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Most Popular Scripts | PHP

Results 101-120 of 1000
FormMail: secure, anti-spam form processor
Tectite FormMail captures the output from an HTML form and emails it to you. Spambots are now sending spam to website owners via their forms. You need a secure anti-spam form processor to keep out the junk. FormMail has many optional features including CSV database support, logging, pre-processing support (e.g. encryption), HTML templates, file uploads, checkboxes and multiple selection fields, auto-responding, derived fields, complex field validations, multi-page forms, ....... Extensive documentation is available on our website. Join our free Community Support forum. FormMail contains no known bugs or security flaws, and has a long history. Requires PHP 4.0.0 or later. You can download FormMail and use it completely free! Or, use our low-cost Configuration Wizard to get working forms in less than 3 minutes. Our new on-line Form Designer is available in the Configuration Wizard (low-cost, but not free).
(486 ratings)
J.A.G. (Just Another Guestbook)
J.A.G. is just what it says: Another Guestbook. It requires PHP v4.1 or higher and MySQL. Features: runs in safe mode and with register_globals OFF; fast and secure code; webbased setup and configuration; nice customizable interface (3 sample styles incl.); smilies and ubb code; webmaster comments; IP logging and banning; Email, location and homepage fields; simple to use admin functionality; email notification with links to edit or delete messages; user FAQ; message preview; optional user edit; multiple language templates (English, German, French, Dutch and Danish included atm); online backup and restore function and much more.
(485 ratings)
Highly Configurable breadcrumbs script that takes your directory structure and does whatever you want with it!! Features: "Homepage Naming", "Symbol Separators", "Case Formatting", "Show Filename", "Hide File Extension", "Special Formatting", "Use Images", "Directory Aliasing", "Filename Aliasing", "Link If Index", "Use CSS Styles", "Replace Directory Underscores", "Hide Directory from Breadcrumb", "Link Filename", "Frameset Target", "Remove current directory link", Works with personal sites that use ~ in the URL
(483 ratings)
KTML for Dreamweaver
KTML is an online HTML editor that helps you edit your website content directly in a browser. The editor loads fast and has an easy-to-use interface (similar to desktop editors). The latest version offers superior Word compatibility, a revolutionary Image Editor and XHTML 1.1 support. KTML has wide browser compatibility and supports most platforms (including MAC).
(480 ratings)
Phorum is a little different from the other web based message boards out there. It was designed to meet different needs of different web sites while not sacrificing performance or features.
(472 ratings)
Free PHP Star Rating System Script
Free Five Star Rating Script is database based script using php and javascript. FREE 5 Star Rating System that can be added in to any web page to rate articles, tutorials, photos and images. Database based script to rate your web page.Script displays the average of ratings on a scale of 1-5 Stars. No configurations required. Easy to install and use.The script checks for duplicate votes by checking the clients IP address. The script rating will be specific to web pages.
(458 ratings)
Asgard Network Monitoring
posted bySSC2inNetworking
Network Monitoring, Critical To the Success of Every Enterprise, monitor every sever on your network, even link between nodes in your network. Network Monitoring is a Impressive addition to any enterprises success. Sample code, and network resources provided.
(453 ratings)
35mm Slide Gallery
An easy-to-use image gallery that looks like a slide album. All thumbnails will be framed with a slide mount. New version 6.0 with captioning, on-the-fly crop-to-fit thumbnails generation, mouseover effect and album description. Main Features: auto indexing of directories; auto page generation; auto framing of thumbnails with orientation detection; thumbnails generation; 1/2, 1/4 size display; auto closing of popup window. Requirements: php 4.06 or later, GD library optional; Photoshop 6.0 for editing the slide mount images.
(446 ratings)
FREE PHP form mailer - easy to impliment Secure PHP contact form
phpFormMailer (easy to use and more secure than many cgi form mailers) # Upgraded and improved 23rd Jan 2008, now checks all input to prevent spammers injecting headers into your PHP mail (stops spammers using your form to send their trash) - check back often! # Sends email to you the site owner and sends a confirmation to the sender including a copy of their query # For additional security it checks the referrers you set The Source code is free to use, all we ask is you leave the reference to www.thedemosite.co.uk - Thanks! Just two files to create from the HTML and PHP code
(442 ratings)
Wikiwig : the first Wysiwyg Wiki
posted bystarcrouzinWikis
Wikiwig is a free WYSIWYG-WIKI. It combines shared-working possibilities of Wikis with a Wysiwyg user-friendly interface (HtmlArea3). You don't need to know any wiki-specific syntax anymore to create and modify pages : simply design your page like in a word-processor. Hot features : image manager (allowing upload, rotation, resizecrop), visual browsing / Conflict prevention system (lock) to avoid 2 authors to edit same page at the same time, alert system to stay informed when major changes appear on a page you decided to be and much more
(436 ratings)
Jamroom - Social Media for Musicians
Whatever YOUR network is about, you can build it with Jamroom. The BRAND NEW Jamroom 6.5 features dozens of updates and improvements, including a full range of responsive skins and designs to help you connect with others and build the network you want. The Jamroom team has been providing unparalleled service, value and support for over 13 years. See why so many users rave about Jamroom and wish they had started using Jamroom earlier.
(433 ratings)
LevelTen Hit Counter PHP
100's of real-time graphical traffic metrics reports can be generated by this free PHP hit counter script. Advanced interactive Flash Reporter tracks virtually every statistic about your site from page hits & visitor navigation to referrers & search engines to browsers & OS configurations to PPC & custom marketing campaigns and much, much more. Easy to install on Unix and Win servers, no SSI or other special requirements.
(433 ratings)
Cwfm (Comet WebFileManager) is a complete Web-based file manager with Explorer-like interface. Features: Multiuser with per-user configurable permissions; Multilingual support; No database required; Context menu in file and tree area; Easy admin panel; Access all areas of file system; No cleartext password transmitted over the line, Md5 hashing in browser; Directory list, make, delete, rename; File download/upload/delete/rename/view; File and Directory copy/cut/paste; File Edit/Create; Run commands; Multiple files operation; Zip & Download of one or more files; Upload & Unzip of one or more files; Raw and formatted file view; File description with short and long memo; User configurable options panel. 0.9.1 update: several bugfix; Added German, Indonesian and Polish languages.
(431 ratings)
PHP Photo Album
It is easy to install and run PHP Photo Album/Gallery script. No database required. Automatic installation on your FTP-server with just a few clicks. You have in a seconds functional phpAlbum. Caching of all generated thumbnails and resized photos, user management with possibility to protect your photos, access logs, automatic thumbnails generation, automatic IPTC-import, short and longer description of directories and photos, admin section for creating new directories, uploading photos and deleting of them. Works also with safe_mode="on" because of using FTP. Separated Layout(HTML) code from functional one. Two themes aviable, more under construction. Higly customizable colors and texts. Logo generator. And many new features comming soon ... so try it!
(425 ratings)
Gallery Script
This script creates a gallery from a folder of images. Just upload a directory with pictures and thumbnails to your web server by FTP. No database is needed. It lists all the images in a directory and links them so they open in a 'viewer' window. The images are sorted alphabetically by default. A custom order can be defined within a text file. The script is able to count and display the image views as well as text captions. The layout is template driven and easy to customize. The URLs are search engine friendly with only a qestion mark and a number (.../?42).
(419 ratings)
Inout Email Marketer - Standard Edition
Inout Email Marketer is a powerful, feature rich, affordable, easy to use solution for your mailing list management requirements that works on PHP + MySQL. It is designed to meet all your mailing list, marketing email campaign & newsletter management requirements. Features include: # Unlimited Email Campaigns # Unlimited Mailing Lists # Detailed Statistics # Automatically generated HTML code to subscribe/unsubscribe in any mailing list # Import Emails from HTML, URLs, databases, files etc. # HTML/Plain Text Email Campaigns # Unlimited Attachments # WYSIWYG Editor # Personalize Emails with predefined variables # Email Scheduling & Queuing # 1 year FREE updates # 6 Months FREE support # FREE installation
(417 ratings)
PriceUSD 49.00
SunShop Shopping Cart PHP Script - Cover Image
SunShop Shopping Cart PHP Script
SunShop shopping cart php script's major features include real-time shipping & payment processing with over 65 modules including PayPal Pro, Amazon Payments and Stripe, 1-Page checkout, fraud screening, HTML template based system, easy administration, product feed export, social media sharing, import/export data easily, FREE plugins and module included, currency conversion, advanced coupons and discounts, rewards points system, gift certificates, manufacturer and vendor support, custom fields, XML sitemap export, bar code generation, affiliate software support, unlimited categories and subcategories and product features such as unlimited options and attributes; digital download support and extended pricing; unlimited images and categories for products and much more. Now completely mobile device friendly with new responsive templates for both the front and the back end. Display your products on Facebook with our FREE plugin. All with our 14 money back guarantee!
(417 ratings)
PriceUSD 499.99
DRBRatings- Free PHP Ratings
DRBRatings is a simple script for putting a ratings form on a web page. You may use the star graphics that are included with the script, or replace them with your own graphics. Data is stored in flat files, so no database is required. Installation is quick and easy. The script prevents the same IP address from voting more than once. The ratings form is XHTML syntax compliant, and compatible with both IE and Firefox. Multiple ratings forms on the your site can utilize the same instance of the script. Included is an example page demonstrating how to add a ratings script to virtually any PHP page on your website.
(412 ratings)
Chipmunk Guestbook
A nice-looking guestbook and admin panel for guestbook. You can delete entries, modify looks, and ban certain Ip's from posting. Smiley icon support included. Support for BBCODE's hyperlinks and images have been added and the newest version has a completely new admin panel with admin option to edit entries. The new supports supports stylesheets and a new image verification for posting.
(406 ratings)
PHP Web Quiz
els PHP web quiz is a free web-based quiz software designed to create quizzes and surveys and migrate with your systems . It allows you to create custom tests or quizzes online, with questions ranging from true/false, multiple choice, and short answer. You can migrate it with your web application and users of your web application will be able to enter quiz system with login/password that they already have.
(405 ratings)
Results 101-120 of 1000