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New Scripts | JavaScript

Results 141-160 of 1000
jQuery Spell Check
jQuery spell check is the industry leading spell-checker plugin for jQuery. It adds spell-check-as-you-type (scayt) or spell-checking dialog popup windows to any HTML web application using just 1 or 2 lines of jQuery code. This includes support for legacy Intener Exploer (IE6 , 7 8, 9 + ) . Demo and download it for free from http://www.javascriptspellcheck.com/jquery-spell-check/
(0 ratings)
PriceUSD 89.00
SR-Transition is a jQuery based script which allows smooth transitions from page to page within a website using your basic options of a circle shape mask or fade. The Goal behind creating this script was to achieve a great transition animation with ease of use and implementation. As a fellow developer I believe that this script meets those standards, and look forward to other developers using it.
(0 ratings)
PriceUSD 8.00
403b Retirement Savings Calculator
Responsive 403b Calculator that is used to estimate the amount of money you can save for your retirement in the 403b plan by contributing small percentage of salary every month.
(3 ratings)
Responsive Matrix Multiplication Calculator
Features : Matrix multiplier is designed to work with matrices in few minutes. Multiply 2D and 3D matrices using this javascript matrix multiplication calculator. You can input only integer numbers in this online calculator. Responsive and supports all modern browsers.
(3 ratings)
Power List menu
Power List Menu is a mobile centric, mult-level menu that magically transforms a nested UL into a series of slide-in panels that occupy no more space than the top level UL itself. It's ideal on mobile devices where the playground for drop down or flyout menus is limited. The menu supports lazy loading via Ajax of either a child or parent menu, so a portion of the menu can be downloaded only when requested.
(0 ratings)
ggtooltip - A jQuery Tooltip Plugin
FEATURES - 4 Positions: top, right, bottom and left. - Unlimited background colors. - Unlimited font colors. - Different border color combinations based on background colors. - Supports different types of tooltip triggers such as click, hover, focus and manual. - Powered by HTML5, CSS3 and jQuery.
(0 ratings)
Text Overflow Compensation Javascript Library
It is often the case that dynamic text, whether that be a name, a web address, or any other variable text, will not fit a designated area and therefore causes overflow. This could mean that ugly scroll bars may appear where they were not intended or the design of the page may be altered unexpectedly in other ways. This problem is hard to predict especially when the number of words or characters is not know upfront. This library solves the problem of overflow text by automatically resizing text so that it no longer causes overflow. It is possible to set a minimum font size when applying this library so that the text doesn’t become too small. For example the library could be applied with a minimum font size of 0.3em, 20%, 12px etc. This means that the text will never be reduced smaller than this threshold. This provides the benefit of reducing text overflow without the risk that the text will become so small that is unreadable.
(0 ratings)
PriceUSD 4.00
JavaScript Custom Forms
posted byP2HinForms
JCF not only supports styling of typical form elements, such as select, input type checkbox, input type radio, but also provides cross-browser compatibility for popular input fields like input type number and input type range. The script requires jQuery to work properly. Browser Support Internet Explorer 8+ Firefox Chrome Safari Opera Windows RT Tablets Android 4+ iOS7+
(3 ratings)
Zoomber - Image Zooming jQuery Plugin
Zoomber is a jQuery image zooming plugin for presenting your images in the highest detail for user. You can present your products to the customers in better view with Zoomber! Features: You can add zoom functionality to any image. Touch & rotate support for mobile devices. Configurable magnification level. Built-in original image preloading. Customizable by CSS and plugin options. Very easy installation on your html page. Cross-browser compatible.
(0 ratings)
PriceUSD 7.00
webgl Pong
This is a relatively stable and clean early version of my webgl pong project. I cover the basics of shader and webgl programming, and matrix math. The vertex and normal data were exported from blender 3D using my export webgl script.
(18 ratings)
SpriteAnim - EaselJS
Create easy sprite animations using EaselJS This is merely a code snippet that has a basic setup for sprite animations. It runs with EaselJS v0.8.0+ I mainly created this because I had a hard time going through EaselJS' documentation and it took some trial and error to find the right setup. If you have a DOM app and want to create some fast spritesheets in WebGL, which fall back to Canvas, then this might be of help. EaselJS has everything covered for you, including use of requestAnimationFrame.
(3 ratings)
Easy CSS Menu
posted byblumentalsinMenus
Easily create fantastic mobile-ready CSS-based drop down menus for your website. Many elegant menu templates are available, including modern flat and classic glossy styles. Menus created with Easy CSS Menu Maker are very quick, compact and compatible with both modern and popular, but old web browsers. The menus created with Easy CSS Menu will also work on mobile and touch devices. What is more, they are search engine and SEO friendly.
(0 ratings)
(24 ratings)
Magic Edge - Image Background Remover
posted byarsaxxinSoftware
Magic Edge is pure JavaScript image background removal tool. Just in several steps you will remove background from complex photos. It provide all standard navigation tools like Move, Pan, Zoom, and specially designed Magic Edge and Magic Wand tools for easy background remove.
(0 ratings)
PriceUSD 16.00
Nowadays there is not a well supported way to create piecerced layers, there is no way to create a DIV element with an hole inside, maybe a visual hole but not a real hole through which interacting with underlaying elements. We could use the HTML5 canvas element, we can use static png image files but we will encounter problems with old browser and it will be always impossible to mantain interactivity with the elements under the pierced layers and we will probably face rendering errors and screen sizes incompatibilities. With Holesjs you will have an easy to implement method to highlight elements in your pages without worrying about browsers compatybility while allowing your visitors to intercat with those nicely highlighted elements.
(17 ratings)
Effect Maker Basic Edition for Windows
The Effect Maker allows you to customize JavaScript effects like scrollers, slide shows and messengers with your own texts, fonts and images. No JavaScript development skills are needed. With a few clicks you can start creating your own effects. You can have several customizations of one type of effect in your site. All standard web fonts are supported.
(0 ratings)
AlphaMenu Responsive jQuery Mega Menu
posted byflashblueinMenus
AlphaMenu is a user-friendly, highly customizable and responsive jQuery mega menu plugin. It allows you to use multiple menus with different submenus. Features Included: Responsive design. Supports multiple instances. Horizontal (top, bottom) or Vertical (left, right) menu layouts. Mega / Flyout submenus. Pure CSS3 animations (fade, slide). 3 ways of dropdown (hover, click, toggle). 7 color skins which can be changed easily. Custom mega dropdowns, forms, search bar, social icons or HTML. 12 columns fluid grid. You can add images, maps or videos. Over 430 Font Awesome Icons. Compatible with mobile devices. Help file is included.
(0 ratings)
PriceUSD 5.00
Parsing complex XML documents/strings with ease
Focus on building effective Xpath expressions instead of wasting time on browser compatibility issues.
(0 ratings)
Responsive E-commerce Shopping cart
SoftEcartJS is a perfect solution for medium and small shops, designed to be small, fast, powerful, yet easy to install for even the most novice web designer. Within minutes of installing the cart, you can be selling your products online. All you need to get started is an active PayPal account, the rest applications will do for you.
(0 ratings)
Jquery Happy Birthday Script
Happy Birthday Script to wish your loved ones with flower falling effect using jquery script.
(0 ratings)
Results 141-160 of 1000