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Results 421-440 of 1000
Manufacturers Sales Report
Display total items sold, gross sales, and a breakdown of products sold by manufacturer.
(3 ratings)
osCommerce Amazon Export Feed
osCommerce Amazon Data Feed is a osCommerce contribution which assures the easiest export of your products into Amazon.com Amazon.com, Inc. is an American e-commerce company. It was one of the first major companies to sell goods by Internet. It is easy to sell on Amazon.
(3 ratings)
PriceUSD 89.00
iFrame Generator Module
iFrame module for Php-nuke gives your users the ability to create iFrames by filling in just a few fields: URL to be displayed: Width of the frame: Height of the frame: Border on the frame: Scrollable frame
(3 ratings)
GD Star Rating
GD Star Rating plugin allows you to set up rating system for posts, pages and comments in your blog. You can set many options for displaying the rating stars, and also add widgets into the sidebars for displaying top ratings and other statistics generated by the plugin.
(9 ratings)
Phone Order 070
the phone order module allows to accept and process phone orders by admin, storeadmin or phone operator. A description how to implement the module is included.
(6 ratings)
PHP Nuke Lottery Addon
This is a PHP-nuke 5.0 Module for starting lotteries from your site. You can create an unlimited number of lottery questions, and create multiple choice answers or answers with free text. You can activate or deactivate a lottery. You can have a closing date which will be checked automaticly. Every registered nuke user can give one answer per question. Language file in german, english and spanish. New in Version 1.10: Added ability to rename the module, Uses the standard lang-xxxxx.php file in it's own module/language directory, You can create prizes for each lottery where prizes can be assinged to a nuke user for every closed lottery, sends out emails.
(3 ratings)
Multi Search Module
This module for phpWebSite 0.8.2 displays a search box with a drop down list of major search engines. Webmaster can turn on or off the engines they need, as well as add, modify and delete them.
(3 ratings)
phPeppershop for phpNuke
Integration of a sligthly updated version from phPeppershop for phpNuke Version 5.4-6.0.
(3 ratings)
Search Within FAQ for phpBB
This Mod will allow your users to search for keywords within the FAQ page of your phpBB forum. Very useful and a much needed feature for your forums.
(3 ratings)
pnSubscriptions for postnuke 761
pnSubscriptions allows you to charge your customers for special access to your site by using PayPal's subscription service. Directly upon payment, users will automatically be added to another group of your choice. Users can cancel their subscription through PayPal at any time. They will however not be deleted from their upgraded group until their subscription period is over. You can determine which group(s) will have access to purchase the membership plan(s).You can create unlimited membership plans. You can offer trial periods with each subscription. Now this send email to admin for each registred user. (only for PostNuke: The Phoenix Release (
(3 ratings)
PriceUSD 12.00
World Events Video Feeds
The free PHP Nuke Mod will let you display current World, US, Politics, Entertainment, Health, Tech, Travel, Living, Sports news from your site. The Videos are updated as new news comes in making managment a brezze, simpy uplaod and activate this mod and you have your own news room. This mod avoids have to have seperate mods for each Feed catagory. You get 9 feeds in one mod. see it here http://gatornet.net/modul es.php?name=News_Videos
(3 ratings)
WHM/CPANEL account creation module
Now you have the ability to create cPanel accounts through your php nuke site. Doesn't require a mysql database! Only requires root or reseller access to your WHM account.
(3 ratings)
PriceUSD 20.00
Ts Members
TS MEMBERS 2.1 is a module for PHPNUKE that he allows The users' of the site in way very ordered visualization. Principal characteristics: * Preview user Avatar * Number Posts visualization made * User Language visualization, direct Link for messages dispatch * He classifies 'Active Users piu 'and you finish registered 10. Downloads for registered only Users A demo and 'displayable on Tuttosoft.it
(3 ratings)
VaultWiki is a product written for the vBulletin forum software that adds a forum-based Wiki system. VaultWiki allows multiple users to collaborate on the same article and keeps tracks of their individual contributions so that admins can have more control. Visit the product page for a full description and feature list. 1 year of product upgrades and support is included with every license.
(3 ratings)
PriceUSD 44.99
Pixmania.com automatically products update
Module automatically update products from pixmania.com at your Oscommerce store. Products will be added, updated or deleted after parse of pixmania.com csv file. Product will be deleted if it is not in csv file. Pixmania products is marked to separate them from your own products. Images for pixmania products shows from pixmania site. There are ability to automate script launch if server allow cron tasks. There is link in Oscommerce admin to manually run automatically product update.
(3 ratings)
PriceEUR 59.00
Customer Credit Magento Extension
Customer Credit Magento extension raises Magento based stores to a higher level of e-commerce business giving customers a pleasurable possibility to make “free of charge” purchases using money available in the account. The extension can also help to attract additional customer audience with the help of prepaid debit cards which can be automatically generated by a store admin or a sales manager. All operations and payment activity using Internal Credit balance are being logged for a customer and a store manager convenience.
(3 ratings)
PriceUSD 149.00
Magento Easy Lightbox
posted byhsbotinCatalog
This small extension will help to install Lightbox widget. Installation and configuration will take approximately 5 minutes. No files are replaced and no codding experience needed to install
(3 ratings)
Magento Most Viewed products
posted byhsbotinCatalog
Magento MostViewed module automatically generates the list of your online store's most viewed products and displays it at the home page (or some other page) in the customer area. All that you need - add the "mostviewed/list" block to the home page.
(3 ratings)
WordPress Voting Plugin
Vote-The-Post plugin is a professionally-designed computer application for WordPress, which allows users to vote on the individual posts on your blog or website.
(3 ratings)
FireBar - Notification Bars for WordPress
Increase product sales, email signups, and social engagement by over 50% through FireBar notification bars. These subtle notification bars drive your visitors to specific pages and content for greater conversion.
(3 ratings)
PriceUSD 18.00
Results 421-440 of 1000