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Results 61-80 of 682
Mobile Site
This application helps you to create in no time a mobile version of a website. For the moment this script is specially created to detect iPhone. But in the next updates there will be support for other mobile devices. With this script there is no need for you to create a subdomain for your mobile website. This script detects if the visitor is using a mobile device and then shows the right versions.
(0 ratings)
PriceUSD 8.00
Award winning ShopSite© is the easiest-to-use shopping cart software for small to medium-sized businesses. With our e-commerce software and intuitive interface, you can have a store online in 15 minutes. With our rich feature set you won't outgrow our catalog software, and you will not need expensive add-ons in order to have a fully functioning cart.
(4 ratings)
PriceUSD 495.00
Flip Site Buddy Adsense Site Builder
Free Adsense site builder software to increase your Adsense earnings by converting directly from ANY txt, html, doc Word type documents, to your unique instant Profit-Pulling Adsense websites. Easy to use and build-in site template generator and sample templates included.
(6 ratings)
nadlabs siteStats - site traffic analysis
Integrated into the nadlabs nerve centre platform, the site stats app allows you to track your marketing and micro marketing (conversational marketing) efforts in real time allowing you to make changes and correct mistakes that could be the difference between high and low conversions in your next web2.0 project. Because siteStats is integrated into our userBase it can, unlike other stats apps, provide conversion stats by wide range of traffic metric (date, os, browser, search engine, keywords, referring url/domain and more), helping you build up a digital demographic of your key audiences and traffic flows. Drill down into metrics to see an in depth flow of traffic around you site.
(0 ratings)
PriceUSD 10.00
FontSiteScript Font Listing Site Script
-List new fonts with the click of a button (including file upload) -View and edit existing fonts with the administrative backend -Change the sample text to match your site's theme -TPL template (easy to replace, easier to change!) -Simple installation (usually under 10 minutes) -Written completely in PHP/HTML for smooth usage -Attaches to a MySQL database to store font information -Simple for users to download fonts (protected with a font ID download system so people can't offer direct file downloads from your site) ... and much, much more! Check out the demo for more information!
(0 ratings)
PriceUSD 39.95
MiniSiteMaker - Make Simple Sites Fast
Stop using bloated blogging software to manage your simple websites. MiniSiteMaker is streamlined for fast and efficient creation and editing of basic content-driven websites. Write new pages quickly with a full what-you-see-is-what-you-get (WYSIWYG) editor, so no need to write HTML code to make your pages look good.
(0 ratings)
SiteSearchStats - Track Your Site's Rankings
SiteSearchStats is a PHP web application that tracks your sites' metrics on the most popular search engines and social networks. All of your statistics are graphed and displayed in a beautiful HTML5/CSS3 template that makes it easy to identify where your sites are performing, and where they need improvement. With SiteSearchStats, you can track the following metrics: Google Page Rank, Google Backlinks, Google Pages Indexed, Bing Backlinks, Bing Pages Indexed, Twitter Followers, Twitter Recent Retweets (how many people retweeted your tweets), Twitter Mentions of your Username/Handle (@yourname), Twitter Mentions of your domains (tweets with "yoursite.com"), Facebook Likes (Followers of your page), Facebook People Talking About You (recent mentions of your page). SiteSearchStats relies on PHP5+ with the included SimpleXML engine to store data in an XML file, negating the need for a complicated MySQL database.
(0 ratings)
PriceUSD 13.00
MeroSite Enterprise
Build a secure enterprise website with us that is very extensible and developer friendly when general CMS is not an answer. MeroSite is built on popular php framework 'Larvel 5'. We can help you migrate your current website or integrate with existing system.
(0 ratings)
PriceUSD 200.00
PHP Dating Site
PHP Dating Site is a complete web system for creating advanced and modern online dating websites. It has a main website (allowing the users to sign up and having different other pages), users admin panel (with multiple features for the registered users to make searches, send messages, friend requests, edit their profile and photos etc.) and main administration panel (allowing the administrator to manage the website, the users, site pages and languages and the different configuration options). The software is provided with the full not encrypted source codes, free installation service and free technical support. Please visit our website for more details and online demo.
(9 ratings)
PriceUSD 369.00
Pro Top Sites
posted byinfoinTop Sites
Pro Top Sites is a program which works like a poll system. It lets a webmaster sign up and receive a special URL which he/she will put on their website. Then, whoever clicks on that link/banner linked to that special URL will generate one vote for that site. The more votes the site gets, the higher it is ranked among other sites.
(0 ratings)
smc SiteSearch
smc SiteSearch is a fast, efficient and flexible search engine, easy to configure for web sites or databases alike. smc SiteSearch works with multiple search criteria and nearly unlimited database capacities using simple delimited ASCII data files. It is also completely modular in design, allowing search scenarios as basic as a one line form to advanced, multiple search pages spanning your site. Fast and accurate searches are run from a small, but powerful 'smart' algorithm that has proven efficient on 10 items or 6000 items.
(3 ratings)
Anchor's Site Submitter
This program will automatically submit your URL to several major search engines -- Altavista, Excite, Hotbot, Lycos, and Webcrawler -- for indexing. It contains a step-by-step guide to show you how to build your own site submission tool with CGI.
(0 ratings)
Ez-SiteAdmin is a replacement for FTP and Telnet for your users, all from the comfort of the Browser. Users can make folders, create new files, upload files, delete files, or folders and edit their files all via their browsers. It is sold to qualified ISP's and resellers only.
(0 ratings)
bk2site will transform your Netscape bookmarks file into a yahoo-like website with slashdot-like news. The program has several nice features: Includes hit-counter and display feature (see which URLs are popular), Includes integrated cgi-bin search.pl program, Nice-looking output, Powerful customization, Inserts navigation information into the top of each page, Puts a "new" icon next to new entries, Supports any other icon(s) (e.g., cool.gif, hot.gif) you might want to show, Puts New Additions on the front page, Puts News Items on the front page, Supports URL and directory aliases, Use PRIVATE keyword to keep some URLs/folders from appearing, and You can use it to automatically generate almost any sort of structure text file, such as a My.Netscape channel, an email newsletter, etc.
(3 ratings)
This Perl script allows you to catalog various web pages within a hierarchy and present them sorted by date in an HTML table.
(0 ratings)
Tracking Site Statistics
This application allows you to track a variety of site statistics, including hits per hour/day/week/month, IP address of hits, and browsers used.
(3 ratings)
Simple Site Search
Simple Site Search is an ASP-based fully customizable copy and paste script that allows users to conduct a keyword term or phrase search on your site.
(12 ratings)
eRecommend Site
eRS (eRecommend Site) allow visitors to send (Recommend) an e-mail message about your site to friends simply by entering the email address (and name optional). It's ensure that two good email addresses are entered to avoid anonymous spamming. The message and result look page are customizable, and a copy can be mailed to the site owner by turning this option on. Very easy to install.
(0 ratings)
Search your site
Learn how to add the ability to search through pages on your site by storing keywords in a database table. This tutorial shows one server side include containing one function is all you need.
(3 ratings)
Results 61-80 of 682