Most Popular Scripts
adSoftPro Autos
adSoftPro is a PHP/MySQL based highly customizable classifieds script for everyone who wants to build and manage used cars classifieds website.
Features: User-friendly installation process, SEO friendly optimized URLs, cache system to reduce page load time, search by postal codes, Google Maps integration, Google AdSense integration and more.
PriceUSD 34.90
DHTML Menu Builder
DHTML Menu Builder is an online tool for creating multi-level DHTML menus. Top-level elements of your menu will be purely HTML, so that the site can be browsed by the users with JavaScript disabled and so that its structure is transparent for search engines. You can save project in a cookie and continue editing later. Samples are available.
dBlog - blog CMS and weblog open source
Free (under GPL modified) weblog/photoblog and CMS platform to share your content online without technical skill. Fast setup, WYSIWYG editor, user comments, email notification, IP tracking, calendar, charts, polls, template editing (the standard one is XHTML/CSS compliant) and much more. Code from italy: docs in italian (soon in UK, DE, SP, FR too), the platform is fully localizable. Code: ASP 3.0 & VBScript
Automated Members Area Designer - M
posted byalexinUser Management
Authentication, Membership Management software. One Click Password Protection. Member area in minutes.No programming skills.Completed membership management solutions: Free or(and) Paid Membership, Unlimited number of Protected Areas, Login-redirection to personal Client Areas. Free of charge setup and support. Web based Admin Control Panel with directories tree image and user area (adaptive forms and modules) support manual and online Membership management. Self-installing software. Set it up and launch at once. One click on the folder, directory will be protected and Membership site created. Your web site is ready to register and authenticate users. Today you ordered product, tomorrow it works on your site. New marketing strategy, three products and licenses for one order.
PriceUSD 29.00
PHP Chat with Macromedia Flash Interface
posted byg8zinChat Scripts
Are you looking for a way to put live chat capabilities on your PHP/MySQL-enabled website? Are you a company that wishes to have a 'live-support' chat on your website for your customers? FlashChat is the best Flash-based chat software in existence, and was the ORIGINAL Flash-based chatroom when introduced in 1999. The current release allows for extensive moderator controls, multiple-room management, smilie support, background images, SSL transmissions, advanced chat logs, private messaging, advanced room management, CMS (phpNuke, postNuke Xoops, GeekLog, phpBB, etc.) support, IRC-like commands, and many more features. Options for 'live-support' for companies are available, as well as a 'spy' mode and dozens of easily-customizable layout options in the configuration file. Supports over a dozen languages, and options exist for easily adding & editing languages.
PriceUSD 5.00
Contact form with image verification (Captcha)
posted byadrianTNTinForm Processors
If you use a normal contact form then spammers will fond a way to automatically send junk messages through that form, so you need a way to verify that the sender is an actual person and not an automated script.
A good solution for this is to use an random code that is generated by a script the code will be displayed as an image so only a person could read the image and type the number. This practice is called Captcha image validation. The image also has a noise added to avoid any existent automated scripts that could read the text from the image.
The contact form also makes sure the user filled all the form fields correctly, when all fields are completed and the text entered inside email box is an email address.
PHP Code Snippet Library
posted bystuartc1inSoftware Repository
Store all you code snippets with this PHP application. It has many options available and highly configurable. Supports unlimited snippets, unlimted categories and unlimited libraries. Does not require a database!!
Amazing Frameless Go-Behind Popup Banners with Must-Click
posted bysupportinWindows & Frames
Launches a frameless (containerless) "go-behind" popup banner window that cannot be closed unless the banner ad is clicked on. (A no-right-click feature is included in the popup.) The frameless banner window persists, even if the launching browser window is closed. The banner window closes once the banner is clicked.
posted bypesselbachinNews Publishing
Contentteller is a powerful content management system with integration support for various forum scripts and designed for sites of all sizes and types. Written by a company with many years experience in developing successful websites, Contentteller is one of the most advanced and feature rich CMS solutions out on the market. Key features: Powerful but simple to use, Search engine friendly out of the box, Support for multiple websites, Caching for high traffic websites, Import and update everything from RSS feeds, POP3 email accounts, news servers, PAD, and CompatDB XML files, Powerful template and style system, Integration with 3rd party forum scripts such as vBulletin, XenForo, UBB.threads, SMF, phpBB, WBB or IP.Board, Optional Windows installer to install Contentteller without the need of a FTP client, Fully extendable with modules, Trial version available.
PriceEUR 89.00
TCExam - Computer-Based Assessment
TCExam is a Computer Based Assessment (CBA) software system (also know as CBT - Computer Based Testing or e-exam) that enables educators and trainers to author, schedule, deliver, and report on surveys, quizzes, tests and exams.
TCExam is Free Open Source Software, Web-Based, Platform Independent, Language Independent (includes translations in several languages and RTL support) and conforms to W3C Accessibility and Usability guidelines to provide equal opportunity to people with disabilities, including blind users.
TCExam is Web-based and it can be installed on almost any server. For users (test-takers), all TCExam requires is a computer or PDA with a Web browser (i.e. Mozilla Firefox or Internet Explorer) and an Internet or Intranet connection to the TCExam Web server. TCExam automates all assessment phases: authoring, scheduling, delivering, and reporting. It's easy to use and do not require expensive hardware to run, nor additional commercial software.
Inout SpiderSponsored
posted byinoutscriptsinSearch Engines
Inout Spider is the most powerful web spider software available on the net. It is base on PHP, MySQL and Hypertable database under Hadoop file system. Features Include # Scalable spider software # XML Search Output # You can handle Web, Image and News searches very efficiently # Unlimited Custom Result Channel # Domain Sets # Categories # Intelligent Result Indentifier System # Excellent page ranking methods # Create any number of API keys # Advanced Crawler Controls # Global/Individual Domain Depth Control # Global/Individual Domain Pages Control # Managed/Automated Crawling # Global/Individual Control for Automated Crawling # Keyword Identification/Retrieval # Search Logs # Statistics # Capable enough to deal with huge amount of data and concurrent queries # Distributed and expandable data structure for expanding to multiple servers as the growth of the system # Add or manage domains directly from the admin area # Allows users to submit their domain names for crawling.
PriceUSD 2,950.00
AllTheTraffic Supersurf
posted byAllTheTrafficinTraffic Exchange
Traffic exchnages are great ways to get repeat visitors and free hits to all of your sites. Provide a traffic exchange on your server for free with this continually evolving open source engine. It is PHP based with a MYSQL database and highly customisable, very simple and can suit any given design with a bit of modification. We provide support and customisation for a donation.
Dropdown HTML Element(s)
posted byilyalyuinMiscellaneous
Unlike JavaScript dropdown menus, this script can be used to dropdown any HTML block. For example, you can use it to create dropdown search forms or hint boxes. You can use the script to create dropdown menus as well. The script is very easy to edit and to use. All you need is to add id attributes to HTML elements and write one line of JavaScript code. Online samples are available on the homepage.
This is a free class to create PDF files without PDFlib (no extension is required). It has many features, such as: choice of measure unit, margins and page format, header and footer handling, automatic line break and page break, text justification, images, colors, links, fonts and encodings.
Butterfly - online visitors counter
Butterfly 9.0 is powered by ajax/php and shows online visitors on your site. It is dynamic - check, change and shows online visitors in dependence of time preset in custom.php and without refresh. Doesn't need any data base. Also, does not need enabled Java, Aplets or cookies. 27.12. Updated for more recent PHP
posted byTim GerundtinWeb-based Email
NOCC is a webmail client written in PHP that provides webmail access to IMAP and POP3 accounts. Features: Connection to IMAP and POP3 server,
Sending mail with MTA (Sendmail, Postfix, etc.) or SMTP server, Support MIME attachment messages, Multi-language support (more than 30 languages so far), Theme ability (you can change all the colors and fonts easily), user preferences, and no need of a database.
AkrepList PHP & MySQL Top Site Script
AkrepList Top Site Script is a PHP/MySQL-based customizable TopList script.Its a great skinable / template based topsite script.
AkrepList Main features include:
Easy installation and configuration config file; MySQL database backend; unlimited categories and subcategories, Random link; Lost password function; Webmaster Site-approval; Edit site; up/down/neutral arrows on the site unique hit listing, Websites can list their sites for free and in return they will receive a counter for their website.In this banner counter every webmaster can see website hits,Powerful admin interface: Web-based configuration, Add/Edit/Delete members, Site-approval, Mass E-Mail, Members list, Customizable Icons and Mails, E-Mail's, URL's and more.
Price 75.00
Powerful Exchange System PRO
posted byMafiaNetinTraffic Exchange
This script is an powerful exchange system for the most social networks.
PriceUSD 99.00
RosarioSIS is a free Student Information System designed for school management. It offers 10 modules to manage schools, teachers, students, their schedules, attendance, grades, discipline, billing. Printable report cards, reports and statistics will help you save time and make the right decisions. Last but not least, RosarioSIS is multilingual and offers Moodle integration.
ASP.NET 2.0 Free Tutorials : The GridView Control
posted bysanereddyinTutorials & Tips
ASP.NET 2.0 Free Tutorials : The GridView Control - In this tutorial you will learn about GridView Control, features of the GridView control, GridView supported field types and Creating a GridView control on a Page. The GridView control is the official successor to the DataGrid control of yesteryears. It is no longer listed in the toolbox, even though it is supported by ASP.NET 2.0.