff can configure the system for secure CMMS access in seconds. Easy to use and easy to install!
(40 ratings)
myLittleCalendar is a free calendar component for .ASP pages. myLittleCalendar is written as a .wsc component (scriptlet) and is provided in source code format (VBScript). Sent as a .zip archive with a wizard and several samples.
(39 ratings)
Member Management by Expinion.net
Use our award winning Member Mangement software to secure your site content for members or 'groups of users'; redirect after login, restrict IPs, organize your membership data - safely. Charge for membership using either Paypal or 2Checkout.com... or both. Send HTML emails & collect information on page-specific member activity. Includes source code! Visit for demo or for more information.
(39 ratings)
PriceUSD 289.00
Exporting Data From mySQL to Excel
Aim of this sampel code is to show how to export data from a database server to excel. At this time we prefred to use mySQL. Because there are enough examples running with other databases eg. MS Access and MS SQL.
(39 ratings)
Simple ASP Chat
This tutorial explains how to create a simple chat system using ASP. To start with create a simple form where the user can type some text. Whatever the client types in this form has to be appended to a text file, this text file will then be displayed to the client. The actual writing to the text file is done with an Active Server Script.
(39 ratings)
Results 61-80 of 1000